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Mortars - INCOMING!!!

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I just had to mention it one more time and wonder if others have been playing with this one.

City fighting, I approached a church on a hill with infantry and a Hummel for support. I spotted three 2inch mortar crews at the top of the hill outside the church. The Hummel pivoted and fired its big Mama gun, and WAMMM, all three mortars were taken out in one shot! That is a big gun!

Right after that mortar killing shot, I watched in amazement as a single mortar round dropped straight from the sky right into the Hummel, and WAMM again, catastrophic explosion, Hummel out. One of those 2in mortars got a single shot off. It was an exciting 60 second turn (as if any CM turn wasn't).

I know, it will happen. But I see this often, and that makes me STILL marvel about the accuracy of the these 2in mortars. My witness is their chance of hitting seems still too high. This is not the only time I've seen this uncanny hit on the first shot by a 2in mortar. It must have some Anti-Vehicle sighting equipment that I haven't heard of.

Weren't mortars historically designed to give a spread when they fire? Is it a common occurrence to hit a targeted vehicle on the first mortar shot? When I say common, I mean one out three such first shot events, which is what it is starting to appear to me.

Oh well, didn't matter, a Sherman II showed up as reinforcement and would have blown the Hummel away during the next turn. My second Hummel immediately booked for the hills.

Those British 2in mortars are a technical wonder.

I love this game. Never been addicted to drugs, but it must be something like this. Its delivering in spades on my gaming enjoyment, but ruining the rest of my life. Oh well...

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I've found that the accuracy of the mortar is inversely proportional to the ownership of the mortar. I've cursed and fumed when my open-topped vehicles get blown to pieces by them only to find that under my command, they turn into the most innacurate weapons since Star Wars. (The missile defense system or the Storm Trooper blasters, your pick) To whit, I think they are accurately modeled, though that doesn't take away the pain when my Hummels go boom.


Seen in the light of evolution, biology is, perhaps, intellectually the most satisfying and inspiring science. Without that light it becomes a pile of sundry facts—some of them interesting or curious but making no meaningful picture as a whole.

-Theodosius Dobzhansky, "Nothing in Biology Makes Sense Except in the Light of Evolution"

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Accuracy of Storm Trooper blasters! That's a riot. That would be inaccurate alright.

My issue is this first shot business, whether it be me or the AI doing the shooting. I've seen it several times. There is no evidence of being under mortar fire, no tell-tale explosions close by. Next you see a projectile dropping straight out of the sky onto the vehicle. BAM, direct hit.

I'm not saying it happens every time. It doesn't. I know I tend to remember being the victim of these one shot wonders more than the misses. So very true, I'm human. But it still appears to be of a too high occurence.

I do love how CM has given mortars and artillery its due. Its about time. Mortars are finally valuable assets. But I find the 2in mortar to be too accurate when firing at vehicles of any type, regardless if they kill it or not.

Oh well, just an opinion. Won't sour the game at all. I just go away with the experience of mortar anti-vehicle capability that makes me marvel. I think other games have spoiled me to mortars being primarily anti-personel. I'll accept it, but it still makes me wonder on the anti-vehicle accuracy issue.

Dumb but proud, I'm off to play more CM....

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>City fighting, I approached a church on a hill with infantry and a Hummel for support. I spotted three 2inch mortar crews at the top of the hill outside the church. The Hummel pivoted and fired its big Mama gun, and WAMMM, all three mortars were taken out in one shot! That is a big gun!

Right after that mortar killing shot, I watched in amazement as a single mortar round dropped straight from the sky right into the Hummel, and WAMM again, catastrophic explosion, Hummel out. One of those 2in mortars got a single shot off. It was an exciting 60 second turn (as if any CM turn wasn't).<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Hey Kump, you should add this one to the 'Coolest deaths' thread. smile.gif


It is easy to be brave from a safe distance. -Aesop

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Hi for my 2c worth they are fine as I am in battle at the moment and the bloody things have had minimal effect.

I have scored a direct hit on a Wespe / Hummel open top with no effect and the same on a MKIV.

All it did was cause the Cmdr to hide rather quickly. One moment he was there the next he was not. The bloody Cmdr was lucky as he has shown his face again. Next time he will have a 3inch on him and that will wipe the smile from his face...

Mind you I think the landing radius is quite close (tight) and does not seem to spread far. As I know nothing about 2 inch mortar spread I will leave it to others to comment.


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I don't think that there's anything seriously off with the mortars other than their ROF. From what I've read if my 60mm fired in real life the way they fire in CM they'd melt. For accuracy I'd say that it's mainly luck, which is probably the way it is in real life. I wish my mortars would get off last minute shots like that. Keep in mind that those tanks were pretty big too, and a top hit pretty much anywhere on an open topped vehicle was going to knock it out.

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Keep in mind that thsoe 2" mortars are direct fire weapons it's not someone firing blind or with a spotter it's the gunner using the LOS site and shooting right at the target, watching the round fall and adjusting as if he was firing a rifle. That's a whole nuther ball game.


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I don't know about anyone else but I've found 2" mortars to be just about the most worthless unit in the game. Their ability to run short (and I mean like Ross Perot short) distances doesn't seem to balance out their underpowered round, limited range, and limited ammo (a little less than half of a 60mm's?). Maybe I'm just unlucky but I've used them quite a bit and I've found them to have "the accuracy of storm trooper blasters". Of course I don't play many town battles. Mostly villages and under and in big 'ol maps.

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This one worked out in my favor,I'm in the middle of a PBEM game,med map,moderate hills,village,U.S. against Germans one of my 81mm's popped a Hetzer on the first round of an area fire that I had called because the Hetzer had killed one of my Chaffee's.

Talk about lucky shots! My mortar team was only Regular quality,so there wasn't any uncanny skill involved. biggrin.gif


Nicht Schiessen!!

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I love 2-inch mortars. If you use them as blastafied man-killers, then yeah, they're disappointing. However - they're wonderful for providing supression fire, and can do so without LOS, provided your HQ unit's set up correctly. Plus they can keep up with rapidly advancing squads better than MGs can. IMO they give the Brit and Canadian squads the supression-type firepower which they so desperately lack otherwise.


Soy super bien, soy super super bien, soy bien bien super bien bien bien super super.

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