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Peng, I Am Still Taking Our Bloody Challenge Public

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Here I am, back after 3 horrid weeks, and the Pool has become the Scrota-Shandork chat room, and has nearly fallen off page 1 (cause? effect?). A bunch of squirey newfs and no-name spit-mongers have supplanted the truly vile denizens of my beloved cistern, and a sad thing it is.

I've some catching up to do, but let's hope there was something more worthwhile than the last couple pages. Can't turn my back for a minute...

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mark IV:

Croda bashing... Grumble grumble, damn Pool not as good as it used to be... Mumble, gonna need to do something... Probably involving a rifle and a clock tower... Grumble grumble...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

And let this be a lesson to all of us that the Pool, like any good ecosystem, needs our help, lest the nitrogen cycle be thrown out of whack and the unbelievably ugly Foo bird fly overhead.

You should excuse ol' Croda and Jefe, as they have formed a bond which only my total mastery of CM can bring. You see, neither can seem to beat me so they huddle in a corner of the Pool playing jacks, each picturing my face on the other, much like their respective significant others do on the privacy of the Internet.

I come bearing good news from all fronts. Chrisl, his men beaten and bloodied, stands poised like a reed before a hurricane, ready to break and be thrown bodily into a telephone pole. Poor Chrisl thinks he's got me, thinks he's managed to hold off against the worst I can offer but he's about to learn that he's only faced the first wave. Yes, the first wave has all ready ruined his little sand castle and soured his frisbee game. The second wave will wash away what little remains so that his forces will be but a memory, a memory held by an enemy that will make it the butt of those funny jokes that most nations tell about the Italian armed forces.

Then there's Oberst. I like Oberst but this has had no effect upon my men's accuracy or the quality of our ammunition. He still has a chance, much as the Germans did near the end of the war. Of course, as the combined forces of the Russians, Americans and whoever else took part in grand ol' WWII did not fall dead of simultaneous massive coronaries, it stands to reason that I will take the day here as well.

In the dark terrain that is the nameless land of CM, JDMorse wanders around like a blind Antwerp, bouncing here and there until he, by pure chance, falls directly upon my sword. JDMorse will be gone but little blue copies of him shall flourish in beautiful Spielberg.

Andreas, after badgering me relentlessly, now refuses to send turns. He receives a Magenta Card and 1/2 a demerit.

Berli has been paying me compliments, this means I'm about to die. Don't try to sugarcoat it, Berli, just give it to me straight, it's that sob from Hayward, isn't it? He's gonna shoot me off a barstool, isn't he?

MarkIV. Well, better than a Hotchkiss.


I've got far more annoying things than that up my sleeve.


You must wear awfully loose shirts to fit an oompah band up your sleeve.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

Then there's Oberst. I like Oberst but this has had no effect upon my men's accuracy or the quality of our ammunition. He still has a chance, much as the Germans did near the end of the war. Of course, as the combined forces of the Russians, Americans and whoever else took part in grand ol' WWII did not fall dead of simultaneous massive coronaries, it stands to reason that I will take the day here as well.



We hatesss the Meeks. We hatesss it. My preciousss.. My precioussss hamstertruppen... We hates the AI... that which buys us stupid units... that which pays for crack units... that which buys units busy smokin crack rather than fighting... that which buys units in armor that would rather shoot at squishy things than hard crunchy things... we hates it...

Oh, and Crawdad, where's my damn turn?!?


To the last I grapple with thee; from hell's heart I stab at thee; for hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee...

[This message has been edited by Herr Oberst (edited 10-28-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

Chrisl...stands poised like a reed before a hurricane, ready to break and be thrown bodily through my eye, straight into the frontal lobes, though no one would really notice, since I already have the personality of Phineas Gage.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Well said! It would however leave you a bit blind, which we might notice.


Slayer of the Original Cesspool Thread.

