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Peng, I Am Still Taking Our Bloody Challenge Public

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Moriarty:

Absolutely, you can call me a Yank. You want one lump or two with your 4 o'clock Earl Grey, sir?


Earl Grey?

Earl grey!!

Nah, it's got to be Lan-Choo!

And biscuits, you forgot the biscuits!!!! smile.gif


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Great the Cesspool Lives, dunno what happened last night but I couldn't access the forum and ended up going to bed with thoughts of padlocks and no more Peng Thread,yep, very frustrating indeed. Anyway I'm glad to see that nothings changed and that everyone is in fine fettle, And Mr Von Shrad seems to have mellowed,I put my hand up Shradyboy, after reading your venomus post to Seanachaicoo I uttered some truly awful words about you, something about you having your head stuck so firmly up your ass was probably causing you confusion as to what the Peng Thread was all about, something about having no sense of humour, something about that great big chip you have on your shoulder, ohhhhhhhhhh I could go on but will spare the details. Anyway that said, seems I was a little bit hasty in my outburst, I still think you a complete ASSHOLE, ASSHOLE, ASSHOLE, got that? But hey, seeing as you (in my view) had the decency to offer, if not an apology then an explanation to Seanachai Via the Thread then, I for one will not Hang you out to dry YET, A word of advice Von Shrad save Lorak's post explaining what the Peng Thread is all about (if anything) and next time you feel like sounding off about Knights, who's in charge, whatever, read it first. And BTW Pawbroon...... must be bloody great being able to spend your working day hooked up to the net shouldn't you be actually working or something Love? That and two hour lunch breaks, Ohhhhhhhhhh to be French smile.gifcome to think of it, you could do with a P.A. on my way biggrin.gif


"What about those other a**holes? Mark IV? jdmorose? OldGimpyStumpoFile? Yak2? PatBoone? Gerbilboy?"

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by YK2:

And BTW Pawbroon, must be bloody great being able to spend your working day hooked up to the net shouldn't you be actually working or something Love?

That and two hour lunch breaks, Ohhhhhhhhhh to be French.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Shut up you overweight bitch!


Awwww, now I feel better...

You shouldn't have told me yesterday that my previous overweight post agreed with you by & large.

Or was it the romantic part?

Now I'm confused.

Speaking of utter state of confusion, I wasn't posting from my office.

I was doing it earlier in the morning before shaving.

I know that a 2 hours break and a late appearance at the office is a bit foreign to you assimilated Limeys but this also what being French is about.

Thanks for the likes of Von Shrad to highlight once in a while the fact that many of your ancestors died for us to do nothing with it.

If it could be a consolation, you did it for the Yanks to produce SPR and such movies...

Boy do I feel better knowing that my nationality alone is ground for some auto tauntings.

In your face!!



And NO Bauhaus I didn't say SELF EXPLORATORY.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Germanboy:

Pushbroom is obviously incapable of understanding the English language as soon as its complexity rises above the level of Tinky Winky, Lala, Dipsy and Poh. Else it could just be that I made a mistake, but that is not really possible, seeing that I am not only more beautiful but also more intelligent than him (he is married to a Scot, I am single, case closed).


Bloody Two timing Frenchy, you're married, and to a Scot no less, That explains why my recent marraige proposal fell on deaf ears biggrin.gif


"What about those other a**holes? Mark IV? jdmorose? OldGimpyStumpoFile? Yak2? PatBoone? Gerbilboy?"

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PawBroon:

Shut up you overweight bitch!



Ohhhhhhhhh does this mean I get to taunt you now? Now where did I put those pics wink.gif


"What about those other a**holes? Mark IV? jdmorose? OldGimpyStumpoFile? Yak2? PatBoone? Gerbilboy?"

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by YK2:

Ohhhhhhhhh does this mean I get to taunt you now? Now where did I put those pics...


Now that would prove beyond doubt that I am a member in that community...

I've seen you've change your sig by the way.



And NO Bauhaus I didn't say SELF EXPLORATORY.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PawBroon:

I've seen you've change your sig by the way.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

It is very gratifying to me to see my own footnote in history, while I am still young enough to savor it.

