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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Had a blast...in the past. I will leave...at last :)

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Without sounding too much like a chicken following the flock smile.gif, i decided to stop reading this messageboard.

Now why would this be usefull info? Well it isn't but since i'm spamming this board since may 1999, i thought it would be nice to let everybody know.

The board isn't fruitfull nor informative anymore. I'm not saying some people should stop posting OT-stuff or pictures everybody has already seen in their history-book.It's a general board and should stay that way.

However, in the early days i could actually learn something when visiting this board and this kinda faded away for some months ago.

I won't turn my back to all the friends i made nor will i loose BTS out of sight (still waiting for CM2 smile.gif). I will also coninue PanzerShark.com and i surely hope MadMatt does the same with CMHQ for a long long time since his info is always informative. (now release the pack damnit smile.gif).

So that's it, curtain closed, Elvis has left the building, de koek is op.

Wish you all the best and we'll meet again at the Eastern Front.





The other side of wargaming

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Losing long time members is the worst part.I've been on this board for a little over a month(I think) and there is definately less

tech and historical info now.Please leave the politics to another board.I don't care if you're pro or anti whatever.Those of you who argue with the Nazi are just as bad as he is.You just encourage the problem.

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WTF is this? Mass exodus time? JOCHEN PIEPER is laughing his ass off somewhere right now...



No, there will be no sequels. Charles and Steve have given up wargame design in disgust and have gone off to Jamaica to invest their new-found wealth in the drug trade. -Michael emrys

[This message has been edited by Vanir (edited 09-04-2000).]

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I´m in this forum for not so long as Panzershark, but long enough to see, that the postings have changed in a way, that i´m disapointed, too.

I think this is the way, a community has to face, when "the baby" growed up. On the other hand, the postings of some members here, are really bad!

Sometimes i have no good feeling about my firstname, wich is "Jochen".

O.k., but i will still be present here, not so often as in the past, but it´s still worth to have look inside the forum every day.

Bye,bye, Panzershark, please come back one day!

Greetings from germany


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As a relative newcomer to both the game (learned about it in the September issue of PC Gamer) and these discussion boards, I, too, have been greatly disappointed with the postings over this long weekend. Look at the general topics that BTS had established: Combat Mission (general), CM- Scenario Talk, Tips and Techniques, and Tech Support. While those topics seem pretty straight forward, suddenly we're discussing "politics" on the general board, as well as Voodoo cards and other "bugs" (wouldn't those topics be appropriate in the Tech Support section?). I want to talk about THE GAME: things such as what we'd like to see in patches or future editions (I'd like to see a more detailed AAR after each campaign- see which squad or AFV was "Audie Murphy-like" over four or six missions). I'm sure many of the "old-timers" still have some incredible insight into what perhaps went into making the game. Sure, there are some clods out there, but it is simple to ignore those posts, but too many people do not and the issue blossoms into a free-for-all. Let's get back to what brought us all here in the first place: an incredibly fun-to-play, challenging strategy GAME. If you want to talk about that, then let's keep the boards alive.

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We all need to take a deep breath.

The success of CM is inevitably bringing a whole new crowd into the wargaming forums, and not all of them are desirable. We're gonna have skinheads, Nazi-lovers, adolescent trouble-makers, bikers, people who need a psychiatrist real bad, you name it. rolleyes.gif

Did it ever occur to you that JP's actions on this board were a cry for help? (no, even he doesn't realize it, but believe me, he needs help real bad...).

Let's just do like in real life, IGNORE them and let the POLICE (e.g. Steve and Charles) do their job. When you see a prostitute on the street...lemme start that sentence again... wink.gif When you see a drug traffiker on the street, do you go up to him and bawl him out? Why act differently here?


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Either that or give the board some time. I think that having a turnover of people isn't necessarily bad. Sometimes it takes new blood to continue a forum on the right direction. The old guard did a great job, but they went the way of the battleweary politician and shot themselves in the foot......

There are still quite a number of us grognards on this board. Maybe it's up to the grogs still here to bring up topics of interest......