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You know, anyone who says the Pool is not as funny as it used to be, after reading the posts on this page, mine excluded as it is bile, mostly and vitriol mainly, is a snob and a fool. You're the same guys who got PBS to stop showing Monty Python late at night.


I've got far more annoying things than that up my sleeve.


You must wear awfully loose shirts to fit an oompah band up your sleeve.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Herr Oberst:

We hatesss the Meeks. We hatesss it. My preciousss.. My precioussss hamstertruppen... We hates the AI... that which buys us stupid units... that which pays for crack units... that which buys units busy smokin crack rather than fighting... that which buys units in armor that would rather shoot at squishy things than hard crunchy things... we hates it...


Poor Gollum!

Fallschirmhobbits been getting the best of you, or are you still ticked off about loosing that little ring?


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Ah, that crisp winter air, the sound of Germans blubbering about their mumseys. What's that, you say, did you ask if I just returned from defeating Seanachai? Why yes, yes I did. Oh, it took more men than we lost and at the end none of my boys had any weapons other than their own fists. Wait, I think I have a recording of the last few minutes of the battle:

Gritty Sarge: Well, boys, this is it, we're going to have to charge up that hill, through the fire from that MG42 and murder the last of those Hun bastards.

Patton: Sounds like a plan, sarge.

Gritty Corporal: Hey, you're General Patton!

Patton: That's right, I figured you boys needed some help with this.

Gritty but Slightly Shaken Private: But General, we don't have any bullets left for our guns!

John Wayne: Who needs guns, -Patting his forearm- when you've got these guns.

The Rest of the Squad and Patton: The Duke!!!

John Wayne: That's right, and I've got John Cassavetes...

John Cassavetes: And Lee Marvin...

Lee Marvin: And Sam Pekinpah...

Sam Pekinpah: And a case of whisky...

What follows is a mostly unintelligible din of punches, kicks, Hun wimpering and an unmistakeable plea to almighty god for help.

John Wayne: Sorry, herr partner, even the omnipotent padre couldn't save you from this.

More wimpering, some all out sobbing, and the unmistakeable sound of a man lighting a match off the cold, dead corpse of a German soldier.

Patton: -In between puffs of a fine Cuban cigar- Well, Wayne, we did it. Now let's go find the Fuhrer and knock his block off.


I've got far more annoying things than that up my sleeve.


You must wear awfully loose shirts to fit an oompah band up your sleeve.


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<h1>Panther drivers are just big wussies!!! Gimme a Tiger commander any day!</h1>

Panther Driver:

"Hmm, that Firefly looks too hard to hit from here, ahd he's not looking at me right now, so I think I'll shoot some squishy things instead."


"Oh dear, he's looking our way, I better rotate my turret back 85 degrees so I can aim at him too."


Tiger Commander:

Facing down a Firefly and a Sherman, one at his 1:00, the other at his 11:00. Turn starts and the Allied commander thinks to take advantage of the slow turret speed of the Tiger.

Tank #1 advances to the Tiger's 2:00 position and fires - ricochet.

Tank #2 moves to the Tiger's 10:00 and fires - ricochet.

Tiger calmly rotates turret right fires and misses.

Tank #1 shoots again - ricochet.

Tank #2 advances to Tiger's 9:00, fires - side hull hit - no damage.

Tiger fires again - dispatches Tank #1.

Tank #2 fires again - side turret hit - ricochet.

Tiger does a combined hull and turret rotation - fires and knocks out Tank #2.

Now this guy means business!!

Oh, and btw, Crawdad, where's my damn turn!


To the last I grapple with thee; from hell's heart I stab at thee; for hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee...

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sinaweek, err... Shornasheep, no, ah, Seanachai has accused me of firing shots in anger.

