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Peng, I Am Still Taking Our Bloody Challenge Public

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PeterNZer baaa-ed:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Sounds good Mr Head, I'll join your whacky zanny race<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

On the way.

Tell me, what attracted you? The rodent bit or the chance to do gamey recon without fear of rebuke?



In wine there is wisdom, in beer there is strength, in water there is bacteria.

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Well here it is, the truth PeeBroom is a coward, I must say typicaly expected from a snail eating, baguette baking, can't drive if his life counted on it, short, I smoke five packs a day, I drink a shot of pastis before I get out of bed then go driving but it does not matter because like stated I can't drive anyhow Frenchie. you degenerate slime eating spineless sea cucumber! I win! I win by default! *happy dance* ok I'll give you three more days you "godwheredidalltheseamericantouristscomefrom?letspretendwedon'tunderstandthem" frenchie!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by A Man For All Sheep:

Chupacabra, you unbelievably handsome man. I desire to continue my general trend of blowing my wad early and then shuffling about like a zombie for the last ten turns, periodically stumbling forward into kill zones. I sure lost the last one. Your little green men were magnificent! And have I mentioned how staggeringly freaking handsome you are? How about an operation? I've never managed to hold my concentration on something for more than the two seconds it took me to parse: Edible? Yes/no If yes-eat, if no-ignore, so it will be interesting to see if I can do so without my brain exploding.

Double blind would be good, take you pick, something interesting.


On its way, dead man!


Soy super bien, soy super super bien, soy bien bien super bien bien bien super super.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mensch Schana in Corpore Schano:

Well here it is, the truth PeeBroom is a coward ... ok I'll give you three more days you ... frenchie!


To make a long story short.

I was off you PeeWee.

Sorry I hadn't consider the utmost importance of your 400 Pts challenge before heading south to pay a visit to the family.


Now we will be playing so I hope you've gloated to your heart contents because you won't be doing that for a while.


Goaty to YK2: I can teach your ass that yes, it can be spanked so hard...

PawBroon to Goaty: I do not take subcontractors!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by YK2:

Yep, on second thoughts Guess I need to try a little harder to reach the level of depravation of the other hardened Lackeys that post here.

I am currently working on it.



That was brilliant.

Poor old Senility is a little bit unexpecting I'd say...



Goaty to YK2: I can teach your ass that yes, it can be spanked so hard...

PawBroon to Goaty: I do not take subcontractors!

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Sunday afternoon, ~2:00 pm eastern daylight time, Clarks Summit, Pennsyltucky: Land of Giants, Where No Good Deed Goes Unpunished.

The Spousal Unit and the Offspring have departed for the afternoon with visions of jackolanterns buzzing around their Sugar Smacks addled brains, leaving Peng to his own devices. Football? naaah. Learn C++? NAAAH! COMBAT MISSION?! DAMN RIGHT.

However, one cannot begin an afternoon of death and destruction unfortified can one? Hell no. Archaic alcohol laws prevent the sale of anything other than beer from anywhere other than a bar on Sundays in the Land Of Giants, so the Peng thing went in search of beer...and found all of the bars; The Own Lee Place, JJ Bridges, John K's, in his lovely little hamlet of Summit, closed.

What to do? Drive on!

Jim Dandy's! They will have refreshments to take away! Inquiries met with this: "Sure, I can sell you a six, but I will charge you by the bottle. That'll be $15.00." The barkeep was not joking. I began to stagger back, ashen faced, reeling as if my nether bits had been thwacked by a heavy pointy thing. Being a semi decent sort he offered, "The Pizza Hut has package goods. Its right up the road a couple of miles."

Beer? At Pizza Hut? Three years in this strange land and I still do not understand the customs and mores of these strange people.

This Pizza Hut just happens to be right around the corner and down the street from my own particular domicile. What Joy!

My happiness was tempered by the selection: Bud, Bud Lite, Michelob, Mic lite, Coors, and ...you guessed it; Coors light. "American beer is like making love in a canoe. Its ****ing close to water."

So I buy the Coors. It has the highest barley to rice ratio of the bunch, and I hear tell that they actually allow hop cones to be in the same building while the stuff is being made.

Next stop: McDonald's. EEEEK! I know, I know, but every once in a while that lump of gristle and grease surrounded by all the condiments and that fake bun is just what the doctor ordered. The Doctor ordered TWO double quarter pounders with cheese, and brought them home and slathered them with Shotgun Willies Hotter'n Hell Jalapeno Sauce.

Then it is up to the computer room with two beers and two burgers and a gleam of Death in the eye. To dismantle mensch in a night QB: We are unstoppable. A veteran zook team just took out a PZIV (we think), and a Puma, forcing a surrender of the Army of mensch. Glory ,glory, glory.

There are no better Sundays made than this.



"I hope a bucket of nails falls on your head..."


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The Peng - mensch AAR by the numbers:

mensch - axis

33 casualties (8 KIA)

48 Captured (due to humiliating surrender)

4 Vehicles knocked out

Final Score - 8

Peng - 'mericans

9 casualties (3 KIA)

Score - 92

With an AAR like that, verbal gloating is completely superfluous, doncha think?



