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If you could play anybody in CM, who would it be?

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I was just perusing the site dedicated to Garry Kasparov's 1997 rematch with Deep Blue, its fascinating. (http://www.research.ibm.com/deepblue/home/html/b.html). I'm not a very good chess player, nor have I been, but recently I've been fascinated with the levels of the game. I've always described CM to people who've never heard of it as "Chess, with guns," even though I'm not that familiar with chess. Anyway, the more interviews with Kasparov I began to read, the more pulled in I became. Then, I thought "wouldn't it be cool to play Garry Kasparov in a tournament style, best of 7 (or whatever) game of CM."

Then I thought, heck, who else would I love to play? So, here's my list of top 5 opponents I would love to play in CM:

1) George Patton

2) Erwin Rommel

3) Garry Kasparov

4) Norman Schwarzkopf

5) My clone (if I had one).

Looking forward to seeing people's lists.

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I can see the intrigue in playing all from your list except Stormin' Norman. Can't say that he has really displayed any exceptional battlefield achievements in his career unless that "end-around" move in Kuwait is bar-none a stroke of genious......not.

I think I'd substitute Schwarzkopf with "Black Jack" Pershing or William the Conqueror or Genghis Kahn.


<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Spacewrangler:

Then I thought, heck, who else would I love to play? So, here's my list of top 5 opponents I would love to play in CM:

1) George Patton

2) Erwin Rommel

3) Garry Kasparov

4) Norman Schwarzkopf

5) My clone (if I had one).

Looking forward to seeing people's lists.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

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Heinz Gruderian, for either chess or CM.


Well my skiff's a twenty dollar boat, And I hope to God she stays afloat.

But if somehow my skiff goes down, I'll freeze to death before I drown.

And pray my body will be found, Alaska salmon fishing, boys, Alaska salmon fishing.

-Commercial fishing in Kodiak, Alaska

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the british generals from the somme...ten minutes on cm could have saved hundreds of thousands of lives from being ruined.

that'll be cool to put on the box, if there ever is one...


"They had their chance- they have not lead!" - GW Bush

"They had mechanical pencils- they have not...lead?" - Jon Stewart on The Daily Show

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Old Crow:

I can see the intrigue in playing all from your list except Stormin' Norman.


Well, he might not have had the opportunity to show any battlefield tactics in Desert Storm, but you can bet he's extremely well versed in modern infantry and armor tactics. Oh, and he's got a 180 IQ to boot.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Iron Duke:

1) Mickey Mouse (So I could kick his ass)

2) Santa Claus (So I could kick HIS ass)

3) Hitler (Need I say it?)

4) Charles

5) Steve

6) God (hehehe...I won't say it!)


Mickey Mouse is, of course, completely evil. He is the virtual reality entity that Walt Disney left in place behind him to complete the conquest of mankind.

But God, now, that's a different thing. I had the opportunity, recently, to play CM against God (he's an avid fan of the Peng Challenge Thread, although he doesn't post. Something about every time he tries to manifest, it locks up the whole Board...)

Anyways, we began a medium map, 1000 point QB, Meeting Engagement. I had the Germans, God was playing Commonwealth troops. God told me, 'sod the rule of 75s, sod the rule of 76s, you buy whatever you want, Seanachai, but I'm going Mechanized'. What the hell, says I, and bought a balanced force of King Tigers, Panthers, and Fallschirmjaegers (don't tell me it can't be done, laddie-bucks, I was playing against God, and he sets the parameters). So my infantry advances, my armour advances, and I see this Piat crew come into view, and over on the right flank, a Daimler AC. So one of my KTs fires, and the shot ricochets off the Daimler, and takes out a Panther. The Piat fires at extreme range, and ricochets off the knocked out Panther, hits the Daimler and ricochets, and brews up the King Tiger. The Daimler fires again, ricochets off the knocked out KT, ricochets off the knocked out Panther, and takes out my only artillery FO.

So I emailed God, 'Look, do you want to play CM, or are you just going to screw around?'

Proving once again, that the Peng Challenge Thread is the thread most likely to be visited by deities.


Tremble, tyrants and you perfidious opprobrium of all the parties,

Tremblez! your parricidal projects finally will receive their prices!

But these sanguinary despots, But these accomplices of Berli,

All these tigers which, without pity, Bauhaus the centre of their mother!