This I can categorically deny, filling his Britisher/Canadian/Polish/whatever troops with bullet holes fills me with nothing but an overwhelming sense of joy!!! biggrin.gif


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Herr Oberst:

<h1>Panther drivers are just big wussies!!! Gimme a Tiger commander any day!</h1>


Stop That, for Gods sake. What, do you work in the Real Estate industry, are you trying to sell a property?! After running an unpleasant marketing banner by us for the umpteenth time, are you going to start nattering on about your latest golf game, and advising 'the kids' about the value of getting into a good fraternity? Stop sounding off like you're afraid you've lost your pair, and play CM and post to the Peng Challenge Thread (Home Thread of the Return of the Prodigal Meeks) straight up.

Who's for a bit of a Meeksian sing-song, then, eh?

Well I've been a mad bastard for many a year

and I've spent all me money on whiskey and beer

but now I'm returning, with titles galore

and I promise to play the apostate no more

and it's no, nay, never

(clank clank clank)

no nay never, no more

will I play, the apostate, no never, no more

Well I went to the Peng Thread, where I oft times did post

and I tried to seize power, with posturing and boasts

I demanded surrender, they answered me nay

sure dementia like yours we see twelve times a day

and it's no, nay, never

(clank, clank, clank)

no nay never, no more

will I play, the apostate, no never, no more

And then I took stock, and chose to repent

So the Peng Thread I once more could freely frequent

they welcomed me back,and soon offered me power

so the newbies and squires now before me must cower.

And it's no, nay, never

(clank, clank, clank)

no nay never, no more

will I play, the apostate, no never, no more.

So to my allegiance, I've once more returned

and my former rebellion I thoroughly spurn.

Peng, Seanachai, Berli, have promised me this

that upon those below me I surely may...

And it's no, nay, never

no nay never, no more

will I play, the apostate, no never, no more.


After witnessing exceptional bravery from his Celtic mercenaries, Alexander the Great called them to him and asked if there was anything they feared. They told him nothing, except that the sky might fall on their heads.

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Guest Germanboy

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

Andreas, after badgering me relentlessly, now refuses to send turns. He receives a Magenta Card and 1/2 a demerit.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Excuse me Herr I-couldn't-care-less-about-my-impending-demise-and-will-therefore-erase-the-turn-hoping-nt-to-be-called-on-it. You are aware of the thing called 'night' which happens at different times around the world? Or is California special?

Cheeky monkey.

Newsflash - battle against SquawBroom going badly. Senileetch finds out that Churchills can be killed by Panzerschrecsks, and sulkingly reverts to using big guns. Geeks still suffering under barrage.



Der Kessel Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

[This message has been edited by Germanboy (edited 10-28-2000).]

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Guest Germanboy

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Chupacabra:

I don't have anything interesting to say, so I just shout a bit


First of all - I don't love Jesus. Second, if it pisses you off I am sure to leave it as it is now. Third, I tried and it won't work. Don't ask me why. I have copied the sig of Greg (Mensch) into my sig and it produces the error. I do a small correction (the same I do when I edit the post) and it won't work. I then undo the correction when editing the post and it works. I must say I find it rather amusing. So now I will just go on editing and wait for Grego to move Der Kessel to a webserver with a less inane adress than Geocities.

So - tough luck for you.



Der Kessel Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

[This message has been edited by Germanboy (edited 10-28-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

Stop That, for Gods sake. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Oh, all right! Not an apology, but an acknowledgement.

It was very late, and I was mightily, mightily pissed at the Panther, and was the only way I could yell out my frustration...

Herr Oberst

(still pissed at Panther drivers)


To the last I grapple with thee; from hell's heart I stab at thee; for hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee...

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I'm back and ready to finish mopping up you scumbags. I sent Peter a file this morning and he mailed me back saying "the end" so either he surrendered or it autosurrendred..I'll find out when I get home from work.

Cruda and Hiram should be begging for mercy soon enough and that slug Peng didn't bother to send me a file while I was away.

