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New Scenario: Coup D'etat

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26 minutes ago, Sgt.Squarehead said:

I've not investigated The Citadel, but my attack on the Ministry Of The Interior didn't go well at all.....I'm just discussing the events with @MOS:96B2P, over in the other place.  I'm not too familiar with the mechanics of the 'bridges in buildings thing' so I'm struggling to get my head around what exactly is going on.  I was wondering if enemy units might have wound up under the bridge tile (if that's even possible)?

In theory with ditch lock its possible.  But I didn't try that here.  The gatehouse has no basement...... Maybe next time...... :ph34r: 

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In which case, as I said elsewhere, I figure it's probably the sidewalls of the bridge that are messing with LOS (they're taller than a low wall).....What I don't get is why the unit on the other side can apparently see through them OK?  Could it be because they were in a building (lower floor)?  Does the TacAI presume a small elevation change for that condition? 

I'm currently a bit mystified, so I'm going to try an armoured car shortly, see how that goes.  ;)

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4 hours ago, Sgt.Squarehead said:

Sadly in at least some configurations, those bridge entrances can play hell with LOS.....I lost eight men to a couple of dudes in a building on the other side of one of these structures, the units concerned couldn't even see the building.  :(

Had another look at the test configuration I made some time ago. Just as I had thought, the game treats the walls although removed still as present, when it comes to LOS/LOF. You´ll clearly see if pointing the targeting tool at the gates entrance (stops at the invisible wall). I guess a unit placed right on the bridge (in the gate) is treated like a unit placed in a building when it comes to concealment/cover. It´s just the move through ability that adds to this terrain type combo, but otherwise I´d not expect WYSIWYG.

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I think @RockinHarry has it.....Here's a screenie of the carnage (only three dead at this point, the rest got it when they panicked and ran):


As you can see they were all dropped just as they made contact with the bridge/building tile.....Perhaps, as Harry suggested, there is an invisible wall there, but the moment a unit starts to penetrate it, they become visible to units on the far side (and then the hail of bullets does for the rest of the team outside the invisible barrier as there isn't actually a physical wall there).

Might merit some further investigation, because this is quite a neat way to get vehicles in & out of compounds.  :unsure:

PS - At no point were my units able to draw a line of sight to ANY of the structures visible in the background and IIRC nobody shot at my units until they touched that tile.....I'm guessing the ones that crossed the 'threshold' may have had LOS, but they were dead almost instantly so I never found out for sure.

PPS - Having said that I did try placing various waypoint on the bridge itself and testing to see if I could get LOS from there.....With no joy.

PPPS - Perplexed. 

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From the briefing: 

ANNEX:    The Annex is located on the south edge of the Area of Operations (Grid: 44032501).  A British Special Forces (SF) unit operates from the Annex.  The outer perimeter of the Annex is guarded by local Abbudinian militia.  The militia is notorious for misidentifying and shooting both friends and foes during the hours of darkness.  Both the SF unit and rebels should stay out of the militia's line of site.  The SF unit has a mission to locate Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMDs).  Biological & chemical weapons are believed to have been possessed by the Abbudinian National Army prior to the civil war.  Western powers want to ensure these weapons do not fall into the hands of terrorists or Waleed’s regime.  If the rebels locate evidence of WMDs, linked to the current regime, the SF unit will be given permission to leave the Annex and intervene on behalf of the rebels.  HUMINT sources may provide multiple reports of WMD evidence.  The location of credible evidence, linking Waleed’s regime to WMDs, will cause the militia to remove the barbwire barricades at the entrance to the Annex. The militia will then leave the area.  The SF unit will then be able to support the rebels.  

An SF team on patrol, with their interpreter, after leaving the Annex. 


SF unit with a scout. 


SF sniper team.




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From the briefing: 


Fisbuk Prison is in the southeast area of the city (Grid: 45012500).  Ten of the remaining twenty aldermen (political prisoners) are confined in the prison.  The prison is guarded by conventional forces.  Demolition charges can Blast the aldermen free after regime troops guarding the prison are driven off.  The ten aldermen are regime unit objectives worth 10VPs each and must be safely brought to the City Council Building and restored to power.  The aldermen must use the exit, inside the City Council building, prior to the end of the scenario.  Freeing the aldermen and temporarily occupying the administration building of the prison will persuade the city police (See Police HQ section) to join the rebels. 

Note:  If the rebels make their broadcast from WTF radio station while the 10 aldermen are still confined at the prison regime forces will execute them.  The regime would earn 100VPs for the 10 aldermen confined at Fisbuk Prison.  

SF team provides overwatch as rebel hired mercenaries enter the front gate of Fisbuk Prison.



After a sharp firefight the political prisoners are freed from their cells.


The freed prisoners walk among their liberators on the way to board trucks that will transport them to the City Council building located within the Government Complex. 