"I hope a bucket of nails falls on your head..."


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Peng you are a microbolic bacteria that I will personaly find a cure against (sit down germanboy)... you must have hacked the pbem.. where in the gods name did you get "Terminator" versions of Zook squads?? I never seen a Zook squad fire off six or seven rounds off in one minute taking out a Mark IV at 60m and a fast moving Puma at 120m??? if I was not the opposing player I would say wow cool stuff but I was at the end of those zook rounds. I'm off to pout in the corner now.

Next battle is no hold bars, thats right no more riding in the wind like the lone ranger and tonto at his side its going to be a Mike Tyson fight so cover your soft body parts I'm a biting hard.. and no tonto at me side.. worse, my wife is my G6.

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Guest Germanboy


Barad-Dur, the dark tower, has fallen. What do I say, fallen... Trashed, rubbled, ground to pieces and the remains recycled to build executive homes on the outskirts of Coventry.

Scoreline (for nothing else matters):

Sauron: 7

The witchking of Angmar: 93

Sauron's troops surrendered, showing more sense than their master who sent them forth to battle in the first place. Offers of worship, eating of humble pie, and building of small-yet-functional cathedrals (no plans with a length less than 150m need be submitted) will gracefully be accepted. The Old Firm will take over security at all places of devotion.

In other news:

- Blousehouse's troops are being routed (p.94)

- Battle against SquawBroom entering decisive phase, only fanatical devotion to the pope and nice red uniforms can resuce this one

- Bullethead soon to be trashed and slapped around like an unwanted stepchild

- Senilities tanks running on

- Peng in for a bad surprise

- Mensch lost again against his wife (wait, that's not news)

- British paras are chewed up in Ham&Jam

- Battle against Goriarty soo to be joined

(All page 194)



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The bold forces of Chupacabrismo march ever onwards, delivering crushing blows to all who stand in their way!

The Guy From The Country Which Beat Up The America's Cup...has challenged me to another fight, this time an operation. Therefore, his Red Devils will be getting slaughtered by my SS hamsters on Mr. Wilder's tidy little Arnhem map. Let the gorefest commence!

FollowTheYellowBrickRoada has this nasty habit of letting his infantry get blown up in buildings. That's what, half a platoon now? More to come, I'm sure.

Boreiarty: The carnage continues. The challenge now isn't to see whether I can send his sissified American degenerate welfare queens packing, but whether I can do so without taking any casualties. Because boy, that would be neat.

Dr. OuchyMcGrouchy hasn't sent me a file in a while. Maybe because he's hiding something????!!!!???

This concludes this edition of Updates from the Front.


Soy super bien, soy super super bien, soy bien bien super bien bien bien super super.

[This message has been edited by Chupacabra (edited 10-22-2000).]

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Guest Germanboy


Chicken chicken...

So are you going to fight or try to paper over your incapability to beat Squeals, the shismatic heretic?



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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Bullethead:

DEATHRACE Y2K: The Inaugural Running of the Cesspool 1500m Dash


I must say that does sound interesting, I will give it a go.


Work is the curse of the drinking class.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Bullethead:

DEATHRACE Y2K: The Inaugural Running of the Cesspool 1500m Dash


Hrm, somehow I missed this the first time through. Mind shooting me a copy? wink.gif


Soy super bien, soy super super bien, soy bien bien super bien bien bien super super.

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After eleven turns of sneaking about, the forces of good, righteousness, and lowercase names have captured a motorized infantry patrol commanded by the forces of darkness. Yes-- we have captured an evil pengian patrol, and we will remove all capitals from their names.

Each of the captives will be tortured mercilessly through constant and abusive exposure to smileys. We will keep them conscious and alert while forcing them to view films of smileys doing all sorts of happy things. Smileys on swingsets, smileys on ponies, smileys ripping the wings from small insects. They will be spared no amount of suffering until they provide for us the locations of all their forces and that of their evil leader.

In the event that these are specially trained blind troops, their eyes removed to prevent their cracking in the face of evil smileys (which is possible, considering how obliviously they walked into their captors), we will unleash a bit of sing-song recorded from Sneezy-choo-choo upon them.


Slayer of the Original Cesspool Thread.

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**von shrad breaking stick and shoving it in the quagmire, disturbing the many layers to see what kind of creatures stir***

Somebody in this god-forsaken place send me a set-up with some details.

What's a guy have to do to get a game around here?

Edited for content

[This message has been edited by von shrad (edited 10-22-2000).]

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Originally posted by the shaking, needle-tracked fingers of Speedfreak:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I must say that does sound interesting, I will give it a go.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Whoohoo, I can't pass this up. Somebody who thinks he can race just because of his name smile.gif Check your mailbox.

So that's 2 victims in this event: Speedfreak and SheeperNZ. The pace car has just come onto the track so we'll have all the gory details soon.

In other AAR news...

