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Just Another Maniac Monday!!! Monday's Update @ CMHQ!!!! Yeah! Go Me! ;-)

Guest Madmatt

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Guest Madmatt

Hi guys! I gotcha Monday's load of loving right here!

Check out the new texture enriched POTD!

Catch up with the third installment of the Riesberg AAR between Robert and Jason. Good action this time around so be sure to check it all out!

Madmatt... biggrin.gif


If it's in Combat Mission, it's on Combat Mission HQ!


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how very cool - gun aiming posts on the Wespe smile.gif



[This message has been edited by JonS (edited 04-04-2000).]

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Nice, that avenue is begging for close in house to house action.


As I walk through the Valley of Death, I will fear no one, for I am the meanest mother*#*#** in the valley. (George S. Patton)

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Oh yeah,

Click on the CMHQ link, go away, set up a few PCR's, discuss some technical problems with a student, come back 10min later, still loading, go away,........

grrrrrrrrr! bloody banners!


"Heaven sent and hell bent

Over the mountain tops we go

Just like all the other GI Joes

EE-AY-EE-AY adios!"

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Echo: I don't think Patton's language in that quote was that

bad but it was along the same lines.

CM is going to rule. Steve and Charles will *own* the truly

realistic corner of the WWII tactical combat wargame market. smile.gif

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with the buildings so close together

I was wondering if it was posible to use infantry units to drill a hole between buildings instead of going out the door

and back in again?.

I know that simulating the hole in the wall is not in but Could a unit go from building to building using the common wall

between them?

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Guest Madmatt


One trick you can try is to allow the page to load for a few seconds (around 30 max) and then hit the STOP button on the browser. The way the pages are layed out they usually get all the 'meat' of the page first then load the banners. May work for you.

Trust me, the issues with TGN are VERY well known to me and I am taking steps to resolve them (some small and some large!) but this all takes time.


Hmmm Interesting question and I honestly do not know for sure. I *thought* that you could go directly into a buidling as you said through a common wall, but I will check when I get home and post the results. I know I have also seen where the AI would replot my infantry movement and basically leapfrog from building to building but that may have been due to the TACAI rerouting a poor path set by me. Either way, expect a report later as I have been wanting to check this anyway.




If it's in Combat Mission, it's on Combat Mission HQ!


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Simon Fox wrote:

Click on the CMHQ link, go away, set up a few PCR's, discuss some technical problems with a student, come back 10min later, still loading, go away,........

I resolved the problem by disabling the banner ads the hard way. Now _nothing_ will come to my host from Dserver01.iencentral.com. Ever.

I'm using Linux and I added the line Dserver01.iencentral.com

to my /etc/hosts. (To those of you who don't speak unix, that line means that my machine thinks that it is the ad server itself and it doesn't actually load anything.)

I think you can do a similar trick also on Windows but I don't know details.

- Tommi

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WOW! eek.gif Is it my imagination? or is that a Nashorn sitting there in the street? There's one place where Hitler made the right call... they originally had named it the Hornisse (Hornet), but Hitler insisted on a nastier, more powerful moniker... the Rhinocerous. Man, seeing that gets my juices flowing big-time biggrin.gif Thanks Matt!

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Guest hunt52

I think it's a Marder III, but wouldn't swear to it...

The Nashorn showed up in the heavy metal special section at CMHQ...

(Still really cool!)

- Bill

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Quote Madmatt on CMHQ:

"Check out the Panther, oh and don't forget the Marder III".

Hmm ..... yes i guess it's a MarderIII to biggrin.gif. Not so good a choice of an AFV to send into street fighting though, resembles a mobile handgrenade-basket. wink.gif.

Grtz S bakker.

PS: Did i just quote a whole line from Madmatt without a SINGLE exclamation mark ?

Geez ....... biggrin.gif

[This message has been edited by Bakker@home (edited 04-04-2000).]