All this means I'll be looking for some fresh blood and would formally like to challenge Geeks or Germangirl. Having never had the chance to embarrass either one of those degerates. I think it's about time I did. Peng tells me that neither one are a real challenge but I have enough free time to take care of them. If you girls are interested feel free to send me any setuo file you choose and as soon as I get home I'll get to work teaching you a lesson you on't soon forget.


"To conquer death you only have to die" JC

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Gritty German Soldier: Vell, Hans, ve've managed to kill some more Americaners.

Gritty German Soldier #2: Ja.

Gritty German Soldier #3: Who wants sausages?

Gritty German Platoon in Unison: Me!!!!

All these men, after their marvelous battle with Chrisl, where poor Chrisl suffered a Major Defeat, would be sent to the command of Seanachai and get beaten to death by General Patton, John Wayne and elements of the third army.

So, Lorak, wherever you may be:

Seanachai: Loss

Chrisl: Loss

Meeks: Win, Win

Put a little star by my name, too. You know, just for the hell of it.

On other fronts, Oberst had been bringing things slowly back to even, we have one duel left and then it's lights out for the one of us or the other. When most of your tanks have 75mm cannons, it can be very depressing engaging in armored combat. Yes, most of dear Oberst's "Fireflys" have been Sherman Vs and, god forbid, Sherman IIs. However I am quite happy with the battle and if Oberst manages to pull it out, kudos to him.

Foobar is beating to death my French troops unmercifully. I should have known not to engage in combat with troops who yell out, in French, "Oh the hopelessness of life!!!" when given a move order at full morale.

Andreas, guilty and penitent, has started sending me turns again. I will remove the foul but he still has to work of the half demerit in the cafeteria.

I picked a fight with Lewis in the where's Gauchi post. He doesn't have much in the way of intellectual firepower but he has 200mm of stupidity on a 60 degree sloped forehead.

PeterNZer wants me to truly demonstrate my Russian Front skills, so he has given me, literally, 3.2 million conscript troops with which to rush his lines. Of course, his lines are manned by Green Canucks, so I have little to fear.

now it's back to the front.


I've got far more annoying things than that up my sleeve.


You must wear awfully loose shirts to fit an oompah band up your sleeve.


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Guest Germanboy

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elvis:

I really want to feel the pain of losing and badly and therefore would formally like to challenge [a pod] or Germanboy who is a great player and no doubt will kick my ass later. Having never had the chance to be totally embarrassed by him, think it's about time now. Peng tells me that he is a real challenge but I love losing so much.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Glad to oblige sucker - I shall prepare a setup.



<a href="http://www.geocities.com/greg_mudry/sturm.html">Der Kessel</a >

Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

[This message has been edited by Germanboy (edited 10-28-2000).]

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Guest Germanboy

Swanworf - no chance at the moment. If I played you it would mean that I have to read your posts. I need a lot more alcohol for that. Otherwise too painful to contemplate.



<a href="http://www.geocities.com/greg_mudry/sturm.html">Der Kessel</a >

Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

[This message has been edited by Germanboy (edited 10-28-2000).]

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Deep inside the murky recesses of The Original Cesspool, a Challenge was issued. It was a brave challenge. It was a bold challenge. It was, dare I say it, a beautiful challenge. And The Challengewas thus:

Come Get Some.

It was to be a fight to uphold the divine ideals of Chupacabrismo, and to smite the unbelievers with the pure vengeance of that righteous movement. An epic battle, so that children 50 years hence would climb on their fathers' laps and chirp: "Daddy, where were you when Chupacabra the Mighty issued The Challenge?" And O! how the proud papa would get a twinkle in his eye and a lump in his throat when he recalled that magnificent era, when true heroes swam the Pool.

However, shortly after issuing The Challenge, Chupacabra the Many-Splendored embarked upon a portentious journey to a strange, faraway land, where Girls of Spice roamed the air-waves, and beer was Good but Expensive. And while Chupacabra the Munificent explored this land and claimed it for His own, a gang of nincompoop wreckers and socially-malajusted deviants sounded the death knell of the beloved Cesspool.

