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Breakthrough to Kovel, my unintentional story/aar/review

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1 hour ago, Bearstronaut said:

I got through with a Total Victory. Guess I shouldn’t have worried so much. I just avoided the forest altogether. Used 434 troops to screen the edges and pushed up the right with armor. I lost two Panthers breaking up the Pak line but once that was dealt with it was fairly simple to clear out the place with the PzG company.

Outstanding ! job well done. The player is under a lot time pressure in this mission (mission 9) as the germans was in the real battle. When you look at the next (and last mission in the campaign) it makes some sense, i hope 😃. Good luck in the last mission, hope you will get a victory in the finished campaign.

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5 hours ago, Bearstronaut said:

I got through with a Total Victory. Guess I shouldn’t have worried so much. I just avoided the forest altogether. Used 434 troops to screen the edges and pushed up the right with armor. I lost two Panthers breaking up the Pak line but once that was dealt with it was fairly simple to clear out the place with the PzG company.

Excellent.  I have about 30 min left in this one.  Looks like we are going to hit the finish line about the same time!

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FWIW am on 2nd mission.  First ended with a Total Victory but with exactly 9 more inf casualties than you.  I would say that many were from friendly fire.  Tank HE explosions (and even friendly arty HE over 100m from impact).  But also from ricochets. 

We all know that anything under 50 caliber is not supposed to hurt your men.  But, if one pours on a lot of smaller caliber fire on (say) a building that one's own inf are closing in on to assault, the ricochets can and will cause friendly casualties.  It's a rather neat feature of CM.  

Enjoying 2nd mission.  One of my favorite tactics is to use the kubelwagons to send two man scouts quickly far ahead, while the AG's wait safely to see any Russian tanks get located.  Once one knows where Russian tanks are situated it is (usually) relatively safe/efficient to use the German AFV's as snipers.  Am still cautious in case of ATG's however.

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15 hours ago, Erwin said:

FWIW am on 2nd mission.  First ended with a Total Victory but with exactly 9 more inf casualties than you.  I would say that many were from friendly fire.  Tank HE explosions (and even friendly arty HE over 100m from impact).  But also from ricochets. 

We all know that anything under 50 caliber is not supposed to hurt your men.  But, if one pours on a lot of smaller caliber fire on (say) a building that one's own inf are closing in on to assault, the ricochets can and will cause friendly casualties.  It's a rather neat feature of CM.  

Enjoying 2nd mission.  One of my favorite tactics is to use the kubelwagons to send two man scouts quickly far ahead, while the AG's wait safely to see any Russian tanks get located.  Once one knows where Russian tanks are situated it is (usually) relatively safe/efficient to use the German AFV's as snipers.  Am still cautious in case of ATG's however.

Excellent.  I do want to hear how you tackle that one!  And yep, I agree.  I do it to myself all the time be it artillery, armor or the ricochets that do happen.  It's the price of aggression, haha!  

In the words of General Patton, "I want you to drive down that road til you get blown up."


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With the road cleared through the woods, I pull my Panther back to join the others as time creeps on me.  The only option I really have is to press forward with my tanks to find the enemy guns and silence them.  It's risky, I am going to take losses but the clock is forcing my hand.

And just as expected, rounds begin bouncing off my armor as my commander desperately searches for the enemy guns through his cold and frosted viewing block.

Not only has he spotted a couple of 76mm guns but also one or two infantry guns.  Eventually, a round makes it through and the crew bails.


The dreaded Ratcha-Bums.


Meanwhile on the forest road, a lone Soviet armored car intrudes on a farm clearing where my men have set up to guard the road as the StuGs and halftracks make their traverse.  A waiting Panzerschreck team makes short work of the enemy scout.


From the high ground on my far right, the Panthers have set up a base of fire and slowly roll forward with the intent of breaking the enemy Pak line.  Guns are spotted and fired upon in unison, slowly knocking out the biggest threat to my advance.  With the guns cleared I can finally make a run on the exit zones and hopefully have enough time to drive the enemy off some of their objectives.


As expected, but thankfully not KO'd, one of my Panthers does get a track knocked off by enemy fire and is immobilized. 

