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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jdmorse:

Speaking of the Senile-one I managed to provide some fireworks with some spectacular arty but am still bummed about losing my Hetzer to a STUPID gun hit right on turn 1. This probe of his is proving painful.


Morse you lunatic. I know I hit the sodding thing, but wasn't told anything more than 'front turret hit', and than it slid back out of sight. My normal instinct was to hope it had taken some damage, but to treat it like a threat. Until reading the above, of course. Now I know it's impotent, except, possibly, for a little MG action. Gun hit, eh? What useful intel you thoughtfully provide. Now, quick, blabbermouth, where's Jimmy Hoffa and who killed JFK?


After witnessing exceptional bravery from his Celtic mercenaries, Alexander the Great called them to him and asked if there was anything they feared. They told him nothing, except that the sky might fall on their heads.

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Seanachai you miserable sod. You know, that I know that you read this thread. Therefore a thinking man would know that to mention such would be to give you that information. Of course, knowing that, an intelligent man could reason that Morse is a blabbering lunatic, OR that Morse knows that I know, so therefore any information he gives is precisely the opposite of what is the real case. But wait, that would be too clever by half. You would reason that it is too obvious so therefore the information must be correct, so you act as if it is, but then realizing that I am aware of your self annoited cleverness you would assume that I would prevaricate on purpose so that you, being an intelligent man, would do precisely as I wanted you to do? Thus I have woven the conundrum in which you are tangeled. Is he a lunatic or a clever man, I knowing this would then drink of this cup of wine....[glup glup]....[thunk]


If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mikester:

Hmmm, let's see. A lousy lawyer from the great Communist state of Washington (why are you not in Florida with all the other idiot lawyers?) and a bloody limey. One of which claims to be an adult? Neither of these "replies" seem to deserve any comment.


Mike D

aka Mikester<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

But comment you did!

Couldn't help yourself, could you, mate? smile.gif



sh_t happens but life's short, so why worry about it!

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Mace wrote:

> ------------------

> sh_t happens but life's short, so why worry about it!

How sickeningly realistic and upbeat. Can't you grow cynical, or start harbouring delusions about your place in the world or something?

Oh I see. This is what you tell your soldiers before you send them into oblivion.


Kinda helps to be a member of an Army which belongs to a gun loving freak of a nation like the USA :D "You want more BARs? Sure, just back the truck up and take what you want. There's plenty to spare" :) – Steve

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What luck that StukaPukaPants should post just at this moment. Hear ye! Hear ye! For I have glad tidings. StukaPukaPants has this evening past had his armoured attack thrown back and crushed by OberGrupenBloodyStompinSicFeuhrerBastard!!!

Chalk it up Sir Lorak (he's my sponser you know). A major WIN for OGSF and a crushing DEFEAT against pitiful odds by STUKA!




OGSF will be happy to know that he pointed out a nice little bug with bazookas hitting the back doors of bunkers. No idea when this stopped working, but the fix was rather easy. It will be in 1.1.

- Steve

[This message has been edited by OGSF (edited 11-27-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken:

How sickeningly realistic and upbeat. Can't you grow cynical, or start harbouring delusions about your place in the world or something?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


I had the cesspool (and more prticularly, specific part-time occupants) in mind when I framed my signature (like it?).

As for me being delusional or otherwise about where I belong in the great scheme of things, best to reserve your decision after reading my response below. wink.gif

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Oh I see. This is what you tell your soldiers before you send them into oblivion.


No, I normally reserve that statement for my opponents! It gives them the opportunity to backout and send me a surrender file at turn 1. biggrin.gif


and for all my fans, here's that signature again:


sh*t happens but life's short, so why worry about it!

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Happy Ramadan, you joyful commemorators of other people's exterminations. Meanwhile, we celebrate our month of Holy Gluttony in the full and righteous knowledge that every morsel we wrestle down our throat (providing it is digested before the sun comes up) will strengthen our scimitar-arm in the ongoing struggle against Zionist depravity, a quick update of which follows:

MacStompie, in willful ignorance of the gunpowder revolution, equipped his men with Claymores, knuckledusters, and broken bottles. In a tactics that demonstrated a typically Celtic aggro-to-brains ratio, he hurled them to death against the cool, composed musketry of my thin green line. He's now skulking back to the highlands whinging about having been once again vanquished by wankers. Croda stands off from afar and brandishes his duck, although I sense from the whiff of smoke in the valley that he will soon be waddling forward to the attack. Marlow and the good Herr UnterpantzInspektor Morse I have yet to see enough of to humble, although I expect that the latter will soon suffer the indignity of having his forward recon elements slaughtered by Frenchmen.


"I can't listen to music too often... It makes me want to say kind, stupid things, and pat the heads of people... But now you have to beat them on the head, beat them without mercy."

V. I. Lenin

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Marlow:

My incompetence knows no bounds.

[This message has been edited by Marlow (edited 11-27-2000).]

[This message has been edited by Marlow (edited 11-27-2000).]

[This message has been edited by Marlow (edited 11-27-2000).]

[This message has been edited by Marlow (edited 11-27-2000).]

