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If you support BTS and CM : READ THIS PLEASE

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Hi all,

I know that this has been posted before by me, but it was a while back and unfotunately it fell by the wayside and became cluttered with OT stuff.

Pleased KeeP this thread on topic smile.gif

I am posting this again because the release of CM is just around the corner - and the work done by STEVE - CHarles and their little helpers is an astounding accomplishemnt for the wargaming Genre

But I am again troubled by what I'm seeing with regards to piracy in other threads.

here are the facts:

- BTS has worked their ass off

-BTS taken a huge risk by providing us with a game that meets our standards

-BTS has listened to what WE have to say

-BTS is relying purely on our actions and reactions to survive and see the rewards of their labor

-IF BTS doesnt do well or loses to piracy their will be NO SEQUELS - yes that means NO CM2 CM3 CM4 get the picture frown.gif

I was told last time I didn't get the kind of response I was hoping to incite because of the way I phrased it.

So this time I wont state my feelings about what should be done to anyone bootlegging CM


Guys I feel we have a great community here, even after altercations haven broke out, a tone of civility always returns, which puts this forum at level all of its own smile.gif With this in mind, I feel that even tho this has legal binding value, I think peoples word here will be taken as the truth.

I implore all of you not to bootleg CM, IF you have A burner and your buddy wants CM tell him to buy it, I have already told friends of mine to buy their own- and the reasons why - if they are your friends they will understand - mine did smile.gif

Please agree to NOT copy this for ANYONE,

there are alot of new members here and the other thread was cluttered, so please acknowledge this in good faith smile.gif


also indicate if youve preordered when you sign thanks (headcount) smile.gif



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I heartily agree to your terms (I would have anyway, just as a normal matter of principal - I don't own any pirated games). I'm also glad that you won't be sending 'the van' to Canada... We're unarmed.

Oh, and I preordered the minute my credit card got renewed a week ago. Done deal.


[This message has been edited by gaffertape (edited 04-11-2000).]

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Preordered, won't copy. Think I've sold a couple as well and have already refused requests for knock-offs.

I don't think BTS has TOO much to fear from pirating because REAL gamers recognize its value, for the reasons you stated. They will want to compensate BTS. "Casual" pirates wouldn't have bought it anyway (at least they'll get their asses kicked by the AI).

But if we make converts to the game and "loan" them the CD, it's no different than breaking in to Steve or Charles' office and stealing office supplies.

PS: I'm beginning to think that "the van" should be modeled in the game.

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Guest aaronb

Pre-ordered a long, long time ago. At least one other order as a result of my activities. I've got a burner - we use it to archive client information, and that's all.


<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I'm also glad that you won't be sending 'the van' to Canada... We're unarmed.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Speak for yourself, gaffertape smile.gif It takes about a year from the time someone decides to get involved in the shooting sports to the day they can own and shoot a rifle legally (and longer for a handgun), but you can still do it, even in Canada.


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In regards to firearm availability in Canada; Yes, I know - I was just being glib.

And I think I have another taker for the game , if he can get the Beta working - he's had some trouble so far, but I think we'll sort it out. Unfortunately most of my other friends aren't sold on military strategy games, even if they are this great. Their loss, eh.

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I think it's pretty tasteless to even mention piracy or warez-sites on this board in view of all the hard-work these guys have done.

IMHO, the best defense against piracy is to write a game that requires intelligence to play, thereby taking the pirates out of the loop through natural selection. smile.gif


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Preordered, long, long, ago. Right after the preorder was initially offerred if memory serves me correctly.

(BTS: I hope this means I'm one of the first to be shipped the game. ;) )

Have been waiting for what seems to be an eternity, but am absolutely positive it will be worth it.

Have no intentions whatsoever to make copies of the game even though I've already been asked to do so by at least one person.

Also, would still highly suggest that BTS consider the spawning option that I brought up a loooooonnnnnnnngggggg time ago (as have others more recently). Reason I say this is that I believe it helps take piracy at least partially out of the picture. It also, in my opinion, helps get people that might not otherwise consider purchasing a game like CM to at least try it playing with a friend that owns the actual legal copy, find out it is GREAT, and then they will be much more likely to buy it themselves.

Just my 2 cents worth.