Gerbiltoy's Own Royal Hoseheads are just reaching their jump-off positions in a Hell of frozen, hilly forest for their futile attempt to oust my 4521st Penal Battalion from its position, eh? And yes, my 25 FOs and their mule lovetoy are ready and waiting.

Meanwhile, Geier and I are engaged in what promises to be an epic slaughter over the wine cellars in a small village. The map is small, the only place really to go is into town, and artillery is much in evidence. Fortunately, the wine should survive the bombardment, but I doubt the remaining troops will have the strength to dig it out of the rubble.



In wine there is wisdom, in beer there is strength, in water there is bacteria.

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And since I just sent me little laddies off to bed, a few messages in that vein...

PeterNZ: SSShhhhhhh... Be vewy vewy quiet... we're hunting hamsters...

Croda: Tut tut, looks like rain. Tut tut, looks like rain. And tell your Uncle Arty to get his eyes checked. I heard the booms, and had to go looking for where the shells fell. Certainly not on top of any of my men...

Hamsters: Put up yer dukes, put up yer dukes...

Turns away...

And if I weren't so tired from a weekend of honey-do-this, honey-do-that (makes you want to rip your ears off sometimes), I'd stick around and post some posts that would curdle your milk (Oops, sorry Y2K, didn't mean to imply anything).

And it shames me so, but I gotta be truthful at least this once (mark your calendar boys) I would have traded places with Peng today. PizzaHut, MickeyD's and all...


To the last I grapple with thee; from hell's heart I stab at thee; for hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee...

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by von shrad:

well it just didn't look right after I posted it...sounded kind of prickish.

btw..... *woof*<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Kind of prickish? Kind of prickish??

For God's sake man, if you can't put up a prickish post in here your voice won't be heard above the background gurgling of the pool.

Now, can you stand and deliver? Have you got a pair? (Or in the case of Y2K, a Rack?) And I don't mean some type of little "Oh-I'm-gonna-be-bad-just-this-once" post, but a glorious post full of vehemence, spite and derision. And directed at someone. That's how you get noticed in this thread.

The first type around here come at it like Rocky Balboa, head down, plastering you with vile commentary until you have to respond. Do you understand me, vermin-breath? Good.

The second type prefer a more artful cut, sometimes leaving the victim unsure whether they have been slighted or not, the intelligent poolers smirking, and the half-brained poolers wondering what they missed.

Given your earlier posts, and the timid nature of your comment (made mine crawl right up inside to read a post like yours) I don't think you're qualified for that post.

The third type are the passing vagrants, and well, they just don't get it.

So, von schrapnel, what type are you???


To the last I grapple with thee; from hell's heart I stab at thee; for hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee...

[This message has been edited by Herr Oberst (edited 10-22-2000).]

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Von Shrad can't be all bad as I believe he's into dirt bikes. Although staying on them is a bit of a problem at present, how many stitchs did your last 'get off' require Herr Schreddy?

Those pee wee 50's are notoriously overpowered and difficult to control are'nt they?

[This message has been edited by Stuka (edited 10-23-2000).]

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Well Her Eggbert since you put it that way.

Here you come crying foul like a soccer mom protecting her club footed son after falling on his pimpled face. Post this way...post that way ...why cant you be more like me. Go ahead and try to exert some pressure after a day of working for the REAL head of the household.

Her Eggbert: 'Can I stop now Honey?'

The Miss': "Quit crying in your toilet brush you sniveling dog! Now back to the bowl'

Herr Ovaries: 'Yes sugarplum'

Just because your better half(and probably only good half) would rather see you suffer through her drills of time killing than see you enjoying yourself gives you no right to try to upset your betters. Now is not the time to act like you have a backbone.

I can see it now. There you are alone, with your brush held high in rubber gloved hands and a coward's smirk on your face.

*sob 'I am not going to take this any more. I'm going to stand up for myself. I'm good enough...I'm smart enough...and doggoneit, people like me.*sob*

Now send me that file and I promise I wont put you to work, Herr Eggbert. I will however put your troops to work digging the graves of their fallen comrades.

STUKA; How did you guess it was a PW 50. It was just too much for me.

Actually my daughter has a PW 80 and I just bought the new YZ 426. Damn footpegs are sharp. 49 stitches later and I still went riding Saturday after the doctor advised me not to. Sure wish I had listened to him. You ride?


[This message has been edited by von shrad (edited 10-23-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka:

Yes Von Shrad you do have to beg...

Now roll on your back with your paws in the air.......

Thats right, now keep your tail wagging.....

Theres a good boy.

[This message has been edited by Stuka (edited 10-22-2000).]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Seanachai, while viewing Stuka rubbing von schrads' tummy: Er, should we be seeing this?

I'm all for kindness to animals, but do what PeterNZ does, and take it into the privacy of a shearing pen or something, you two.

Von Schrad, stop playing around, pick out someone you want a game against, and torment them with taunts and personal abuse until they send you a setup.


After witnessing exceptional bravery from his Celtic mercenaries, Alexander the Great called them to him and asked if there was anything they feared. They told him nothing, except that the sky might fall on their heads.

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