" One man doesn't make a platoon, if you know what I mean....."



"The Lieutenant brought his map out and the old woman pointed to the coastal town of Ravenoville........"

[This message has been edited by Teamski (edited 09-04-2000).]

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I think that instead of leaving, complaining, and blaming. We all should be thinking. No there may not the info, or the historical merit there as when I began posting on this board. But, the only ones that can stop what is going on are us, and it isn't going to be stopped by leaving and complaining. We have to ignore the freeks and move on.

And PanzerShark if you do stop posting, it was a pleasure sharing the same forum as you.

Chris McWilliam

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Panzershark simply said that he isn't learning anything anymore. That's understandable for someone who has been with CM for a while and has learned what we talk about here. It seems like a normal evolution to me.

I'm still learning a lot, so I am willing to put up with some tripe to get the good stuff, of which there is much. I don't get the feeling JP or anyone specific drove Panzershark away.

Maybe after a while I will feel this forum isn't worth the time anymore. That happened for me at the EAW forum after several months of reading the same basic topic threads. The CM forum is very useful for what it does well, but you could spend your entire evenings just trying to keep up with all the threads.

At some point, you need to ask if it is worth it. For Panzershark, apparently, it isn't.

I'll check out your site, Panzershark.


[This message has been edited by Lawyer (edited 09-04-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Henri:

The success of CM is inevitably bringing a whole new crowd into the wargaming forums, and not all of them are desirable. We're gonna have skinheads, Nazi-lovers, adolescent trouble-makers, bikers, people who need a psychiatrist real bad, you name it. rolleyes.gif

Did it ever occur to you that JP's actions on this board were a cry for help? (no, even he doesn't realize it, but believe me, he needs help real bad...).


Hmm, I have owned and operated motorcycles, specifically “Harley Davidson's” for 20 years. I have also held a patch with a motorcycle club. If this makes me undesirable to you for posting on this board by all means let me know.

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Guest Bad Ju Ju

I ride a BMW k75 myself. (Although Harley riders thinks the ole' brick's engine sounds more like a sewing machine than a motorcycle....)


"I didn't go to evil medical school for six years to be called MR. Evil." Dr. Evil

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I hope you were kidding about the biker part in your post. I've been riding cruisers going on 13 years now.

And if somebody feels that they can no longer contribute to this forum any longer I say "Goodbye, and have a good life". I lurked on this forum starting when the Beta Demo came out and didn't post until the game started shipping and I've seen the change in the forum. So what? These things happen. New blood showes up. In a lot of ways new blood showing up is good.

I try to help people when they have questions, when I know the answer (or at least when I think I know the answer). And I'll continue doing that until this forum shuts down (not any time soon).

There are always going to be people posting stuff on this forum that a majority will object to.

If I ran away from everything I disagreed with or found objectionable I'd be doing a lot of running, and I don't run from nothing.

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Oke, final FINAL post just to clear things up. I DON'T RUN AWAY. I am NOT leaving because some people annoy me. I am NOT leaving because i disagree with something.

This is a discussion-board and if i disagree...i discuss about it.

I'm leaving since this board is NO longer fruitfull and i hate to spent 1 hour searching for a post that actually isn't OT.

So i prefer calling it leaving or ignoring but NOT running away.

Thank you




The other side of wargaming

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I will have to agree with PanzerShark that there is a lot more chaff than wheat on the board these days. I think it's not so much a lack of good info, but that there is a lot of other threads that rehash stuff that's been brough up before, political statments, trolls, and the like that make it harder to get at the golden nuggets that are still there. Another factor to consider is that CM is now a released product. I joined the forum just before the gmae was released and there was a LOT of discussion regarding issues that needed fixing/tweaking. Since most of those have been taken care of, a lot of this type of discussion has faded away. I see this happening once more when the CM2 demo is released and the grogs come flocking back. smile.gif

PanzerShark, sorry to see you leave.



Canada: Where men were men, unless they were horses.

-Dudley Do-right

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