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Peng, I Am Still Taking Our Bloody Challenge Public

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ARE WE MEN OR ARE WE HAMSTERS? Hmmm, damn good question now that I think on it. But in any case I too show my solidarity with the other Knights of 'Pool by posting HERE! And I say to you brothers (and Andreas) that Geek's travesty of a thread must be expunged, nay erased from our memories so that it only remains as a foul and noxious scent (which is pretty damned foul and noxious to make an impression here) wafting into our nostrils. I mean after all, the man lost to ME!

But Gentlemen (and Andreas) I come not to praise the Original Peng Thread but to bury it. For it is dead and to deny that is to fly in the face of reality ... or at least as much of reality as any of US can reasonably be expected to recognize. It is dead, say I but yet it lives ... it lives in our hearts and in what passes for brains among us. It is fitting, I think, that Geeks is the one to have finally caused it's demise. He's not to be blamed of course, any more than you blame an innocent and ignorant child ... granted a particularly UGLY and Ill TEMPERED child ... for peeing on the carpet. And since it lives, let us make it live HERE as well. Let the grief pass and let the memory of the Mutha Beautiful Thread sustain us. And let the traditions engendered on that thread continue here. In view of that and with the sure and certain knowledge that the PENG THREAD WILL SURVIVE AND FLOURISH AGAIN, I offer the following in tribute:


The Peng Thread Is Dead ... Long Live The Peng Thread!


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'allo! 'allo! Look what I found somewhere...not that I've been there, and I didn't steal this, it kind of followed me here....anyway, it's UnderTheShoulderCrodaOdor's Battle Donkey! Or Meek's ass, whichever....


PBEM Developments -

Lorak, oh Lorak....

StukaPukaPants - organizing his armour so it can be killed in point value order when he assaults the Dragons Teeth

Hamsters/Meeks - today his men will die like the carp

HiramKnockKnockBuggerOffSidai - simply cannot post during the week, has offered his surrender in the Kanniggethood Joust as penance. Should I take it?

BlusterBalls - has reappeared, mumbling some rubbish about his ISP and $200. His lemmings are dead things.



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Guest Germanboy

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PeterNZer:

so cruel, all she needs is a little love, I nominate Germanboy for the task.


Sorry Peter, that task is firmly lodged with you. At her age she must be into bald men.



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Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone.

Prevent Meeks from barking with a juicy bone.

Silence Berli and with muffled drum

Bring out the coffin, let Seanachai come.

Let Croda circle moaning overhead

Scribbling on the sky the message The Thread Is Dead.

Stuff Joe Shaw down the white necks of the public doves,

Let jdmorse wear black cotton gloves.

It was my North, my South, my East and West,

My working week and my Sunday rest,

My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song;

I thought that thread would last forever: I was wrong.

The Mormon Wives are not wanted now: put out every one;

Pack up Andreas and dismantle PawBroon;

Pour away Geier and sweep up the wood;

For nothing now can ever come to any good.

Hand me my fecking flamethrower.

Professor Doktor Hamster X

Generalissimo and President-for-Life

Hamster Liberation Front


I Did Not Have Sexual Relations With That Woman, Ms. Lewinsky™

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Surely, o boy of Germanic descent, (well one outta two ain't too bad), you'd be much more suitable. In your dotage you'd probably find the pace of her 'lovin' much more to your appetite, why she might even go for it once, nay, twice a month!



<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Hamsters Wrote:

PeterNZ: He hasn’t proven to be particularly valiant but I think he’d make a good doorman<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

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Guest Germanboy

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PeterNZer:

In your dotage you'd probably find the pace of her 'lovin' much more to your appetite, why she might even go for it once, nay, twice a month!


While I can see how that would tax you to the limits and then a bit, I think you could do with a challenge.



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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Eathanwhosenamesoundslikeasneeze whined thusly: I thought that thread would last forever: I was wrong.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Well Stop The Bleeding Presses, We Have A Scoop! He was wrong, what a shocker that is. But it turns out that he's wrong yet again, because the Peng thread will last forever as long as we who nurtured it continue to honor our trust as true Knights of the 'Pool. Is it the same, of course not, all things change (except for Geeks of course), hell even Andreas is employed in the real world now. So buck up there, Eathan old chum, yes it's different but it's the same too (kind of a Zen thing I suppose). Here, let me prove it:

Eathanwhosenamesoundslikeasneeze has deployed his troops in some semblance of a defensive formation that he no doubt divined from the formation of Honey-O's floating in his breakfast cereal bowl. But his hopes of victory will be as chilled as the fingers of his frightened infantry who shudder with fear and cold ... but mostly fear in their foxholes as they curse the man who put them in the path of my invincible forces. But perhaps their fingers will at least be warmed ... on the flaming carcasses of the Detroit pig iron immolated on the road as testament to his hubris.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Chupacabra:

And PDHX - rhyming "one" with "PawBroon?"

I can hear Shakespeare spinning in his grave.


