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Peng, I Am Still Taking Our Bloody Challenge Public

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Croda The Gaffer! Croda The Miniscule! Croda The Malformed! Croda The Lackey! Croda The Effluent! He certainly has you sussed Croda.



Something that flows out or forth, especially:

A stream flowing out of a body of water.

An outflow from a sewer or sewage system.

A discharge of liquid waste, as from a factory or nuclear plant


Bananas is my business

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>How does one get a swim pass to this fetid pool of slime and goo? There must be some lackey pool boy that can point me the way.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> YO! Lorak! We got a squire wannabe here, I don't think much of his chances frankly (may I call you Frank?) but he DID ask for the lackey pool boy and of course I thought of you immediately. I didn't get his brick size ... sorry.


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Is it safe to say that YK2 takes the cake as the most completely bizarre Cesspooligan? I mean we have some definite oddities in this pool, but what is the deal with YK2 and this Carmen Miranda thing? I can decipher even PawBroon's effluvium...but this character has me stumped.



[This message has been edited by Croda (edited 10-17-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Croda:

Is it safe to say that YK2 takes the cake as the most completely bizarre Cesspooligan? I mean we have some definite oddities in this pool, but what is the deal with YK2 and this Carmen Miranda thing? I can decipher even PawBroon's effluvium...but this character has me stumped.


Fancy a banana?



Bananas is my business

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Enough with the bananas already! I am within an inch of ripping that tree stalk of a head-dress you call a fashion statement and beating you with it until you are nothing but a quivering pile of banana cream and blood for Christ's sake!


And the proper plural form would be "bananas ARE my business"! Sheeesh!

[This message has been edited by jshandorf (edited 10-17-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jshandorf:

Enough with the bananas already! I am within an inch of ripping that tree stalk of a head-dress you call a fashion statement and beating you with it until you are nothing but a quivering pile of banana cream and blood for Christ's sake!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Ahhhhh you liked my head-dress then?

Guess its a start.



Bananas is my business

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Why Thank you Joe Shaw. Glad I could make you internet viewing nicer. I didn't take into account those that sill use flat rocks as PC's.

Went ahead and added jshandorf as a squire. Why? who the hell knows.

Also added Y2K as a squire also. There is just something about the bannana fetish that makes them(her?) a prime canadate to fit in with the rest of our rabid insanity.

For the rest of you mal-contents. I managed to get out several turns today. But not all of them. I decided to do something more important with my time... like wallpaper the inside of my refrigerator.



"Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats


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Choaka! Why are you still yapping here????!!! Stop playing with your bananas and send me a bloody file, man!!!

Unless of course you're scared to see what I've got in store for you...


Soy super bien, soy super super bien, soy bien bien super bien bien bien super super.

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Ahhh...excellent. Lorak, thank you sir. You make a fine pool boy lackey. Now... where's my towel and my fruity drink with the little cutesy umbrella, eh?

Croda, my fellow wretch, I will be returning later this evening until then I wait in anticipation of crushing you.

Joey, the offers still stands you little girl.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jshandorf:

And the proper plural form would be "bananas ARE my business"!


Not if it happens to be a CLEAR reference to a reportage done about Carmen Miranda which was indeed called "Bananas IS my business"...

Now if your only form of taunting is to pester people about their use of english when some of them are not even natives, then you IS a jerk.



Will you trade your Peng for a box of Seanachai?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by BlowPack:

Also added YK2 as a squire also. There is just something about the bannana fetish that makes them (her?) a prime candidate to fit in with the rest of our rabid insanity.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Well knowing (or not knowing in your case) the TuttiFrutti relationship I have with that banana misnomer of a YukToo, I am willing to do him/her/it/all of them Combo style as a Squire.

Now love, your first job is to try to beat some sense into Lorak and teach the bugger how different Y2K could be from YK2...

Seeing as Lorak is madder than the Mad Hatter himself, that one should be easy, I should say almost a Non-event.



Will you trade your Peng for a box of Seanachai?

[This message has been edited by PawBroon (edited 10-17-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Honey:

I can decipher even PawBroon's effluvium...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Pet, I can't be bother to be innovating in reply to that since your tauntings are mainly revolving around that particular point:


If you can stomach the stench of the Pool, not of the shower-free Frenchman, PawBroon.


So I'll be doing just the same and repeat myself since you are so grossly understaffed to understand even basic answers if they are not done time and again...


Now that's twice the same ravening idiocy in some of your posts.

Honey, we Frogs are not Shower-free, we are Shower-shy.

To be free of something you got to have been oppressed by that thing sometimes before that.

Can't remember when we dirty scoundrels were much concerned by corporal niceties in such an extent that we considered ourselves at war with soapbars.

And behold of the resilience of the Frogs.

Semantically (and historically wise), we also can't be free of that because no foreigner that I know of had ever shed his blood for us to be free of that thing.

Now get your act, breathe in a bag and try to be a little more creative in finding French shortcommings.

If all else fails, be natural it's insulting enough Honey.



Will you trade your Peng for a box of Seanachai?

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I started to get the feeling that the Cesspool site was starting to get too serious for the umm "crap" it is suppose to represent.

So I updated it. I believe most of you will enjoy the changes.

Oh, and I got rid of the Who is playing who page. Because there was no way in hell that was ever going to stay current or right.


Lorak the loathed.


"Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>And I quote LowRack:Why Thank you Joe Shaw. Glad I could make you internet

viewing nicer. I didn't take into account those that sill use flat rocks as PC's.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Quite right, I'm using the Pentlandite III (450 megachips) with a USB (Under Shrew Butt) interface. The shrew essentially has the USB cord ... uh ... inserted and the signals from the processor ... encourage the shrew to use the microchisel and digihammer to create the display. I decided not to overclock the shrew as the smell was a bit overpowering after a couple of hours and they REALLY got testy. Some have suggested using SLI mode (Shrews Locked In-tandem) in which TWO Shrews are used in tandem to speed up the refresh rate, but I walked away from the computer without shutting the monitor down and when I returned a couple of weeks later I had more damn Shrews than I knew what to do with.


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Nice update to the Cesspool page, Lorak. Especially my photo above the squire listing, aren't I handsome?

Hang on! Compliments in the cesspool? Wait a sec..........

[back in cesspool mode..] What a totally lame site Lorak! You couldn't design a website if a gun was held to your favourite chinchilla's head.

There, thats better.

Peng update; In the only pbem move worthy of mention I wish it known that Peng lies. While bleating yesterday about the gang bashing of an Infantry squad by several of my SS Hamstertruppen, the lowly one negated to mention that behind this squad was 3 or 4 more units of heavily armed Brits plus an A/C. So no more expressions of condolence or vows of solidarity with the downtrodden freedom fighters of the AoP if you please.

Send them instead to the survivors of Kampfgruppe Stuka....


Torture you? That...That's a good idea.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka:In the only pbem move worthy of mention <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Well if you would stop posting drivel on the board for two minutes, put down your banana bending machine, detach the cane toad from your privates and send me a turn, then you would have a thrashing by OGSF to blather on about. Ya festering ferret-fondling fodzgoblian.

While I'm at it - BurstBoils owes me a turn as well. Bloody typical, he starts a game, buggers off for two weeks until I've completely forgotten what the plot was, comes slinking back jabbering about his ISP and then does it all over again. Sod-stacking acolyte!

I'm in another game with Meeks after handing him his butt on a paper plate last time. This time a reversal of our first "unbalanced" game. Early days, but the only Hamstertruppen I have seen belonging to Meeks so far are dead ones.

Lorak's lads lay languidly dead.

HiramKnockKnockBuggerOffSedai has gone to ground again - guess I won't see a turn out of him until the weekend.

Damn and Blast! I need to be disembowelling another Kannigget to pass the time!


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by YK2:

Nope, Yep, Most definitely.



Good lord. You're a woman? I don't know that we've ever had one of those in here. Of course Peng claims you're just PawBroon's alter ego, but I disagree. I'm almost sure Meeks is the only multiple personality disorder case we have. I'm heading for the hills if the French become loopy as well.


After witnessing exceptional bravery from his Celtic mercenaries, Alexander the Great called them to him and asked if there was anything they feared. They told him nothing, except that the sky might fall on their heads.

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OK, well here it is Tuesday night and The lizard King is going abroad so I cannot play with him.

There is not one bastard besides Goanna on AIM and no other bastard currently in my list on bloody ICQ. I sent all my turns out a couple of hours ago. I am jacked up on coffee, xanax and cheap white wine, and there isn't one stinking bag of wombat's doo ready to play.

what the hell is this world coming to?

I finally read the last page of the mutha beautiful thread - from a link on Aitken's page of all places. He is a low little swine who should have several sharp implements gouged into his underbits repeatedly...but I digress. I am really on a rant here about the lack of humans to play with.

eeek there is Seanachai himself come on-line to the AIM thing. The battle continues at long last. He has been so busy being ill, and illuminating and otherwise a busybody yapping pain in the arse that he has neglected the ENTIRE FRIGGING REASON FOR THIS AND THE PREVIOUS "PENG" THREAD. That reason being simply, me. (yes I am simple with simple tastes. and yes, this is a local thread for local people). But that windbagging hamstergagging, big fat bald sagging bastard has been neglecting ME. That rotten SOB, who has made his name and reputation merely because he publicly (dammit bauhaus! PUBLICLY) called me out, he has been playing everyone else but me!

Hell hath no fury like a Peng spurned.

OK so Lorak the new page is friggin fabo. Michael Palin as a Knight of "Ni" is absolutely perfect you foul little elvish turd. They do say "Peng" in that scene. which is where my name comes from (this information supplied solely for the uninitiated, novice and nervous among the readers here. It is not intended as a reiteration of known fact for the Illuminati or as a request for money, although any contributions are, as always, welcome.)

OK well enough of me.



"I hope a bucket of nails falls on your head..."


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Did someone mention that three more posts and your cherry is popped? Yup I count 27 currently. It seems that at 30 you become a MEMBER and lose the "junior" status. It also seems like almost all (if not all) of your posts have been in the "Peng Thread." You are indeed a horrid thing if this is where you choose to spend the majority of your posting time...




"I hope a bucket of nails falls on your head..."


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka:

OGSF, I returned the file last night i'm sure, or did I forget the attachment?

Hehe, suck eggs either way....


Yes, you did send me a file last night, and I returned it this morning. Here you are posting rubbish and you owe me a turn. You clogging lump in a Frenchman's sinus!


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Dear Pengy-doolittle and FOSG

Is it OK with you pair of old whingers if I can get home from work before sending your returns?

Its dodgy enough posting this crap from the office, let alone attempting to satisfy your insepid blood-lust for files by risking my hugely overpaid job...

Go play with yourselves for another hour and a half and all will be well my dears.


Torture you? That...That's a good idea.

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by peng:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>(this information supplied solely for the uninitiated, novice and nervous among the readers here. It is not intended as a reiteration of known fact for the Illuminati or as a request for money, although any contributions are, as always, welcome.)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Peng...illuminati? what in the fnord are you talking about?

"someone you trust is one of us" Eye-2.GIF



"Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats


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[This message has been edited by Lorak (edited 10-18-2000).]

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