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Everything posted by MrWizard

  1. YES Look what it did for Quake, years after it was outstripped graphically and in every other way. As for cheating, just write the mod ability of CM in such a way that cheating is unfeasable. For eg send what mods are running as part of the PBeM file, and the other side can only make a move if they are running the same.
  2. Good idea, I was going to suggest moving the game up to 4 player, as it's turn based anyway it shouldn't make a huge amount of difference
  3. I really enjoy watching the action bits of CM, and I think it would be really interesting if at the end of a game it gave the option of playing the whole thing through again in unbroken action, showing you from the start to the end how it happened, without the stopping to think every 60 seconds... like a movie of the battle afterwards.
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