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Guest Madmatt


I think you did! It's ok, I have some extra laying around as I buy them by the bushlefull!!!! biggrin.gif

I love how people jump right to the pictures and seem to skip all the text that goes along with the various features...Oh well... wink.gif



If it's in Combat Mission, it's on Combat Mission HQ!


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Um, not meaning to be pedantic or anything, but are you sure that's a Marder III?

This thread is telling me one thing, but the number of road wheels, return wheels, hull shape and superstructure are telling me another confused.gif





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Guest Madmatt


I tested out the infantry moving between buildings situation and the units will NOT 'drill through' the shared walls but will instead run out outside, hug the wall and enter the adjacent building through what I would assume would be its door or entryway. I tested this with the same buildings shown from the POTD.

ALL buildings graphics are static. They always use the same texture until rubbled. This is something that BTS would like to address in the future. What you are askign for is commonly called 'Pain Skins' and is VERY graphics intensive but I agree it does look very cool. Just play Soldier of Fortune a little while to see the cutting edge in this technology.

While the model may not BE a Marder III, thats what I selected. Remember, all graphics, models, sounds etc. still have not been finalized so maybe its just a placeholder graphic. Sorry for the confusion.




If it's in Combat Mission, it's on Combat Mission HQ!


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My first thought qwhen I looked at it was that it was a Wespe. After looking up some info I think it IS a Wespe.

A Marder III (built in the 38(t)chassis) has four large road wheels and no return rollers. A Wespe (built on the Pz II chassis) has five medium sized rpad wheels and three return rollers.

In addition, notice the opening in the superstructure to allow the gun to elevate. A Marder III doesn't have this opening as it is unnecessary for a tank destroyer. But the opening IS necessary for self propelled artillery to elevate its gun.

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thanks for the quick respone

Drilling a hole in the common wall was a

common practice during this period I think

the used charges and dynamite

well I can go without it but it would be good to add for CM2 '' Stanlingrad-scenario smile.gif Or patch

thanks again

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Guest Madmatt

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PAEZ:


thanks for the quick respone

Drilling a hole in the common wall was a

common practice during this period I think

the used charges and dynamite

well I can go without it but it would be good to add for CM2 '' Stanlingrad-scenario smile.gif Or patch

thanks again <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Now you need to ask yourself something:

Is breaching a wall or drilling through something that would have actually been done DURING combat? Placing demo charges and drilling holes would seem like things to be done PRIOR to an engagement and not something that would have been done while that MG42 was stitching up the room and B Company was waiting for you to move out.

Many people couldn't believe that engineers were not allowed to completely clear full mine fields during a CM battle until Steve and others found actual 'Estimated Times' written in field manuals for these units that showed the REAL length these processes took. they were MUCH longer than anyone would have guessed. By the way Enginers CAN clear Daisy-chained mines now without too much effort as these mines were 'Hastily Placed' and basically sitting out above the ground.

I think the dynamite you mentioned would be better used thrown at the enemy then blowing holes into buildings. biggrin.gif

Now rooftop movement, that would be cool though! smile.gif



If it's in Combat Mission, it's on Combat Mission HQ!


[This message has been edited by Madmatt (edited 04-05-2000).]

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Ditto Rooftop movement would be way cool

You know I read somewhere that drilling holes was a common practice I belive that

the used this tactic at AACHEE (sp??)But I'm not totally sure if it was done before or during the combat

Now on the other hand if my squad was to advanced towards a manchine gun firing at

the center of the street, going from building to building would make a better path

I'm not sure about the method use, but I'm know it was a tactic used

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Doubler seems fairly clear that using dems charges was smething done during combat. He gives examples from both Brest and Aachen. THe basic jist of the process seems to have bee:

1) clear current building

2) place dems charge against joining wall

3) move back from wall (1-2 rooms away)

4) blow charge

5) storm through hole created immediatly to take advantage of smoke, confusion, and temporary disablement

6) return to step 1) and do it all again frown.gif

Prior to large city clearing operations large stores of dems charges were stockpiled for this reason.

Check out this link for WHY it isn't icluded in CM:BO


(I learnt at Guachis' knee...)





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