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From the briefing:


The Police HQ (Grid: 41152700) is in the western area of the city west of the Government Complex.  The police commander is not sure who is going to prevail in the coup attempt but wants to be on the winning side.  The police HQ is on high alert and any rebel forces that appear in line of sight will be shot.  However, the police commander advised that if Fisbuk Prison (see prison section) is captured, and the city council aldermen freed, the police will join the rebels.  The police will also join the rebels if the city council building, located in the Government Complex, is secured.  The police are motivated by a desire to return the council aldermen (to whom many an officer are related and owe their current job) to power.  The police have Canadian advisers embedded who will assist police patrol teams.  (A touch objective is located in the two story Fisbuk Prison administration building which will trigger the city police to support the rebels.  Another touch objective is located around the outside of the City Council building which will also trigger the city police to support the rebels.) If the Canadian advisers attempt to lead their patrol units out of police HQ prior to Fisbuk Prison being secured a battle will develop between rival police units at the police HQ.  

After the aldermen, confined at Fisbuk prison were liberated (see a few posts up above), a city police unit joins the rebellion.  The city police and their Canadian advisers maneuver down a back alley towards an objective. 



From the briefing:


The Canadian Consulate is located in the northeast area of the city (Grid: 45182804).  The Canadians have an advisory relationship with the Al Mout Police Force (see Police HQ section).  As part of their police assistance program the Canadians provide the police with supplies.  The supplies, loaded on trucks, are scheduled for pickup at the Canadian Consulate this morning at 0420hrs and 0445hrs.   

Supply trucks destined for the Al Mout Police Force exit the Canadian Consulate. 


View, looking southwest, from the rooftop of the Canadian Consulate the morning of the Coup d'etat.  


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11 hours ago, MOS:96B2P said:

The Police HQ (Grid: 41152700) is in the western area of the city west of the Government Complex.  The police commander is not sure who is going to prevail in the coup attempt but wants to be on the winning side.  The police HQ is on high alert and any rebel forces that appear in line of sight will be shot. 

OK so the police are on the government side.

11 hours ago, MOS:96B2P said:

However, the police commander advised that if Fisbuk Prison (see prison section) is captured, and the city council aldermen freed, the police will join the rebels.  The police are motivated by a desire to return the council aldermen (to whom many an officer are related and owe their current job) to power.  The police have Canadian advisers embedded who will assist police patrol teams.  (A touch objective is located in the two story Fisbuk Prison administration building which will trigger the city police to support the rebels.)

Wait they switch sides? How could you possibly do this?

I am curious what trickery / game mechanic you are using for this.

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On 2/25/2019 at 7:16 AM, IanL said:

OK so the police are on the government side.

Wait they switch sides? How could you possibly do this?

I am curious what trickery / game mechanic you are using for this.

There are actually two groups of police in the Police HQ.  A RedFor Police unit and a BluFor police unit.  The RedFor start in the HQ and have control of the perimeter to include the gates (so will shoot at rebel units that come in LOS).  The BluFor police appear inside a section of the Police HQ as reinforcements early in the scenario (well before any possibility of the trigger being tripped).  The HQ is constructed so that there is no LOS between RedFor & BluFor police.  The BluFor police & their wheeled vehicles are locked into their section of the HQ due to the way the HQ is constructed and placement of barbwire.  Although @sburke found a partial way to get out which has since been fixed :ph34r:.  The BluFor police have no demo charges.  

When the trigger at the prison is tripped the RedFor Police, who have tracked vehicles, exit the HQ.  During the exit their tracked vehicles crush the barbwire.  I originally had the RedFor Police move into a RedFor exit zone on the other side of the wire.  However, I have since removed the RedFor exit and added two AI plans.  Now after exiting the RedFor police will move to one of two different locations in the city.  This creates many opportunities for meeting engagements with rebels as they move across the city to their destination. 

With the RedFor police removed from the HQ, and the barbwire crushed, the BluFor police are now available for the player's rebel forces.  

I used the exit zone method with the US Marines at the US Consulate.  At the beginning of the scenario the US Consulate has RedFor US Marines guarding it making the BluFor exit zone inside unreachable to rebel forces.  At about 0600hrs the RedFor Marines move into a RedFor exit zone disappearing from the map.  BluFor Marines then appear as reinforcements at the consulate making it possible for rebel forces to enter.  

The basics of this is in the briefing so no spoilers above. :)      

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It's a superb concept all round and I reckon the next iteration will have all the final kinks ironed out.....Can't express just how impressed I am with this scenario, it's TOC on acid (in a good way)!  :D

1 hour ago, MOS:96B2P said:

I originally had the RedFor Police move into a RedFor exit zone on the other side of the wire.  However, I have since removed the RedFor exit and added two AI plans.  Now after exiting the RedFor police will move to one of two different locations in the city.  This creates many opportunities for meeting engagements with rebels as they move across the city to their destination.

Lambs to the slaughter.....Muhahahahahaha!  etc.  :ph34r:

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