Now, my Panthers have driven off the high ground on the right and pressed directly into the suspected enemy AT gun positions.  My Panzergrenadiers have also regrouped and are awaiting orders to move in and drive off any enemy presence still lurking around the forest.  Most troublesome is the objective to my left.  Two StuGs and elements of both 5th and 3rd Kompanie have exited the woods but now have to make a run on the other objective at the very end of the map.  Enemy AA positions have been spotted around my objective and I know the Soviets are not going to let me walk on by. My plan is to cut across the open space and then jump back on the road to get into position for the final assault.


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Time is ticking and my troops have to move, NOW.


On the right, supported by the Panthers which have take up positions and continue to fire on everything that moves, 3rd Kompanie moves up and secures the road objective.  From here my Panzergrenadiers can rush into suspected enemy positions to clear out any survivors.  On this side of the battlefield the German tanks have exacted a hefty toll on the defenders.


On the left, one of my mighty StuGs starts "slicing the pie" around the edge of the forest hyper alert for any signs of the enemy guns.  I've had the area under observation by the 5th SS recon element and peppered the woods with all my remaining artillery.  


Suddenly the rapid staccato of AA rounds bouncing off their frontal armor tells my crew they have found what they are looking for.


Soviet AA guns are spotted right where intelligence said they'd be...


And just as quickly, they are neutralized as my second StuG rushes up to aid and support.


Even more than the Panthers, it's my StuGs who have been the workhorses and heroes of the entire campaign.




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But still, the enemy isn't finished and victory is still not in our grasp.  Pockets of resistance are spotted all along the tree line facing my exit objective and the enemy soldiers must be driven out or destroyed.


And as always one of the assault guns gives my men the advantage they need, right when they need it.


And somehow, with just minutes remaining, my soldiers are in close up knife fights trying to mop up and drive out the enemy before time expires.  I am super nervous at this point and just hope I have taken enough ground, or at the least, deprived the enemy of it.


Again, into the swamps... My men know what to do.



On the left another terrific struggle is erupting through the woods as my men fight and push hard.


The Soviets are determined to not go quietly, even to the last minute.



Los, los, los!!






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Finally, the halftracks on the left have continued to spray all enemy positions with bullets from MGs and incoming fire slackens and stutters and dies.



The Russians are never afraid to fight to the last man.  Such is the legacy of the Eastern Front.


With my nerves straining, worrying if I've done enough and secured our victory...the battle ends.


And I've done it.  I've made it through to the final battle.  After seven months, battle 10 awaits.


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@Lille Fiskerby Wow!  This one was super tough.  That time limit was on my shoulder the entire battle and I really didn't know if I was going to have the points to make it at the end!  I, literally, had to fight tooth and nail down to the last second.


I'm finally at the finish line.

@Bearstronaut It seems you definitely had it easier than me!  I had to push and fight all the way til time expired!

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On 10/25/2022 at 6:49 AM, Lille Fiskerby said:

You did it !! fantastic ! well done and super screen shots. I know, this mission has a very "steep" timeline but it has to do with the next mission. Hope you can kinda lean back and enjoy the last mission, you deserve it 😃.

Ha, good one. I finished the last mission with a minor victory. That armor counterattack caught me in a bad position and killed like half my armor.

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Battle 10, the final battle, begins.  Now, 8 months in, I can't even begin to calculate how many hours I've spent completely pulled into this one.  Kovel awaits...

Finally, the attrition of the campaign is beginning to tell.  And noticeably.  I hope I have enough strength for the last push.

6th Kompanie, on my right, is now down to only 30 men total in the entire company.  This actually allows me to mount all the soldiers of 6th onto 1st Batterie, of Bde 190.  I know, even being light of men, my StuGs can be the deciding factor, regardless.  6th Kompanie is to take Moszczana Center and I have opted for a slow rolling approach through the fog to either unmask an enemy Pak line or to open on suspected positions from range.

7th Kompanie, in the middle, fairs a little better.  7th Kompanie reported 67 men at roll call this morning.  They too are supported by 2nd Batterie of StuG Bde 190.  I have decided to start the battle with 7th Kompanie rapidly pushing into Moszczana West.  