And this, without having to do something tedious like inventing the cotton gin (a stupid idea anyway, sops up the vermouth) or shooting a Beatle.

Thus the lowest-case chrisl, like the anonymous sculptor of Ozymandius, propels me into immortality... my name lives amongst the stars, the constellation Anus Major. Be sure to wear a hat, with something like that overhead.

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Well, blimey. It appears that I post a nice lengthy thread full of venom (and posted it 3 times so you wankers would notice the damned thing) and what do I come back to see? The seven malignant dwarves trading pathetic nationality jokes that were not:




D)Remotely Intelligent


F)All of the Above

G)Posted by dim-witted dullards whose synaptical topplements are so severe that they are best categorized as Caribou, and left out of the human race, as their comments are more reminiscent of the great "Nuh Uh, you are!" debate of 1994 than any coherent compilation of thoughts and words that could be called a taunt by any stretch of that word's denotation.

If you answered A,B,C,D, or E, you are partly right, and can stick around. If you answered F, you are all right, and are worthy of my loathing. If you answered G, then you are most likely a dim-witted dullard whose synaptical topplements are so severe that he is best categorized as Caribou.

As for the mythical Mt.Peng Map that I have gotten so many requests for (for which I would offer a heart-felt 'Thanks for caring' if this were a place where heart's were felt in any way other than by tearing it from your opponents chest) I am an insipid goose-brained moron. I saved it in it's default location (Saved Games) and then played it. Well guess what happens now? I can't load it in the god-forsaken editor, making it all but useless. Congratu****inglations, Matt, you are officialy a ****head. Your diploma will be coming in the mail in just 6-8 short weeks. So if there are any geniuses out there who know how to fix it, please offer. If there is anyone out there who is ambitious and wants to recreate the map, then I'm still asleep and need to wake up (push over YK2, and stop hogging the blankets!). Otherwise, maybe I'll do something about it next week sometime.

On another note, for all of you foreigners, tomorrow is the day in the You-Ess-Ayy where we celebrate the fact that in the year 1620 the Brits sent a ship of prostitutes and criminals to our shores (claiming religious freedom, ya right) and these people ate a big meal with the Native Americans before starving and freezing to death all winter long. So tomorrow, we will all sit down and families will be presented with enough food to feed twice their number for a week. We, however will spend the day gorging ourselves to the point of nausea before falling asleep in front of the television watching the Patriots lose to the Lions, and a bunch of balloons shaped like Rocky and Bullwinkle getting dragged down the streets of New York. We call this fascinating exercise 'Thanksgiving.' We are supposed to be giving thanks for what we have, but in truth are just celebrating the fact that we have the prosperity to live lives of excess and gluttony. As such, I will be visiting my family in Massachusetts, and most likely will return no files until Sunday night at the earliest. If that causes you consternation, then I say shove it. I shall offer no surrender files as some of my predecessors have done. If you want to beat me you will have to wrench your victory from my rigamortizing fingers, you sons-of-bitches!



- Senachai

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The best Mr. T site of all time of course is the Mr. T ate my balls site. http://www.geocities.com/nkpatel/mrt/

The "damn them balls is good" photo my wife made our wallpaper about a month ago.


What do we do with a terrible liar? Well, Great liars we send into the clergy.

Good liars we groom for politics. Moderate liars we supply with sherrif's badges

and guns, and the bad liars, well, we make them heroin whores. So what the hell

do we do with the Terrible Liars? Well, it seems we turn them into physicists

called "chrisl." Peng

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mark IV:

It is very gratifying to me to see my own footnote in history, while I am still young enough to savor it.

And this, without having to do something tedious like inventing the cotton gin (a stupid idea anyway, sops up the vermouth) or shooting a Beatle.

Thus the lowest-case chrisl, like the anonymous sculptor of Ozymandius, propels me into immortality... my name lives amongst the stars, the constellation Anus Major. Be sure to wear a hat, with something like that overhead.


Sorry to spoil your moment matey but if you took the time to read all of the posts instead of just the ones that appeal to your egotistical little mind, then you would know that my sig was infact courtesy of Pawbroon, So step down from your soapbox sunshine,the day when anything you quote goes down in history is still a longggggggg way away.