[This message has been edited by Marlow (edited 11-27-2000).]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Now why on earth would you have to edit this message 5, count them FIVE times? I see those English as a Second Language Classes are paying off.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jdmorse:

Seanachai you miserable sod. You know, that I know that you read this thread. Therefore a thinking man would know that to mention such would be to give you that information. Of course, knowing that, an intelligent man could reason that Morse is a blabbering lunatic, OR that Morse knows that I know, so therefore any information he gives is precisely the opposite of what is the real case. But wait, that would be too clever by half. You would reason that it is too obvious so therefore the information must be correct, so you act as if it is, but then realizing that I am aware of your self annoited cleverness you would assume that I would prevaricate on purpose so that you, being an intelligent man, would do precisely as I wanted you to do? Thus I have woven the conundrum in which you are tangeled. Is he a lunatic or a clever man, I knowing this would then drink of this cup of wine....[glup glup]....[thunk]


Yours is a dizzying intellect...


After witnessing exceptional bravery from his Celtic mercenaries, Alexander the Great called them to him and asked if there was anything they feared. They told him nothing, except that the sky might fall on their heads.

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Guest Big Time Software

OK you filth, listen up! I suspect that this thread is starting to cause the BBS problems again. And when it has problems, we at BTS have problems. Capice? (er, don't correct my Italian spelling if wrong. You are not worthy smile.gif). So, I am left with two options:

1. Close down this thread and ban every single last mother-loving one of you.

2. Suggest that you designate some fellow cesspooler to start up a new one THEN I will lock up this one (yes, I will let the rest of you live a little longer biggrin.gif).

So OK, who is it going to be? Seanachai started this one, but his mother dresses him funny. So how about a new martyr?

BTW, the reason I am suggesting that you guys agree on a new starter is because the last time the thread melted down there were too many pretenders to the throne, which required me to kick a lot of buttocks to narrow down the filth to one thread.

So... talk amungst yourselves. I'm getting all ferklempt (and don't correct my Yiddish spelling neither smile.gif)


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Guest Madmatt

Yeah yeah yeah. Don't mind wuss boy Steve.

Let me do a little clarifimaction and 'splain things to you lot.

At Midnight EST we will Padlock this attrocity once again. By then you need to have your collectives heads, pulled from your collective butts and be squared away to ruin yet further space on our server via a fresh new thread.

The physical sectors of the hard drive that this...THING exists has gotten so putrid that its beginning to seep out onto the floor of the server farm and other customers are complaining. Hell, Yahoo just called to say we are stinking up their neck of the internet woods. So ship out, and restart as in the enlightened words of HE HATH NEVER BEEN WRONG "GO TO BED!"


***Cleaning Cesspools Since 1823***

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I think that world renowned, dashing, debonaire, bald, 'pooler emeritus, man-of-few-words (most notably BITE ME), Madmatt should start our new thread.


"I came to Casablanca for the waters."

[This message has been edited by Moriarty (edited 11-28-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Moriarty:

I think that world renowned, dashing, debonaire, bald, 'pooler emeritus, man-of-few-words (most notably BITE ME), Madmatt should start our new thread.


Heck, I'd go with that, but it implies to much official approval. And, as all know, we are not approved (banned in several states, with the Utah senate considering new laws specifically regarding us). I would be happy to start it up afresh, because I don't know where Peng is. Or Berli could do it, he's around, but is that too high profile for him? I mean, he's already got Heaven on his back...


After witnessing exceptional bravery from his Celtic mercenaries, Alexander the Great called them to him and asked if there was anything they feared. They told him nothing, except that the sky might fall on their heads.

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Guest Big Time Software

OK Seanachai, I take back what I said about your clothes. You go girl! Start up another one and make the title a good one please. We are all going to have to live with it for a while I fear smile.gif


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Steve, Charles, Matt, Dog ect..Thank you for putting up with us scum. I suspect keeping all this filth in one spot keeps the board from getting too cluttered for the humans, so I guess we are serving some function by having a pool.

And also thanks for wading in and saying "Hi"...feel free to stop by anytime you are in the neighborhood...come early, stay late.

Elvis off to find the new incarnation.


What do we do with a terrible liar? Well, Great liars we send into the clergy.

Good liars we groom for politics. Moderate liars we supply with sherrif's badges

and guns, and the bad liars, well, we make them heroin whores. So what the hell

do we do with the Terrible Liars? Well, it seems we turn them into physicists

called "chrisl." Peng

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Big Time Software:

OK Seanachai, I take back what I said about your clothes. You go girl! Start up another one and make the title a good one please. We are all going to have to live with it for a while I fear smile.gif


Bugger, Steve and Madmatt have to agree on this one! I don't wish to generate a string of useless threads! Madmatt locked up my first alternate, and sent everyone over to Mace's thread. He also closed Berli's. But Mace, while a fine human being, is also standing on his head. Before I take matters into my own hands, just to have it ripped forth again, what is the official pronounciation? We now have a schims within the Moderator chain.


After witnessing exceptional bravery from his Celtic mercenaries, Alexander the Great called them to him and asked if there was anything they feared. They told him nothing, except that the sky might fall on their heads.

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