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Breakthrough to Kovel, my unintentional story/aar/review

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First off, I do apologize for hijacking the RT screenshot thread.  It was not intentional at all!  What started with a simple screenshot, on page 82 of that thread and back in April no less, turned into something else entirely and then just kept growing.  I really had no plan or forethought that I was going to continue narrating the battle(s) with screenshots and how that kind of turned into a running review as it was happening.  I should have started my own thread a long time ago, but like I said, it just kept kind of growing on its own accord.  So I figured I would just continue along now with my own dedicated thread as I can't not finish it at this point.  

I didn't know or realize how large and engrossing this campaign was going to be when I started it but was immediately sucked in and have just been thoroughly impressed and immersed since it all began back in April.  For some reason it also really seemed easy to tell the story as it was developing and that too contributed.

If you haven't played the campaign and are looking for something that is both challenging, interesting, historical, and super fun, along with some incredible maps and really interesting terrain you should give this one a go.  @Lille Fiskerby really knocked this one out of the park.  At least, as the story goes so far...

If you are interested in the entire thing and haven't seen it you can go back into the RT Screenshot thread on page 82 where it all started.  Most of the five previous battles are illustrated there. I am currently on battle six with, I think, one more after.  Anyway, it's just been fun to do as I have worked my way through the campaign and hope you may find it as entertaining as I have. 

Anyway, continuing...


9th Kompanie pushes through the final 100 meters and last few buildings of Kalinowka only to discover more trenches and bunkers on the far end of town. 


While the left simmers down and my troops regroup to continue pushing towards Delhonosy, the battle over Point 208 still rages.  Two incredibly effective enemy guns survived being hammered with artillery and continue making my troops pay for every inch of ground we gain.  The only thing left is to take the guns by close assault.


But with increasing pressure and concentrated firepower the squads of first platoon finally put an end to the Soviet gunners.  Yet resistance is always fierce and the battle rages deadly close.  German bullets have the last word.



And then once the guns are cleared my StuGs can roll forward and continue to press the Soviets from their holes.  The wreckage of man and machine litter the battlefield.


2nd Platoon moves up on the right of Point 208 extending the forward line of advance.


The fight is always personal at this stage and man to man.  Both the German and Soviet troops show no quarter.  Individuals get into brief and deadly gun fights as we push the Russians ever more back towards the marsh.  The wide open ground offers no mercy to either side.


The high ground of Point 208 is now in our control but the enemy is still out there in force and fighting me every step of the way.  Casualties again are mounting as the battle for this hill will be remembered by both sides.  Those left holding the ridge try to catch their breath while still dodging stray rounds from Soviet Maxims.


Yet the fruits of this victory are still to be seen.  Forward observers move into position and begin to scan ahead.


These Panzergrenadiers from 10th Kompanie have borne the brunt of the fighting yet still they press forward determined.


On the right, 9th Kompanie moves back into marshy ground leading down to another frozen stream and mudhole that is uncrossable for vehicles.  


My StuGs move up as far as they can to cover the infantry advance.  Pioneers are now tasked with taking the bridge and clearing the possible mines.


Finally, reinforcements arrive!  Sadly, due to the beating 11th Kompanie took in battle 5 defending the train station and immobilized Panthers there aren't many left.  Other than an additional 4 HMG teams, all that's left move up to offer what assistance they can.  The remnants of 11th Kompanie are a sad reminder what happens to a unit that suddenly finds itself in a tight spot.  Yet their bravery and tenaciousness the night before very well may have saved the campaign. 



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  • 2 weeks later...

One hour still to go and attrition and exhaustion are taking their toll.  Still we fight.  Here, remnants of the Soviet defenders of Point 208 are driven back.


The Germans take the cue and push into any evacuated Soviet works to hold their gains.  9th Kompanie is beat up but still in the fight.


As 10th Kompanie continues to fight for the bridge on my left and the only way across the dried up river, artillery spotting rounds begin to fall on my men.  Running backwards is their instinctual reaction but that will only cause more casualties being in the open.  The only thing to do is push FORWARD, into the swamp and in defilade from incoming Soviet bullets.


150 meters of hell.



StuGs on overwatch do give my men some level of comfort.  But they can't cross the swamp, or the dried up river.  The only way across is the bridge.  And it's mined.



And so 10th Kompanie must dislodge the defenders so my Engineers can clear the mines.

Pushing through the swamp my soldiers gain a foothold on the far bank.



The bridge is close.