Originally posted by PawBroon:

Shut up you overweight bitch!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elvis:

The best Mr. T site of all time of course is the Mr. T ate my balls site. http://www.geocities.com/nkpatel/mrt/

The "damn them balls is good" photo my wife made our wallpaper about a month ago.


Thank you. I've passed the link around to my friends and will share it with my family tomorrow. Please know that the King of South Philly is still #1 in my book.


Did someone compare this to the Peng thread? I've apologized for less.


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There are one or two points I would like to make about one or two of you who seem to have one or two problems with one or two things or events or people who have posted a thing or two in this thread. {I may actually have 3 things to write or say, but I am not certain about such things (because I have found that when examining things [especially in parenthetical ways] that the act of examining changes the nature of the examiner and the examined)} I am extremely disappionted in each and every one of you who post here, except for This_Todd, who seems to have stopped posting, which can only be good for us all. Now if he would just wander off into a live volcano somewhere....

My disappointment knows no bounds. It is infinite. It is nearly as large as my beer belly.

First, I would like to fail to mention PawBroon.

Next, I would like to say something about Von Shredded's nonapologetic apologizing, however, he too will be passed over as it seems my brief disconnect with the webworld was not brief enough for my comments to have any valid temporal relation to that little teapot tempest at this time.

So, Its on to this whole Mr T business. I don't like it. I don't think it is appropriate for this thread and I think it should stop immediately. This is a family thread after all, and that Mr T has some very anti- family rhetoric in his checkered history. He is also a very large and inarticulate buffoon who wears "big gold." He has a bad haircut, and also a breakfast cereal was named after him. That fact alone is enough to banish him to the pits of hell for all eternity where Berli can monitor all the random, senseless "I pity the foo"s that will doubtless eminate from that idiot bastard's foo mouth. (Disclaimer: the foo comment is in no way meant to disparage our good friend and sometime 'pooligan *Captain Foobar* whom we sometimes refer to as "foo." I will disparage him elsewhere {OK foo isn't my good friend. he is a complete bastard with a poor complexion and tufts of ear hair the size of Elvis' cat Beavis}consider him disparaged here.)

{([i seem to be getting tangled into a massive parenthetical mess from which there will be no escape. ])}


Mr T. Yes that's right. Loooove Mr T. His wit and humor have gotten me through many a dark day with a smile on my face and a song in my heart. Many of you may not know this but the hip Mr T cut an album of ABBA covers not too long ago. It really rocks. I am buying copies for all of my friends for holiday gift giving . He also wrote a book in time for the holidays called "Chicken Soup for the Foo'." Filled with inspiring quotations, mostly from his days on the A-Team, and with childhood memories. A must read for all Mr T fans, AND WHO ISN'T A MR T FAN?!!!

OK, he's gone now. That was a bit unnerving. He was watching over my shoulder while I was typing that. Fortunately he is too much of an idiot to ask me to scroll up.

OK so let's all make this the very last mention ever of Mr T on this thread. Otherwise I will have to have his agent send him round for your kid's next birthday party to make a special appearance.



"I hope a bucket of nails falls on your head..."


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Self Quoted:

MrPeng, neither have you acknowledged any of my posts, nor any of my taunts.

You are a man of Tastes for you show to the rest of the wild bunch how to properly treat a French.

Disdain, contempt, lack of overall concern...

We need more like you.


Now onto my FIRST Penging ever:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>First, I would like to fail to mention PawBroon.


I'm honored.

It's the next best thing after Yuk non pregnancy.

I would like to thank the guy who educated me and the one who merely did the seeding.

My mother if she truly was who she pretended and most of all Senility because you are a worthless git and I am a good chap to lower life forms.


Now if you want to try some truly weird Twilight Zone ****e go visit:



And NO Bauhaus I didn't say SELF EXPLORATORY.

[This message has been edited by PawBroon (edited 11-22-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by YK2:

Sorry to spoil your moment matey... the day when anything you quote goes down in history is still a longggggggg way away.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Dreadfully sorry. In the kinder, gentler spirit of the reformed pool, may I suggest that there seems to be some confusion here?

