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Open data, possibility to add new mods

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I vote No.


1. I think it isn't technically feasible from what I understand of the coding.

2. I think it opens the door to cheating when playing vs other humans which would ruin tournaments etc in CM.




Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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I vote Maybe! As a new game let's get out and running before we cry for Mobhack. But I really don't think it should be discounted out of hand (unless it's actually impossible). The best example I can give isthe Steel Panthers games. When Mobhacking became available it gave new live to the game. Many sets of MOB were made. If memory serve contest were played out with special MOB. And of course all the terrific work done by the SP Camo groups, Andy Gailey, Scott Grasse, and many more gave extra life to that fine game.

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I vote no. For the cheating problems, primarily, but also because the AI needs a solid base to work with and tweaking the units could reduce its effectiveness.

The only thing customizable, aside from scenario generation, that I'd like to see is graphics and perhaps sound. However, they don't affect gameplay, and I think that integrity needs to be maintained.


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I vote NO, especially after downloading last nite, a recent DEMO of the fourth version of a war game that has allowed custom mods. Weird thing is that the DEMO was able to command my attention for all of about 23 minutes, and it has already been deleted. Long live CM and no MODS!


Richard Kalajian

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Guest Scott Clinton

IMO Peter is right on both accounts.

It is feasible...it would just take a LONG time to re-structure the code.

And cheating WILL happen. Hackers just cracked the un-hackable code on DVDs last week...took them less than a year after it came out. All companies can do is make it harder for hackers.

But what is the point of this entire thead...BTS said "NO", they own the code and it is there choice.

If BTS wants to encode the data to keep it pure or to restrict mods for any reason then I say fine. This is not Atomic we are dealing with if the data is wrong they will fix it. If you want Soviet units or Pre '44 West Front...just wait.


The Grumbling Grognard

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You're buying a game with CM, not a construction kit. You get the editor to create endless battles in the theater chosen for the game. You want T-34s and others - wait till CM2. You want fixes in the current database... well, if you're right, email it to BTS and they'll fix it. No reason for hacks and mods.

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Look what it did for Quake, years after it was outstripped graphically and in every other way.

As for cheating, just write the mod ability of CM in such a way that cheating is unfeasable. For eg send what mods are running as part of the PBeM file, and the other side can only make a move if they are running the same.

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Add another NO. reasons? I know Charles and Steve will update their database IF we can make a logical case for something. Unlike another game I beta tested where we pointed out mistakes and were treated as if we had the plague. Besides, we are talking a mom and pop organization here [steve, charles, no I am not implying one of you is female smile.gif] and I want to see a CM2 and CM3 and etc.


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Anybody can cheat in many ways already...

And it's up to you if you want to change the database and download modified databases or no...

Heck, look at what it did for CC3! It literally saved the game! (not that CM needs to be saved in some way, but some excellent mods might make it EVEN better...)

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Guest Madmatt

NO, this isnt an open architecture application we are talking about here. Any 'hack' or addon will have to modify existing data that is in the core executable since CM does not use any external files or data sets (the hallmark of an open architected product) to reference its data as in Quake, European Air War, Combat Flight Sim etc.... Since you MUST change code that is already there then this, my friends, is copyright enfringment as the code is the property of BTS and not us. Now if you just keep the hacked version for yourself then its really no foul, but as soon as you try and release it to others you are in essence breaking the copyright law!

I have seen a great many add-ons for other products shut down solid after threats from a publisher or design house,in fact just last week some great 'modified' CFS terrain was pulled off of a European Air War site cause Microsoft caught wind of the modification that utilized their core graphic files. Would that terrain have been nice to use? Oh yes, it was beautiful, but I understand the reason Microsoft did what they did.

BTS is encrypting the data for a reason and if you hack (no matter how noble or not the reason) you are pirating (pirating means more than just copying) commerical software and that is illegal.

What is to stop somebody from stealing the code in CM and using it to create their own product. Don't think for one second that industrial espionage doesn't exist in the computer entertainment world. A better answewr would be to drop the idea of Mods and see if you couldn't sway BTS to license the core engine for conversion! Now that I would like to see, but when you start ripping out someones elses code you open up a whole can of worms.

For the record, I work in a Fortune 10 company that has an entire floor of lawyers that review issues just like this to prevent licensing issues and lawsuits.


[This message has been edited by Madmatt (edited 11-16-99).]

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Voting YES

1. The cheat problem is overstated and can be overcome with good competition management.

2. This game is going to spawn clones from big-name companies with ready markets and resources to burn. Any clone that contains open data is going to be more popular than one that doesn't.

3. Despite all BTS claims to historical accuracy, the time will come when BTS will be wrong. Nothing destroys the atmosphere of a simulation as much as having to deal with something you know to be incorrect. This is subjective, of course, but that's the point.

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Thank you for informative post on copyrights and pirating. But I would like to add that your interpretation of US copyright laws may be leaning bit to the conservative side, IMHO hacking in itself is not an infringement the current US copyright laws.

And its nice to know that your company can keep that many lawyer busy and off the streets. smile.gif

Peter W

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