My next objective is the town of Dolhonosy.  Here, one can see the miserable frozen river bed, the swamp on my side protecting Russian works that guard the bridge, and a horrid stretch of 300-400 meters of open ground that must be crossed.  My artillery have been holding their smoke rounds for this last push.  






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My pioneers have moved up in their halftracks waiting for the infantry to give them the all clear to move.


The bridge and the only way across the frozen river bed of muck and mud.


A good view from the Soviet works up to Point 208.  One can see the tactical importance of this position and how those in control of it can look down across the entire battlefield.  The cost to take it has been high, but there has been no other option if we are to succeed.


As such, my troops take up observer and gun positions.


Pushing out of the swamp and taking a brief rest to catch their breath, 10 Kompanie pushes through the Soviet works towards the bridge.


Some much needed support helps...


The irony of this battle is that while huge and sprawling across so much ground, many parts turn into microcosms of squad on squad.  Here, as 3rd squad, 1st platoon applies pressure, they keep taking potshots from what they think is a lone Soviet rifleman from a destroyed squad continually harassing them for the last 10 minutes.


However, and as a complete surprise to my men, the one "lone" rifleman is actually a squad of Soviet infantry still in the fight.


But they are completely put down by elements of 10 Kompanie that have gained the frozen river bank.  1st and 2nd squads of 1st platoon, to the left, were in perfect position overlooking the riverbed and were able catch the enemy squad in a brutal crossing fire as they moved into the low ground.  It took about 15 seconds to wipe out the entire enemy unit. German machineguns do what they do best.  Images such as this are more than common from the Ostfront.  The enemy will pay for their continued defiance.


No soldier wants to voluntarily go down into this muck, yet my battalion must cross if they wish to take their final objective.


So now, we watch and wait for the rest of our force to get into place for the final assault.  Nerves are high and the men are ready to shoot anything that moves.



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1 hour ago, Phantom Captain said:


Great shot, I love using mobile AA in ground role use, whether 37mm or quad 20s.  Had one of the above at Baranovichi in a PBEM and it was one of the stars of the show.

Not nice to be on the receiving end of course.  Another example is the US M16 'meat chopper' with quad 50 cals - scary stuff.

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  • 4 weeks later...
20 minutes ago, Lille Fiskerby said:

All is quiet on the eastern front ? 😀, i would love to see more screenshots, what mission are you on right now ?

Haha!  Yes, it's been a busy couple of weeks and I haven't been able to play as much.  I am still on mission 6 but am intending to get back to it next week!

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Now we wait as the Pioneers try to find a way through the mines.  Nerves are high all around as the clock is ticking.  Automatically, the bridge becomes a congested choke point.



The great crossing has begun.


My officers are edgy and their blood is up.  We only hope we have enough combat power and can get enough across the bridge without a major catastrophe.  The assault on Dolhonosy depends on it.



It does, however, help the nerves that we have infantry now on the enemy's side of the frozen river bed.  The men steel themselves for the last push.



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The Pioneers seem to have done their jobs well as my halftracks begin making the crossing through the mines and over the bridge.  Every vehicle I can cross will help immensely with my assault.  Thanking the gods of war, both of my flame tracks have made it.  So far so good.  


As feared, three Soviet tanks appear at the edge of the ridge making a push on the bridge right as my vehicles are in transit.


Again, the tactical importance of Point 208 can't be understated as my lone posted Stug immediately starts putting fire on the Soviet tanks at long range.  Hopefully the height and range will allow this one assault gun to drive them off.  The wreckage of my attempt to get my AT gun away from an earlier barrage again reveals the ferocity of the day.


At a range of 1670m the second shot scores a hit!  I don't think the Soviet tanks are even aware of my location yet...


Most importantly my 37mm Flak gun has also made it across.  It is my intent to use it in support of my infantry to smash any defenders hiding in their frail wooden houses.


One of my StuGs guarding the river crossing also gets LOS on a T-34 as he crests the ridgeline and makes the enemy pay dearly for the incursion.


And like that, two StuGs have put two of the three Soviet tanks out of commission.  My StuG batteries have been beyond invaluable throughout the entire campaign!


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I have saved some artillery and smoke and had TRPs placed precisely for this moment.  Both begin to fall on Delhonosy.


The final T-34 is hit and killed by my lone StuG on Point 208.  Two confirmed in just a couple of minutes.  Just at this moment my assault launches!