I was referring to your previous sig, a quotation from chrisl which may be found not quite halfway down p.91 of this very thread, circa Nov. 20, and which appears in your sig directly above M. Pawbroon's comment, to which I was responding, and into which your lengthy (but surely not objectionable) proboscis appears to have not only intruded, but rested momentarily on your "g" key, as one so obviously erudite could hardly have misspelled "long".

By now you may have pieced together that I refer not to anything I have quoted, but to your quotation of chrisl's original mot. I know that your busy schedule may not permit reading every word of a sentence, much less a full paragraph, but the inclusion of nouns and verbs was not only to add spice, but to facilitate understanding of a complete thought.

Hope this helps, and have the nicest day! smile.gif

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mark IV:

Dreadfully sorry. bla bla bla Hope this helps, and have the nicest day! smile.gif<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Not to worry my awful man, I still hate every molecule in your useless form, despite the fact that you gave me that sweeet victory way back in the mists of time. And drunkeness. To revive you from this awful "new and polite" persona I would like to mention a discovery I recently made. It seems that my own personal "She who walks the hall tonight" wrote a term paper some time ago. The subject of this paper was: "The use of Relative Conjunctions in British Crime Literature".

Now I know that I promised to abuse Relative Pronouns if(as if there ever was any question about the outcome) I beat you faceless in a certain battle in a certain game. However, taking the time to dig up my old grammar books just for the sake of making your life more miserable than it already was, just wasn't worth the effort so I let that one go. I think.

So my question is this: Would it make your life miserable if I went ahead and abused Relative conjunctions instead? I thought about writing some detailed instructions here for all to use, I would really dislike myself if I didn't make an effort to return you to your miserable old hateful self.

Remember, I'm here for you if you need me.



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You are in danger of losing your soul, my boy. You dangle on a slender thread of silk over the firery pits of eternal damnation. I call on you to disavow this incestuous (not like you and mum) satanic fornication of mind and spirit that is going on between PawBroom, YK2, yourself and now Hiram......Good god man have you no shame (exhibit 1 http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/Forum1/HTML/012866.html (well actually we know you have no shame, but that's good, parenthetically speaking) Yer Mum and I didn't raise you to be no candyass frenchie's boytoy nor bondage slave to the Irish harlot of Babylon.Spurn this Jezebel, she will ruin you, suck the life from you and discard you as some hacknyed hasbeen.

Repent your evil ways boy, return to the true pool's calling, taunt, challenge, kill...repeat. There is then nothing more than this. This unseemly behavior must stop. Have I taught ye nothing. Yer breaking my heart as I break the backs of your decimated troops.

No more of this sociological cyber-interaction. Return to the old ways, eschew the dark evil that that unholy trinity represents, embrace the pool, let it's turgid waters close over you, embrace you with its gentle noxious caress. Remember the days when you were young, vile, and untamed. Go there, be the warrior of invectitude that I knew you could be when I sponsored you..


If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PawBroon:

It's the next best thing after Yuk non pregnancy.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Now why did I qoute that passage from your drivel? Seeing that you also pretend to be a happy guy and proud to be French still, even after the hard evidence against you, I have decided to once again present the coup de grace to your sense of national pride.

Four words: Kao Kao Bang and Indochine

Worse than Duran Duran and even Kajagoogoo.

The eighties were awful and I blame the French for it.

I've been working for 40 hours already this week and I was not even remotely sane before. Who do we blame? The bloody French, that's who. I could go on, but they just unlocked the shackles so I'm going went gone.

Send me a setup and I'll start murdering you this weekend.



"The succesful execution of a well devised plan often looks like luck to saps."

Dashiell Hammett

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mark IV:

Dreadfully sorry. In the kinder, gentler spirit of the reformed pool, may I suggest that there seems to be some confusion here?

I was referring to your previous sig, a quotation from chrisl which may be found not quite halfway down p.91 of this very thread, circa Nov. 20, and which appears in your sig directly above M. Pawbroon's comment, to which I was responding, and into which your lengthy (but surely not objectionable) proboscis appears to have not only intruded, but rested momentarily on your "g" key, as one so obviously erudite could hardly have misspelled "long".

