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Hitlers last thoughts - Joke

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An eccentric billionaire wanted a mural painted on his library wall, so he called an artist. Describing what he wanted, the billionaire said, "I am a history buff, and I would like your interpretation of the what went through Hitlers's mind when he looked through the window of his bunker last time before he died. I am going out of town on business for a week, and when I return, I expect to see it completed."

Upon his return, the billionaire went to the library to examine the finished work. To his surprise, he found a painting of a cow with a halo. Surrounding this were hundreds of Russians in various sexual positions. Furious, he called the artist in. "What the hell is this?" screamed the billionaire. "Why, that's exactly what you asked for," said the artist smugly. "No! I didn't ask for a mural of pornographic filth. I asked for an interpretation of Hitler's last thoughts!" "And there you have it," said the artist. "I call it, 'Holy cow, look at all those f..... Russians.'"

BTS - I checked with MadMatt and he did not thought this joke will get me banned!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken:

Hitler's bunker didn't have windows. =P<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

didn't the russians' artillery do a little "re-modelling"?


"They had their chance- they have not lead!" - GW Bush

"They had mechanical pencils- they have not...lead?" - Jon Stewart on The Daily Show

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How dare you! It is one of the most important facts of the 20th Century that Hitler's Bunker Had No Windows. For lack of a nice view and a bit of sunlight, Hitler became depressed and ended up killing himself. Goebels attempted to cheer him up by projecting a countryside panorama onto his study wall, but had to stop when Hitler started to cite the unspoiled view as proof that the Allies had no power over Berlin.

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Heh, great joke..! It reminded me of this one:

Brezhnev wished to commission a portrait to be entitled "Lenin in Poland" in honor of the fiftieth anniversary of the Russian Revolution. The problem was that Russian painters, being schooled strictly in the realist school of thought, were unable to paint an event which never occurred.

"Comrade Brezhnev, we would like to do it, but we cannot. It goes against our training," was the reply which the Chairman received from every artist he asked. Finally, after getting refusals from all of the great artists in Moscow, Brezhnev was forced to go ask the old Jewish painter, Levy.

"Of course, I prefer to portray actual events, but I'll do the painting for you, Comrade. It would be my great honor." Levy commenced work on the painting. However, every time that Brezhnev visited his studio in an attempt to see the work in progress, Levy rebuffed his efforts, telling him that he never allowed his unfinished works to be viewed.

Finally, the day of the unveiling arrived. Levy stood proudly by the cloth draped over his work. Brezhnev introduced Levy and gestured to his gift to the Russian people on the fiftieth anniversary of the Russian Revolution, a picture commemorating Lenin's historic visit to Poland. Everyone gasped as the cloth was removed to reveal a picture of a man and a woman together in bed.

Brezhnev was stunned. "Whoa, who is that man?" he stammered. "Why, that's Trotsky." "And who," Brezhnev inquired, "is that woman?" "That is Lenin's wife, Comrade Brezhnev."

"But where is Lenin?" "He's in Poland."

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