Mike D

aka Mikester

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Threads like this really bother me,because they seem to tacitly say that pirating games from 'big' companies like,say,Talonsoft,is okay,but that everyone should hold off from pirating this one because the BTS guys are good guys.I've got news for everyone:John Tiller,who has designed a lot of games which were distributed by Talonsoft,is a really good guy who listens to his customers.The guys over at Shrapnel are equally good guys.Even guys who program games which are distributed by Microsoft,etc,are usually good guys.

Better advice is to not pirate at all,from anyone.Most of the guys programming these games could make much more money working on other commercial software,and making wargames is a labor of love.

Hope no one takes this personally,but I'm sure some folks will.

My only point is that the guys at BTS are no better and no worse than a lot of other guys in this field,none of whom deserve to be stolen from.

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Quote :

Mike Oberly: Threads like this really bother me,because they seem to tacitly say that pirating games from 'big' companies like,say,Talonsoft,is okay,but that everyone should hold off from pirating this one because the BTS guys are good guys.

Why is it that this is the second time I've simply tried to make a request to my fellow CM players that the context of the thread has to be distorted?

I have said nothing in regards to ANYTHING other than BTS and this products so please don't insinuate otherwise TY smile.gif

This isn't a debate nor was my last thread that got WAY off topic - I'm just hoping we can MAYBE get throught to some of the guys that are sitting on the fence debating:

"well should I copy this and let my bud have it "

cause if you think that NO one here is thinking that you are very very disillusioned

my aim though grandiose and absurd as it may seem to some, is to get all that frequent this board to agree to this and reply

so that the odds of BTS will have a long and fruitful life will increase dramatically, allowing them to make us more games

Yeh I know its selfish but I can dream right eek.gif


PLEASE keep this thread on topic if you wish to debate the topic of PIRACY, I ask you kindly to start a thread smile.gif

thank you



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Hey, I ain't copyin' nuthin wink.gif Even if I had the evil desire to give away copies of this game, I don't have the equipment, but I wouldn't do it anyway. I preordered several months ago now, and I'm trying to get my little brother to put down Force Commander and pick up Combat Mission, but I think he's too much of a twitch gamer to go for it... but I'm going to keep working on him wink.gif

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I agree with Panzerleader terms.

I'm planning to show Combat Mission gold demo in my wargame's club, here in Barcelona, Spain. I made a public advertisement to reserve the space and time in the club to make the show.

Every friday we have a show about wargame related stuff, movies, conferences, etc.

The average audience is 15-30 people.

Because I preordered the game, I know in advance that many, many people in the club will demand me a copy. NO!, only Gold Demo's for all :o

So I think it's not tasteless to mention things like these, because temptations will be great. rolleyes.gif

By the way, if anywone wants to visit Club alpha A.R.E.S. web page http://www.menta.net/personales/ares/

The page is in Catalan and Spanish, so it won't be useful to many people here biggrin.gif, but you can look the pictures smile.gif


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I do support BTS and CM. I also agree wholeheartedly with your statements and intentions. I believe the vast majority on this site (of which i'm proud to be a member) will do the right thing.

However, i have not pre-ordered eek.gif i do not want that to be interpreted in any way as a lack of support for BTS. I'm merely waiting for the Gold Demo to convince me to buy, that is all smile.gif

Nevertheless, when i do get the game i will not burn a copy. I give BTS my word on this smile.gif

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d00dz j00 Kn0w CM r0x j00. WaReZ goNNa CraCk gaMeZ 'n MakE PhAt BuRnz ...

CaUze FrEe s0uRze Be dA BoMb ... l8ter d00Dz

MK - roflmao

ps. For those who really don't get it ... it's a joke. Lighten up ...

[This message has been edited by Kraut (edited 04-11-2000).]

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Well if the last post is serious, and I was BTS, I would find out who you are and make damn sure you didnt get a copy EVER

OH and BTW to anybody else that may share these sentiments please feel free to come forward and let us know who you are, It will be nice to get an idea of how few people share your sentiments

That also figures you have no email available either



[This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 04-11-2000).]

[This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 04-11-2000).]

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Guest Madmatt

Pre-ordered but BTS cancled my order!!! frown.gif

Oh, thats right... Hehehe I get it free since I am a Beta Tester now!

Won't copy it for others (and boy have they asked) but turned on at least 4 other people to pre-order that I know of.

I won't even give or make a copy for my older brother. tongue.gif Every penny in BTS's pocket is another gaurantee that I will keep getting to Beta Test for these cool ass guys! biggrin.gif


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[This message has been edited by Madmatt (edited 04-11-2000).]

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