The men are highly motivated to end this and mount up ready for battle.



Additionally in the middle, 7th Kompanie is quite pleased to be supported by a platoon of Marders from Pz.Jg Bat 49.  Enemy armor has been reported moving into our area and I hope to put my tank destroyers to good use.


Soldiers from 7th Kompanie try to keep warm on the engine deck.






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On the left, 2nd Kompanie is at full strength, fresh and mounted up in their halftracks and tasked with taking three objective, Rot, Gelb and Schwarz along an elevated ridgeline overlooking Mocsczana.  My plan is to hit their flank and rear.  Additionally, 2nd Kompanie will be supported by elements of Pioneer Aufkl.Abt. 4 in their halftracks and a platoon of PzIVs from 1st Bat. Pz Regt 35.   I plan to flank the enemy positions with my infantry and pioneers supported by their halftracks and the welcome PzIVs.  They are not Panthers, to say the least, and I plan to use them a bit more defensively than I did the Panthers in my previous fights but regardless, the men are very happy to see them come along.






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As 7th Kompanie rushes for Mosczcana they make for an earthen-work berm that either the Germans or Soviets had built as defense works around the town.  At first I was worried it was manned but on approach it turned out not to be.  It will make for the perfect line to open on the enemy as they rush to and from their trenches.  More StuGs and 6th Kompanie are slowly making their advance on the right.



When suddenly, Soviet Shermans are spotted moving in to attack the oncoming Germans.



More enemy tanks are spotted and instantly I'm engaged in a fast moving, nerve wracking tank fight.  One of my Marders is immediately knocked out while a couple Shermans are lit up by both Marders and two of my PzIVs that have been slowly advancing along the ridge on my left.  The Shermans prove resilient at first, bouncing my first shots off their armor but ultimately succumb to repeated blows.


Not how I planned it but the fight is on!  Three of my Marders had previously advanced to hull down positions along a rise leading up to the more prominent ridge on my left.  Luckily, they are in perfect position to fight off the Soviet attack.




Quickly, enemy armor is left burning on the field.


Incredibly, even one of my 75mm SPWs gets a confirmed kill on the enemy armor!


However, one of my StuGs supporting 7th Kompanie is killed, while another loses it's main gun.  As it stands I've lost 1 Marder, 1 StuG and have another disabled with no gun.  6 or 7 enemy Shermans burn and are abandoned by their crews.

In the middle, assaulting Mocsczana, my soldiers on the berm have taken up positions and fight it out with the Russians.




More enemy works have been spotted on the left.  Time for my FO to move up and get in the action.




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8 hours ago, DerKommissar said:

Not surprised, one bit. Those hanomags are bad *** -- the HEAT shells never disappoint.

Always had a soft spot for Marders too!

My surprise was more to the fact that I had him pushed up so far!  I do admit to that bias, thinking anything with the stubby barrel is not going to have the velocity to penetrate any armor.  I do like having that bias shown for what it is though!

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My men are jumpy and I realize I am being over-aggressive for no purpose and 7th Kompanie pays the price.  Needlessly exposing them many are shot down on the berm by troops in prepared positions on the back end of the village.  I still have two hours to go and there is no reason not to slow down and just keep the pressure on the enemy with a slow rolling line.

And indeed, Soviet AT guns are unmasked in town and dealt with by the StuGs on my right.




Even with the fog, the damaged windmill will make a nice observation post.  My men barely glance at the wreck of enemy armor still smoldering next to it.



On my right, slowly advancing, an enemy squad is spotted in the low marsh and taken out.  Again, my StuGs are invaluable in the fight.


Our job is to keep the pressure on and drive the enemy from their positions.  On the left, I shift around and prepare to take the ridgeline from the flank and rear.


Soldiers of II Zug, 2nd Kompanie fight their way up the ridgeline advancing on the Soviet prepared positions from behind.


And my PzIVs support them. Their combined power proves to be irresistible. 


Never letting up the pressure my tanks drive the enemy before them.




One can only imagine the terror watching an enemy tank materialize out of the mist, guns blazing and pointed at you.


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