Executing a swift motorized assault my halftracks, trucks and even my StuGs rush my men up to the edge of town where we unleash a brutal firestorm subduing all enemies in Delhonosy West.  My left wing forms up to strike into Delhonosy Center as soon as my second round of smoke and artillery begin to fall.  But for now the fighting at the west end rages as enemy defenders fight, surrender and die all at the same time.


My 37mm Flak truck aids in the assault as I planned.







Once the artillery and smoke have now fallen on Delhonosy Center, my left wing goes in with the same fury and speed as the right wing that has just secured west.  Again, the Russian defenders fight bravely and the cost becomes horrific on both sides as men fight with their last breath to take or hold their objectives.  My soldiers know they must sacrifice all to save their comrades.


Both sides dread and fear the brutal house to house fighting that ensues.  Still, the defenders are overwhelmed and my second objective seized.


Pushing further to Delhonosy East seems futile and will only result in more blood for no gain.  My men hunker down and fortify their positions to hold against any possible counter attack.  They have done enough this day.  However, one of my assault guns decides to peel off and get a flank shot on a T-34 who has been creeping along the edge of town.


The final shot of the battle ends in another burning Soviet T-34.


Our combat power is spent and we can do no more.  We will relish this victory knowing the cost today was extreme.  The Russian defenders, as always, fought to the end and made us pay for every inch of ground gained.  No unit on my side is untouched by the violence today.  


On to battle 7!


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On 9/23/2022 at 5:23 AM, Lille Fiskerby said:

Awesome screenshots and congrats on your victory in mission 6, a tough nut to crack but you did it.

Would be very interesting to know how many core AFV's you have in total in mission 7.

Thanks!  It really was a tough nut to crack!  I think this was maybe the toughest fight of all so far!  It was the first time, other than the night counter-attack on the train station and the subsequent destruction of 11th Kompanie, that I felt I might not succeed and that the campaign would be over.  I was watching the casualties mounting and mounting just taking Point 208 and was really worried about my plan succeeding.  I also did change on the fly after taking Point 208 and realized that it was pointless to continue attacking the Soviet works at the river bed, directly in front of 208 and just halted the attack there to peal off the survivors and shift them over to the left for the assault on Delhonossy.  It was a good call after seeing how much was left on the Soviet side around the river in front of 208 after the battle ended.  Any more push there and I would have completely destroyed my own attacking troops.

I knew I had to take Dolhonossy West and Center if I was going to get the draw needed to continue.  Point 208 ate up a whole company seizing it.  I only could move about a platoon worth of the survivors off Point 208 to join the attack on Dolhonossy.  I had to throw every unit I could at the final objective and they all contributed, ultimately. 

It was imperative to get every vehicle I could through the mines and over the bridge as the only way I could see success was to get my infantry on vehicles and make a lightning strike into both areas at once.  I had earlier posted it was 400m from river bed to the town but it was really more like 800-900m as I recall.  Without the vehicles and their speed I feared if I tried to cross that with infantry on foot, in the snow, every one of them would have been killed before making it even halfway across that distance.  Fortunately, every single vehicle made it across the bridge without blowing up.  My pioneers did their job splendidly.  I was biting my nails watching every track, truck and StuG go over that bridge.  Once that occurred I was suddenly feeling hopeful that I could possibly win this one.  This gave me time to plot my artillery and stage the attack as all my infantry loaded up on whatever could carry them.  

The StuGs (especially the one I left on top of 208) also bought me the space and time to stage my attack by killing the platoon of counter-attacking T-34s.  I apparently had just enough combat power to then take both objectives.  Side note, at this point though, I only had 13 rounds of HE between all seven of my remaining assault guns, luckily it was JUST enough.  However, it ultimately didn't go off simultaneously.  As we made the approach to D West, it was evident there were still Soviet forces, a lot of them, still back and behind D East.  I modified my plan and let the attack on West succeed first before then again staging up to assault center.  Everything worked out and my very tired and battered men ultimately were successful and I came out with a minor victory!  There were still about 10-12 minutes left after I had taken D Center and I just knew it was pointless to even try to push further.  They had truly done enough for the day.  

Oh!  I didn't get a screen shot but on my final push to D Center around the left and hugging the outskirts of the village, a lone T-34 came charging right into the midst of my ad-hoc assault column!  I instantly saw catastrophe and feared a total collapse of my assault but I had also left a StuG back and in overwatch and he killed the T-34 before it could cause any harm.  At that moment the T-34 was only about 30m from the front of my onrushing assault!  It was pretty epic.

Finally, the briefing says my Panthers will arrive in two waves, so once they are on the board I will let you know how many I have left!  Battle 7 has already commenced!