By now you may have pieced together that I refer not to anything I have quoted, but to your quotation of chrisl's original mot I know that your busy schedule may not permit reading every word of a sentence, much less a full paragraph, but the inclusion of nouns and verbs was not only to add spice, but to facilitate understanding of a complete thought.

Hope this helps, and have the nicest day! smile.gif


To cut a longggggggg story short wink.gif I actually realised I had goofed just after hitting the submit button, but what the hell,I hate editing unless it's absolutely neccessary so I decided to let it roll. Now I will go crawl back in the corner and lick my wounds, And just to show the error of my ways * gets on her soapbox and shouts to all*

This sig should go down in history.......


"What about those other a**holes? Mark IV? jdmorose? OldGimpyStumpoFile? Yak2? PatBoone? Gerbilboy?"

[This message has been edited by YK2 (edited 11-22-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrPeng:


So, Its on to this whole Mr T business. I ... like it. ... Mr T. Yes that's right. Loooove Mr T. His wit and humor have gotten me through many a dark day with a smile on my face and a song in my heart. Many of you may not know this but the hip Mr T cut an album of ABBA covers not too long ago. It really rocks. I am buying copies for all of my friends for holiday gift giving . He also wrote a book in time for the holidays called "Chicken Soup for the Foo'." Filled with inspiring quotations, mostly from his days on the A-Team, and with childhood memories. A must read for all Mr T fans, AND WHO ISN'T A MR T FAN?!!!



In honor of the holiday (Oh, let us give thanks that there exists such a hero as Mr. T) and Peng's desire to see evermore T and T and T, here are a few links to Mr. T sites:








To the last I grapple with thee; from hell's heart I stab at thee; for hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee...

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jdmorse:

...she will ruin you, suck the life from you and discard you...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Exactly what I'm shooting for!

As for taunting and berating, I have strangled people with their own optic nerves of late, and instead of acknowledging me, they chortle about gray tea and 'You're a Yank', 'No, you're a yank.' Fie! This vexes me. I am very vexed. I build a fidel with their sinews and an oak tree, and they jostle over national nicknames. It seems that only that garganutan ape PENG and his parenthetical palsy elicits a response from the hollow men here. Apparently my brand of invective is far too high and mighty for the masses. As such, I will dumb down my posts for the rest of you.

Hey Stuka, you smell like poop. I'm gonna kick your butt. If you're from Australia, then I'm gonna call you Aussie. Ha Ha! Want some tea with your crumpets? Ha Ha!

Much better, I'm sure.

And as for my vacation with the others, it is my manifest destiny to follow women around and do their every bidding. Major character flaw of mine, but it makes me think that I may occasionaly get some, so bite me.



- Senachai

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by YK2:

Ohhhhhhhhh does this mean I get to taunt you now? Now where did I put those pics wink.gif


Would that be the pics of Pushbroom doing to himself what dogs do on a hourly basis because they can? Or something like that. blah blah blah.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Geier:

So my question is this: Would it make your life miserable if I went ahead and abused Relative conjunctions instead?... Remember, I'm here for you if you need me.

Hugs, Johan<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Dearest Johan:

Thanks for your sincere and heartfelt concern for my welfare.

It is quite unnecessary to drag relative pronouns through the sludge any further, since Pawbroom and his charming brood mare now have the whole language hourly on the rack. My quixotic effort to save the damsel "which" from debasement and violation must fail before the windmill of American pop culture... but fail nobly, old friend.

Your generous offer of "hugs" must be regretfully declined, as I would rather hug a speeding bus, a diseased cactus, an oozing basket of dung, the offal of a freshly-gutted sturgeon, or a red-hot ingot of pig iron. I know you meant well, though, and thank you for the compassionate thought.

As for a certain beating in a certain game, you will be pleased to know that my face has grown back, and has gazed ruefully upon the many catastrophic topplements it has caused since, shedding a tear of remorse for the pain of its many victims.

Please spare me further sorrow- don't send me a setup, and add to the many putrescent corpses on my conscience already. Please do not stick your head into the fan belt of the Mark IV killing machine, like a cute little brown and white kitty-cat in an engine compartment on a cold day. Please don't disappear into my maw of victory, like a writhing little eel down the gullet of a narwhal.

You're too special, to go like that. smile.gif

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