But Lo! a new Pool burbled up eerily from the depths of Hades, as viscous and fetid as ever!

But the new Pool was missing something. Chupacabra, the Scion of Justice, was uncertain what, until, with His stupid goddamn computer on the fritz, He had far too much time to think. The new Pool was missing

The Challenge.

So Chupacabra the Indefatigable marshalled his forces once more. The Time of Trials is upon us. See, therefore, the Birth of The New Challenge!

Come Get Some, you bloody wankers.

To consecrate the (hopefully successful) appointment with the ephemeral and mysterious Wizard of Technical Support this Monday morn, The Challenge has been issued. All Pool-dwellers who are not too dazzled by the radiant aura of Chupacabra the Luminous are hereby not-so-cordially invited to Come Get the aforementioned Some. No Hamster will be turned away. Verily, all will have their chance to be Clobberized, be it with Shermans or Tigers or even those silly Canuck things.

The Challenge has been issued. Are you Hamster enough to accept?

Please contact Chupacabra, the Conquering Lion of Judah for more details.


Soy super bien, soy super super bien, soy bien bien super bien bien bien super super.

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I need another notch on my gun...your on. Hamsters at 50? Gerbils at 75, your choice, Straight up or silliness as some here seem to think?

It is a good day to die, and I don't mean me!


Official 3000th poster to the original Peng thread and present at it's demise

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Chupacabra:

Come Get Some.



You are ugly. You have no dress sense. The only thing more questionable than your politics is your parentage. And your choice of travelling companions leaves much to be desired.

I will pick one of Wild Bill's new scenarios and despatch you a death certificate presently. If you wish to put your affairs in order before your impending demise, I can recommend a good solicitor in the City. Of course, you could always call upon The Old Firm, but their timetable may be more accelerated than you would like.

I am greatly looking forward to the moment when I can use the deboned flesh of your head as a Hackey Sack™.

Yours faithfully,




"We forbid any course that says we restrict free speech." -- Dr. Kathleen Dixon, Director of Women's Studies, Bowling Green State University

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Ah, the assorted Cretins begin to rise - well, more like schlugger flubbily, really - to The Challenge.

In case this bit of knowledge escaped your petrified peepers, or failed to worm its way through the three-inch layer of lard surrounding your brains, may I remind you that The Challenge is meant to consecrate the new motherboard on my venerable laptop, which will hopefully be installed by Monday.

That's right, Muuuuuundaaaaaay. The one after Suuuuuuundaaaaaay. Muuuuuuuunday. Repeat it several times and you might understand. Maybe.

Hell, who am I fooling? The government might as well just number the days 1-7 and even then you pack of wannabe Mowglis would only get it by counting on your fingers.

In any case, I won't be able to send files until at least Muuuuuuuundaaaaaay. That's two (1,2) days from now. You know, the bad day when Miss Mommy makes you get up for school after Happy Drool Day.

As for what types of games I generally prefer to demolish my opponents in: canned scenarios are fine, I've played very few of them so any given scenario is most likely fine for double blind. For QBs, I'm not fussy, my only consideration is force balance. I usually play with Fionn's 76 rule, but I'm open to ubertanks as long as we both agree that that's the way it's gonna be. Oh, and under 2000 pts each is best for my computer.

You may now all go back to banging your curiously gibbon-like heads against the banana tree.


Soy super bien, soy super super bien, soy bien bien super bien bien bien super super.

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Ha HA! JD Horseface has been the first victim to send me a setup - I commend him on his bravery, however hubristic and ultimately doomed it might be. I will have the luxury of breaking up his sissy German attack in a leisurely fashion.

Chupacabra the Multi-faceted, Negus neghast, Conquering Lion of Judah.


Soy super bien, soy super super bien, soy bien bien super bien bien bien super super.

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