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The breakout begins.  However, the Soviets, sensing the imminent are counterattacking...NOW.  Already a steady barrage of artillery has been falling along our defense line.  In the pre-dawn gloom the sound of engines, tracks, and the voices of enemy soldiers are picked up by my OPs.  And suddenly, coming out of the dark, Russian soldiers appear like angry ghosts.  German light MGs draw first blood.




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13 hours ago, Phantom Captain said:

Finally, the briefing says my Panthers will arrive in two waves, so once they are on the board I will let you know how many I have left!  Battle 7 has already commenced!

Thanks 😀 In RL Nicolussi-Leck had 7 panthers in Kovel to twart any red army attack on the town, hopefully you have a bit more tanks.

About the mines in mission 6: i for one dont like missions with mines 🙄 but i thought that the soviets would either blow up the bridge or place mines in front of it. Blowing up the bridge was not an option because then no AFV's could cross therefore mines.

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On 9/25/2022 at 1:07 AM, Lille Fiskerby said:

Thanks 😀 In RL Nicolussi-Leck had 7 panthers in Kovel to twart any red army attack on the town, hopefully you have a bit more tanks.

About the mines in mission 6: i for one dont like missions with mines 🙄 but i thought that the soviets would either blow up the bridge or place mines in front of it. Blowing up the bridge was not an option because then no AFV's could cross therefore mines.

So far, my reinforcements have shown up in 3 waves.  I have 10 Panthers at the moment!  The mines were a very nice twist in my opinion and created a whole bunch of different tactical questions on what to do.  They definitely would have mined that bridge.  The tension was great though as my pioneers marked everything and I held my breath as every vehicle went across.  I couldn't believe every single one made it!  

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The Soviets begin pushing hard, spoiling to disrupt my breakout attempt.  At first, just the eerie sound of the enemy comes from the darkness.  Men check their weapons and prepare for what they know is coming.


And then it becomes real as waves of Soviet attackers wipe out my pickets and then hit my main line.


The first wave of reinforcements show up none too early.  


Into the fight they go and immediately reach out and start pummeling the Russian attackers.


Another Panther rushes into the fray and pounces upon an approaching column of Soviet armor.



My right is being overwhelmed by a human wave of Russian attackers and those that survived the abrupt fury surrender and beg for their lives.




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And then a second platoon of Panthers arrives on the field!  Wiking Panzers to the rescue!


My main line of defense waits in high anxiety for the onrushing wave.  The Panther's help and arrival on the battlefield is graciously accepted.


Shells and bullets bounce off my armor as I drive into the maelstrom.


On my right the attack has penetrated my outer defenses as the tsunami swept over my breastworks. Layered in defense though two MG-42s open up on Russians appearing through the gloom.




A third wave of reinforcement in both my HQ and Platoon HQ tank arrive bringing my total to 10 Panthers now in the fight. 


Realizing the pressure on my right might be too much I rush two of my tanks to help shore up the defenses.  But simultaneously a Soviet tank commander decides for his platoon to do the same thing.  A literal running tank duel occurs as both my Panther and the enemy Sherman tank race to their friends  and realize at the same time, "Oh god, that's an enemy tank...right there!"


Incredibly, a lone and very brave German soldier, who had earlier run from his trench as the enemy advanced, rises from the snow and lets the Sherman get a face full of Panzerfaust!



Knocked all that tank's teeth right out.  A medal is in order if we survive.  My tank then proceeds to KO the tank behind the leader.  Only one remains.



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The same soldier who just killed an enemy tank with a Panzerfaust, recovers from the blast and begins firing his rifle at the wave of troops pushing hard on my right.  


My timing worked out better than hoped as the wave of Soviet troops, by chance run between my separated Panthers and create a gauntlet of death.


A trail of enemy dead and wounded marks their direct line of assault.  My tanks have completely turned the tide of what started off as being entirely overrun by the initial assault.


10 Panthers have spread out among the defense works and have stabilized the entire line.  Now to just hold and destroy the final incoming waves.


Soviet Valentines do not fair well against German Panthers.  Especially up close.



The final hordes of attackers is put down and their destruction is near complete.  Carnage is everywhere in the amount of dead and wounded and columns of smoke from burning vehicles.  As time runs out the Germans breathe a sigh of relief and realize that they have held through the Soviet push.


Truly, there are men to be decorated today as the Panthers value to this victory, all the campaign in general, cannot be understated.  These three alone did beyond their share of the destruction wrought upon the enemy today.




The campaign will continue with battle 8.


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