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How are the "Free French" different from Americans?

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Before I get flamed for not doing my research I would like everyone to know that I did infact use the search feature and I found nothing about this.

If the "Free French" use only american equipment then how are they going to be different from american units? What I mean is the following?

1. Are the squads diffent in size?

2. Are the french troops equipped with a different proportion of weapons? ie more rifles or Bars...

3. Are troops of the same calibure able to take different amounts of damage and still fight? ie. If you had one french unit and one american unit and both were vetran can one take more damage before they brake.

4. Any other differences besides the inherent differences in the leaders names.

Basically when I play a Free French senario and an American Scenario will I sense a difference in how I should use them?



[This message has been edited by Demster (edited 06-16-2000).]

[This message has been edited by Demster (edited 06-16-2000).]

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Actually, its an interesting question.

Do the Nationalities differ in any way other than equipment? Are there fundamental diffeences deeper than just equipment and maybe average experience levels and such?

If CM has a SL background, then hopefully that is one of the things they kept from that system.

Jeff Heidman

[This message has been edited by Jeff Heidman (edited 06-16-2000).]

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Oh I just gotta.... tongue.gif

Nati-nail-ities? Jeff? wink.gif

But, if I'm not mistaken the Vehicle lists only said that the "Free French" drew from the American vehicle list. It didn't say anything about if the uniforms were the same. Aren't I correct?


Don't mind me. I'm just a little ol' realist.

[This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 06-16-2000).]

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Unfortunately you'll find this board teaming with jack-asses who would probably eat their own young if they asked a stupid question, or mis-spelled something in their grammer school.

Your being new to the forum also singles you out as a target, and you'll be scrutinized, taunted and jeered at for your blatant, rude, and inconcievable ignorance of the game.

Tread lightly here my friend.

If you have any questions about the game, shoot me an E-mail and Ill answer what I can.


As I walk through the Valley of Death, I will fear nothing, for I am the meanest mother*#*#** in the valley. (George S. Patton)

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I would expect you will find them to act ,dress, and be equiped the same as the US. Free french troops were rearmed and retrained by the US. The story of the rearmerment is actually very interesting and with a great deal of political reprecussions lasting to the present day. I'll bet you'll find Polish troops to look and act like the British troops for the same reasons. If that is so it will because it is historically correct. Welcome to the board

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Nationalistic traits ala SL are not modelled in CM, just the organization and equipment as you noted. However as the designer of a scenario, you can reflect characteristics to a certian degree with the differing bonuses for the HQs. There is also a fanatic toggle making troops less susceptible to break/rout I believe.


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Guest Germanboy

From what we have seen so far, I would expect them to speak good French. That is not meant as a joke, the German in the game is excellent, done by native speakers I believe, with different regional dialects coming through. But apart from that, I doubt there will be much difference.

I think the Polish paratroopers wear grey berets to distinguish them, but I could be wrong there.

Welcome to the board.



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Thanks for the input. I have actually lurked on this forum consistently since last September. I prefer to learn all I can and then start asking questions once I have a good foundation. As for the wisecracks, well you have to expect it from some people. I wasn't offended because I have seen how many of these people post. I expect some people to act immature but I know most people will want to be helpful and give good input.


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Well, all I know on the subject is that they will have a different organization than the Americans, though the equipment is the same (apart from diesels on the Shermans).

I expect most of them will be modelled as veteran, since most saw action in North Africa (not to mention Europe in 1940).

As for "National Characteristics", kinda smacks of something the Nazi doctors would think up, dontcha think?

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Whilst on the sunject of the French in WWII, I was interested to read that the "Maquis" of Voyager (Star Trek) fame take their name from the French Resistance..I didn`t know that until recently.

Damn..now everyone knows I`m a trekkie..


"No Regrets"

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Echo:

Unfortunately you'll find this board teaming with jack-asses who would probably eat their own young if they asked a stupid question, or mis-spelled something in their grammer school<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

As a Pediatrician, I have to please implore you *not* to eat your children, if for no other reason than you are reducing my potential income/customer population, and I have medical school loans to repay. However, should children be essential to the menu, please feel free to contact me for Indigestion recommendations (I am also an Internist). I accept Paypal.com payments via credit card, and provide employee discounts to employees of BTS. cool.gif

Jonathan Windeler, MD

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This is, actually, a question I've wondered about myself. Divisions Francaise Libre re-equiped with US hardware in '43, and from what I can tell -- as far as equipment goes -- are pretty much identical to the Americans right down to the OD field-jackets on their 12-man squads' backs.

As far as troop quality goes, it's sort of a mixed bag: While it's true certain divisions saw action with the Brits in North Africa, and then again with the CEF in Italy, many more divisions where raised from "colonial" levies in '43 and then deployed directly to France for garrison and policing duties.

Of the divisions that where the most seasoned, the 1st Marche (along with elements of the 1st Armored) upon hitting the shores of la Belle France saw fit to replace several of it's colonial battalions with members of the FFI (French Forces of the Interior -- the maqui). This "whitening" of many of the veteran French divisions was supposedly "imposed by the climactic conditions" in France. This sudden influx of "irregulars" probably did little for discipline or morale among the remaining colonials.

And while I'm on the political nature of the Gaullist troops, there's the 2nd Armored: LeClerc's command was mostly in reserve during the fighting in N. Africa, and then missed out on the action in Italy, because it was transfered directly to England to prepare for the Normandy invasion. They came ashore in August '44 soley to take part in the "liberation" of Paris. The 2nd holds the distinction of being the only French unit to spend most of the war under the command of foreign armies -- usually American.

Of all the "French" units, the Moroccan 2nd and 4th de Montagne probably have the best combat records: They fought in Italy with the CEF from '43 until the "Anvil" landing in Southern France, then fought as part of the 1st French Army from Provence to the Rhine and the Danube. As the saying went: "The Tunisians are women, the Algerians are men, and the Moroccans are heroes."

[This message has been edited by von Lucke (edited 06-17-2000).]

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Well, as a french it's a question which bugged me for some times.

If you do a search under "Foreign Legion" you'll see that most of our elite troops, which incidentally were most in what was called "Army of Africa", were colonials and Legioneer.

Those are NOT modelled. All of the different flavored of Free French are abstracted in a single Free French entity.

So, be it FFI (french resistance) or troops which had been fighting since Narvik or Bir Hakeim it's all and the same.

So much to my sorrow I'm waiting for a delivery where the poles would be commonwealth clad fighting like poles and the french would be sporting GI's clothes and chasing the women.

Any clue whether I'm wrong and some of our units would be worth using?

PS: If some of you are willing I'll post some things about or Foreign Legion during WWII ( biggrin.gif The VERY same who incorporated EN MASSE all the left overs from the SS and/or the Wermacht, got nice anecdotes about them).


Either he's dead or my watch has stopped

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I expect that the editor will allow one to choose from conscripts to elite forces...six levels, right. I also assume that in selecting troops for a battle generated game the same choices will be there. Should solve troop quality issues nicely.

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Related to Demster's question, would this apply to the Canadian troops also? Will they be treated the same as the French, only using the British TO&E?

Craig (still trying to find a way to *plonk* a certain realist)

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