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That is F%$#$#^ Incredible!!!!

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I think we all agree that CM is basted (not unlike a young pig on a spit) in the sweet juices of reality. Therefore I would like to start a thread were the truly amazing and incredible is voiced. Screen shots would be great if you can even think to take one when the absolutly unbelievable happens.

I'll start, true story. I had a M8 Greyhound take out two (count em) two Panthers!!! It was that scenario (can't recall the name) where you take on this German supertanker and a couple of his buddies. It was based on a real battle where a German Sgt (Barksomething) got the Knight Iron Cross with blinking clusters etc. Well in my version a scout M8 Grayhound commanded by Sgt "Regular" Shnook does a deep end run, makes it thru a minefield and catches super germanboy and his buddy (elite and crack level) looking the wrong way. The M8 proceeds to take out both in about three shots!!! RIGHT THRU THE TAILPIPE!!! I couldn't believe it, needless to say the third Panther got my Greyhound but I'll take that tradeoff anyday. I finished the scenario with a total victory.

So that is my story...what's yours?

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This isnt so much a Miracle kind of thing that happened but darn lucky I guess. So here it is....In one of my recent games I found and identified a Panther atop a decent sized hill. It had a great view atop that hill and the chances of having a clear shot was better than mine, but nevertheless I positioned my armor to the left flank and proceeded to lay some fire on him. Hit after hit I waited with anticipation for the Panther to burst into flames. Finally the Panther turned its turret at mine and fired. The shell flew across my screen and RIGHT UNDER MY TANK BETWEEN THE TRACKS! Amazed at what I just saw and also the Crew of the armor they proceeded to backup and fired off a last round to end the firefight. It didnt burst into flames like I hoped but it was still knocked out nevertheless and I continued on winning a Total Victory. Heres a pic of the shell about to go between the tracks!(PIC DIDNT WORK :-(




"For every soldier that died at Dieppe, ten were saved on D-Day"

--Lord Louis Mountbatten

[This message has been edited by MoJo (edited 12-18-2000).]

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My greatest kill: Stuart kills King Tiger from 650m, side penetration. I musta bounced 15 of his BB's off him before 1 finally got through. I kept waiting for the KT to react of course, but he never did. That's what made it so tense. I think I had the perfect spot where he couldnt see me but I could see him. My opponent said later he never knew what hit him. God what a great moment that was. I got the screen to prove it too.



CM interface mods: http://mapage.cybercable.fr/deanco/

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Print Screen only copies the screen to your clipboard, in .bmp format.

Then open a graphics app, Paint (under Accessories) will do, and click CTRL-V or paste it anyway you choose. You will get a humongous bitmap.

The best thing to do then is get a real graphics app and convert it to a JPEG image. I strongly recommend Paint Shop Pro from JASC. They have version 7 out now and there is usually a free try-and-die version on download.com.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Kind of old topic but wanted to see if anyone has blown up an enemy halftrack with their own halftrack, I'm not talking about just knocking it out but have it blown to smithereens. I watched the replay over and over again and couldnt believe that a measley halftrack could blow up another. Has anyone else done this?

Click here to view pic


[This message has been edited by MoJo (edited 01-17-2001).]

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In the demo, I was playing Valley of Trouble (as americans). I had a Sherman shooting at the 75 pillbox, and it was shooting back. After about 5 hits with no damage, both the tank and the pillbox shot, and blew each-other up, at exactly the same time! I slowed it down, and re-checked and it was exactly the same frame that they blew up. Pretty cool.

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Recently I was playing a QB I had two Shermans and three Stuarts for tanks. (Computer chosen) The Germans had a couple of MkIV tanks and my Shermans managed to take them out. So for a couple of turns all the Germans had were a lot of infantry and halftracks. So I parked my three Stuarts ontop of a hill to deal with the advancing infantry and Tracks and all was going fine till this Tiger showed up.

My Shermans where elsewhere trying to get around the flanks when this happened so were no help. Well my Sturats start popping shots at the Tiger. I'm wringing my hands wishing the clock to tick faster so I can order the Stuarts to safety. The tiger was facing the other direction at the time. He was going up a hill for a clear shot I guess.

Stuart #1 fires. Shot hits nearby. Tiger stops.

Stuart #2 fires and hits back of Tiger and it bounces off. Tiger starts to turn turret and body.

I'm thinking, "Oh, crap! Oh, crap!"

Stuart # 3 fires. Shot bounces off. Tiger still turning.

Stuart #1 fires again. Tiger is turning still and shot bounces off.

"Oh, crap get out of there guys!" That clock seemed to go slow.

Stuart #2 fires his second shot. Shot bounces off. Tiger is more than half turned now.

I'm yelling now. "No, no, no, no!! Get the hell out of there!" (Wife thinks I'm losing it again at this point)

Stuart #3 fires his second shot and pops that Tiger good! Knocked Mr. Tiger out!!

I was amazed and stunned. I thought sure my Stuarts were about to become tank fodder. I love this game. It never ceases to amaze me and make me load just one more QB before bed.


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I had my best luck with a schreck yet. I ran my schreck across open ground. He arrived tired, took a nearby shell and was alerted... he then immediatly takes a bead on a hellcat over 170yd away and plinked him with the first shot. And this is 170yd shooting down a hill.. your sight's wouldn't take the extra gravity into account.

The unit was veteran, but not elite or crack. Here are two shots, one from the hellcat moments before death... you can see the shell falling towards it. The second is the view from the schreck. You can see the small shell just above the hellcat's text.




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