You're just miffed 'cause I didn't include you in my little opus. Maybe I can dash off a little something to sooth your savage breast, you hunky goatsucker you.

Chuppy went off with a goat

And put parts of its bits down his throat.

Yet he felt no contrition

At the resulting emission

But he said, "Cor, my back teeth could float."

Happy now?


[This message has been edited by Hakko Ichiu (edited 10-12-2000).]

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Gentlemen (and Andreas) we have a challenge to our authority as the keepers of the One and True Cesspool ... mind you it's only from Geeks and not to be taken seriously, but the younger and ill-informed on the board may not immediately recognize his brick addled state and think horrors! that his {shudder}cesspool thread is actually the One and True Cesspool. He has posted, on the public board mind you, the following travesty: <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I want nothing to do with your incestuous Brotherhood and I renounce it myself! Gone, Chup, gone are the days of the Illuminati and the self-serving Elders!!!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> It saddens me the more, I think, that we had welcomed him into our bosom (Not THAT kind of bosom Blousehouse, geeze get a grip ... not THAT kind of Grip ... where's the brick?). Why I myself had engaged in a PBEM game with him and traded Knightly insults on the thread. And now this treachery. Gentlemen of the One And True Cesspool (EVEN Andreas) ... I Call Jihad!


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Every respectable Knighthood needs a French knight.

Say, Lancelot was the best and he was ashaggin' the Queen.


I am standing here proud in the knowledge that not only was I one of yours but that I have once again the occasion to prove it.

I just did the last back up of the late Pool.

I have ALL of it.

The first page had been deleted but I can do some editing in HTML since I still have it from my previous back up yesterday.

My take on this is that I will post all of the previous thread in a single post on Geeks Confederate thread and nuke it with simultaneous 3000 posts of taunting glory.

Yes, french are dirty minded bastards...


Will you trade your Peng for a box of Seanachai?

[This message has been edited by PawBroon (edited 10-12-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>My take on this is that I will post all of the previous thread in a single post on Geeks Confederate thread and nuke it with simulatneous 3000 posts of taunting glory.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Gee I was just calling for a Jihad ... you really ARE evil ... I Like It!


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Seems young Hiram has thrown his lot in w/ the false peng, Herr Meeks...... figures.

With the resurrection , albeit briefly of CombaHaiku thread I offer

Winters shade approaches

Falling leaves disguise

The bloody dagger

I am a bit unsure of my ISP's behavior over the last few days. I ask that if you feel I owe you a turn to notify me posthaste. Now on to things in the accepted style...

I am in bit of a ethical quandary as that scum sucking bottom dweller with the brick in his head, Meeks actually sent me a set up in response to my challenge just prior to the transglorification of our late departed thread... Should I play the wanker? Hmmmmmm, more later. I am inclined to abuse him as my own private Pantagruel.....

PeterNZ (donkey lover and antediluvian antipodean) talks a lot but other than running his jeeps around to be shot up has not shown up to rumble. My PzGren deploy and move out, well actually there verdamnit trucks broke down and they had to hitch a ride with a passing donkey, thus I know he of the shiny spot on his head, shall show up thusly...

Morte.... was last seen dead., and running for the hills with urban renewal fast on his shiny tail.....He has 4 AFV's hunting him down with infantry moving in on the ground.

Grenouille Boy and I are I fear girding our loins for the final show down, mano a mano, smackdown Armageddon style, The bear of the north is descending into the vale of tears, the beast bearing the mark 666 summons his forces, women wail and rend their clothes, children cower as monstrous forces beyond our ken converge in on orgasmic shudder of annihilation

You others either slip my disease addled brain, owe me a turn or most likely do not matter.



Official 3000th poster to the original Peng thread and present at it's demise

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dang i was saving the peng epic for some light reading in case i was ever so bored that i couldn't watch my dvd of zero effect for the 20th time ...


"They had their chance- they have not lead!" - GW Bush

"They had mechanical pencils- they have not...lead?" - Jon Stewart on The Daily Show

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Reality and fiction get a bit blurry when one gets as Old as JD Morse I fear. My jeeps are hardly 'shot up'. One bravely sacrificed itself to FIND Herr Morse after he managed to get himself totaly lost. Another jeep just shot up some of his infantry, got bored and has driven off. I mean, ferchristssake, it was TURN 8 before any bloody sight of him was seen!

I should point out that the Wise Mr Morse has bought -air support-.. and the conditions are..


at night

Exactly what kind of super-human pilot do you expect to be flying? Perhaps hoping for some kind of timewarp when a passing b52 will come to your aid by carpet bombing the fringes of the town and inadvertantly giving you a victory.

And as for not seeing me, well I am not surprised, Your Hamsters must be well shagged after you marched them through hundreds of meters of snow. Nevertheless, I can see you quite well I am pleased to report. I shall inform you directly when I have you in my sights, i mean, sight.


Sneaky fellow this one. Seems my arty spotter spooked a squad of his tho. They ran into the building then cowered at the spotters feet before the spotter wisely legged it. I'm pleased his men show such initiative and I hope it continues.