We will enter the career When our elder is not there any more,

We will find there their dust And the trace of their virtues

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Very unimaginative

1. Benito Mussolini (He's clueless)

2. A peasant from Nepal (a sure win)

3. A legally blind Franciscan Nun (another sure win)

4. The top surviving German tank ace (at an age of no more than 40)

5. The Allied version of the above

6. A Buddhist monk with a Luddite bend (another sure win)

7. A slightly drunk believer in Astruism (probably a easy win)

8. Myself at age 20

9. A avid gamer from two hundred years in the future without a clue about WWII

10. The devil....maybe he could win with an Archer.

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Guest MantaRay

Good thread

1. George S. Patton and me against Erwin Rommel and King Arthur. Best part would be switching temas.

2. Jeffrey Archer (Author of Honor among Thieves) My favorite author.

3. Capablanca vs. Alekhine. The two best attacking chess players to ever live. I would just like to watch these two masters play a QB meeting engagement.

4. Albert Einstien vs. King Solomon. Once and for all we would see who the smartest man to ever live would be.

5. Al Capone vs. John Gotti. I'll give 2-1 odds that Capone kills him by the 8th turn.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Spacewrangler:

I was just perusing the site dedicated to Garry Kasparov's 1997 rematch with Deep Blue, its fascinating. (http://www.research.ibm.com/deepblue/home/html/b.html). I'm not a very good chess player, nor have I been, but recently I've been fascinated with the levels of the game. I've always described CM to people who've never heard of it as "Chess, with guns," even though I'm not that familiar with chess. Anyway, the more interviews with Kasparov I began to read, the more pulled in I became. Then, I thought "wouldn't it be cool to play Garry Kasparov in a tournament style, best of 7 (or whatever) game of CM."

Then I thought, heck, who else would I love to play? So, here's my list of top 5 opponents I would love to play in CM:

1) George Patton

2) Erwin Rommel

3) Garry Kasparov

4) Norman Schwarzkopf

5) My clone (if I had one).

Looking forward to seeing people's lists.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I would have to say Patton. The man was a bad ass, and pure tactician!


"No man ever won a war by dieing for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country."

-General George S. Patton, Jr.

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What about the Brit's friend, Monty? Well, before his head became inflated after the desert campaign.

I saw a TV prog, one of those spooky ones like Twilight Zone. It had an interesting take on the future of war:

In about 300AD, or whatever, wars WILL be decided with computer games. By then, all our resources would have whittled down and we would have nothing to build the tanks with! Plus, all the poeople would have been redesigned by modern office work to thin straggly alberts, and wouldn't be able to GET to the battlefield, let alone FIGHT in it. So, they play games and the loser has to kill the coresponding comrades in his country, and the winner wins his argument or takes a bit of land, whatever the fight was about.

Anyone see it?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

I would play:

1. Germanboy

2. Goanna

3. Mark IV

4. Hakko Ichiu

5. Chupacabra

6. MRPeng

and most of all, I would want to play Fionn Kelly.


LOL! You wouldn't last 5 seconds against Fionn! Silly little boy CM is for men!

Anyway, who would I want to play.. Hmmmmm...

How about Stephen Hawkins! Yeah! I would kick his skinny, whellchair ass any day of the week! Bring it on roller boy!


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by stevetherat:

What about the Brit's friend, Monty? Well, before his head became inflated after the desert campaign.

I saw a TV prog, one of those spooky ones like Twilight Zone. It had an interesting take on the future of war:

In about 300AD, or whatever, wars WILL be decided with computer games. By then, all our resources would have whittled down and we would have nothing to build the tanks with! Plus, all the poeople would have been redesigned by modern office work to thin straggly alberts, and wouldn't be able to GET to the battlefield, let alone FIGHT in it. So, they play games and the loser has to kill the coresponding comrades in his country, and the winner wins his argument or takes a bit of land, whatever the fight was about.

Anyone see it?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

is this star trek: the original series, a "taste of armageddon"? kirk blows up the central CPU controlling the games so as to force the aliens to experience the horror of war, instead of the sterile: "u lost one thousand citizens" then sending them off to be exterminated in the extermination chamber.


"They had their chance- they have not lead!" - GW Bush

"They had mechanical pencils- they have not...lead?" - Jon Stewart on The Daily Show

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jshandorf:

LOL! You wouldn't last 5 seconds against Fionn! Silly little boy CM is for men!

Anyway, who would I want to play.. Hmmmmm...

How about Stephen Hawkins! Yeah! I would kick his skinny, whellchair ass any day of the week! Bring it on roller boy!


Stephen Hawking: ...let's...go...punta...


"They had their chance- they have not lead!" - GW Bush

"They had mechanical pencils- they have not...lead?" - Jon Stewart on The Daily Show

[This message has been edited by russellmz (edited 12-08-2000).]

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