Her Ob:

Amazing, my tanks abilities to ignore passing Bazookas. In the first 10 seconds of the next turn I find out whether I'm in trouble or not. I can only blame overt stupidity by my tank crews since i am a perfect tactical genius.


His slow butchering of the Sherbrooke Fusiliers continues. Not much to do in this scenario but retarget artillery and hide and unhide my squads.. here's hoping the reinforcements arrive soon.. Elvis has been as slow as mollases, but you can't stop the innevitable.

As for that other thread, burn them as heretics! Splitters!


[This message has been edited by PeterNZer (edited 10-12-2000).]

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The French redeem themselves! Hurrah for PawBroon the Evil! Not only did he get a backup, but he proves himself to be demented also. What a great day for the new drainage ditch (not large enough to be a pool of cess yet).

and what's the deal with stealing my song idea?



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I Invoke BLOOD HAMSTER! on Hamsters/Meeks(!) and Hiram and anyone else who continues to post to the "Other Thread" (without good reason, or well, bad reason, well Ok unless you are going over there to tell them to stuffit or something and taunt them and well, you get the idea...).

Everyone with me?


P. S. Kinda nice having posts actually post within a moment or two of clicking on "submit now," ain't it?

[This message has been edited by MrPeng (edited 10-12-2000).]

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Croda.....ya make me proud. The song was such a nice touch...*sniff*

Right then, on to where we were........

Since ourdearlatelylamenteddepartedthread is no more, I bring forth this snippet from the grave and last page of THE THREAD (genuflect) thatshallneverhaveanequal.....to make sure this missive is not forgotten or overlooked.

Me quoting me: <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>....Shaw, Hamsters and Hicupchoo all seem to have demeaned and called into question my family name and honor ...Therefore they are marked men. I serve notice, bile and phlegm upon your unwanted carcasses that I shall have my vengeance at yourexpense, anytime, anyplace the call of honor slighted needs be addressed.Shaw your puerile sycophancy of senilpee's observation calls into question your true obsession with Mormon wives, Meek hamster your schizophrenic attempts at a personality have of course driven the need for a brick to your head which I shall only be too to happy to administer as a coup d'grace and Hakko....well the less said the better, but the Japanese don't want him having to do with something about his personal hygiene .....you and all of you are challenged to be taken on in a combat of honor, mine, since you have each shown yourselves bereft and unable to grasp the essence of such a concept.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Meeks (not Brutus, perhaps Cassius, he of the lean and hungry look) had actually sent a setup in response and even though he has no honor I shall dismember him nonetheless, because we are Gentlemen, and while not reading each others mail, a point of honor is a point of honor.

As for you others, the stain of slander remains, yet to be cleansed


Official 3000th poster to the original Peng thread and present at it's demise

[This message has been edited by jdmorse (edited 10-12-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by The Abyss-dweller Formerly Known As Joe Shaw:

Eathanwhosenamesoundslikeasneeze has deployed his troops in some semblance of a defensive formation that he no doubt divined from the formation of Honey-O's floating in his breakfast cereal bowl. But his hopes of victory will be as chilled as the fingers of his frightened infantry who shudder with fear and cold ... but mostly fear in their foxholes as they curse the man who put them in the path of my invincible forces. But perhaps their fingers will at least be warmed ... on the flaming carcasses of the Detroit pig iron immolated on the road as testament to his hubris.


And this would be in the turn you are too afeared to send me? The one with all the burning Kruppstahl?




Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PeterNZer:

With you o glorious leader! blah blah blah


I must say that I am both shocked and dismayed at the behavior I have witnessed from Mr. Dickens today. Obviously the loss of the old Peng thread has struck him deeply. GET A LIFE!

We are engaged in battle!! Yet his last PBEM turn was quickly followed by a second EMail, the likes of which made me shudder.

True, he had raced some of his armor down the road to the little hovel in the middle of the map.

True, I sent my Sargeant York, toting his zook, on fleet feet into the same little hovel. Our forces met last turn, and after several shots from his Pz IVG, Sgt York still lives!!! T'was the turn that was ended, not Sgt York.

He applied his few remaining neurons to the task of submitting his turn and sent it to me.

Then he had the temerity to ask me to relay an account of the outcome of the turn since he feared losing his marvelous little tin can to one measly Ami soldier, and could hardly stand to wait out the day at work.

So, what did I do?? I taunted him of course!

With a wonderful story of simultaneous blows exchanged by my zook and his armor. Mutual annihilation in the highest degree, the likes of which caused his nearby hamstertruppen to hug the ground for fear of being blown away in the blast front of the cataclysm.

I showed you mercy today, Mr. Dickens, by amending my Email, letting you know it was fabrication on my part. I should flog myself for being weak, but perhaps the loss of The One True Thread has affected me as well.

Expect no further mercy!!

[This message has been edited by Herr Oberst (edited 10-12-2000).]

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