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Afghanistan - The Current Situation

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On 12/12/2018 at 9:03 AM, Sgt.Squarehead said:

I feel exactly the same.  ;)

If you have noting to contribute to this thread on the subject of Afghanistan, kindly stay out of it.  :mellow:

Russia stronk! And how it.d kick HATO @$$ and how us Americans are pining away for a nuclear war that we.re also specifically planning on bringing the British into such a war. Doubtless we.ve been pouring novichok all over your nation to make you made at Russia and also we.re just working out the final details of an Aeroflot map that.ll strongly suggest Russia has designs on your nation to suck you in more.. Oh wait you Brits beat us to that specific one https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2673298/amp/Hitlers-amazing-map-turned-America-against-Nazis-A-leading-novelists-brilliant-account-British-spies-US-staged-coup-helped-drag-Roosevelt-war.html )

Oh well. Seriously though I myself have never said nor seen any Westerner nor American saying "F ya! War with Russia! Lets do it! We.ll win a nuclear war!"

You literally make it out like westerners are acting like how people did august 1914 except about nuclear weapons and a third world war. And youre utterly wrong its universally looked at with utter dread in the entire western world. To the point that presidential orders by Nixon to nuke NK were DISOBEYED and Kissinger called US cmdrs ordering them.to disregard the order because the pres was drunk! Id also like to add that I dont recall anyone ever telling any Russian leader ever they were drunk and to sleep on it - something worrisome now I picture it - especially with this narrative by Soviet/Russian apologists like you that its ALWAYS the west thats the aggressor ( cof cof invading poland1939? Nazi allies? Lies!) Its always the west pining for nuclear war blah blah.

Notice the west never purposefully has news conferences JUST to showcase horrible end of the world.doomsday weapons?

Im sorry but really who are you kidding? Afghanistans been outta the window on this

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1 hour ago, Sublime said:

...I myself have never said nor seen any Westerner nor American saying "F ya! War with Russia! Lets do it! We.ll win a nuclear war!"

I don't think that's entirely true. According to some of the reading I have done, in the first few years immediately after the end of WW II, the bomber generals of the USAF were advocating nuclear war against the USSR. They were arguing that we should remove them as a threat before they could develop a nuclear arsenal.*

* I believe I read that in 15 Minutes: General Curtis LeMay and the Countdown to Nuclear Annihilation by Keeney, L. Douglas


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1 hour ago, Sublime said:

Im sorry but really who are you kidding? Afghanistans been outta the window on this

Yup, I shouldn't have made the 'Never gone in' comment, as it gave you an excuse.  :rolleyes:

But please, if you are going to troll this thread, do it in English.....I'm struggling to translate the troll gibberish that you post into something I can comprehend in my mother tongue.  :)

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Now, I usually try not to post in these threads. But I've recently come to a realization:

America and Russia are like an old married couple.

a. They like to argue, they like to misuse eachother's possessions.

b. Keenly aware of eachother's flaws, and very eager to blame eachother.

c. While they're happy to sabotage eachother, they always ally together when a third party steps in.

d. Have a lot of common history, and even more common interests. 

e. Each one tries to prove they wear the pants in the relationship.

Like I said, I try not to post political things. But I think people have more in common than they realize.

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20 hours ago, Michael Emrys said:

I don't think that's entirely true. According to some of the reading I have done, in the first few years immediately after the end of WW II, the bomber generals of the USAF were advocating nuclear war against the USSR. They were arguing that we should remove them as a threat before they could develop a nuclear arsenal.*

* I believe I read that in 15 Minutes: General Curtis LeMay and the Countdown to Nuclear Annihilation by Keeney, L. Douglas


Ok Emrys you got me. BESIDES some looney bomber generals in the late 40s and LeMay who should've been sacked by the early sixties, never in my lifetime (b. 1985) and definitely not during the 70s have I encountered anyserious Americans or Westerners who wanted a full blown war with Russia just to have one


P.s. - you are right no citation needed. LeMay urged Kennedy to do a mass preemptive strike saying the US would " only" suffer 20 to 30 million dead. Kennedy called him a madman

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20 hours ago, Sgt.Squarehead said:

Yup, I shouldn't have made the 'Never gone in' comment, as it gave you an excuse.  :rolleyes:

But please, if you are going to troll this thread, do it in English.....I'm struggling to translate the troll gibberish that you post into something I can comprehend in my mother tongue.  :)

Trolling would be calling you names etc. Not directly adressing your argument with a counter.  Youre the one making personal insults and continually now trying to just ignore the argument. Its sooo ironic how EVERY argument or conversation I have with bolshies or Russia apologists becomes them name tossing; whataboutism; or the forum equivalent of "now the arguments not going my way Im going to nitpick everything (grammar) and obsess about being O/T but of course it was fine FOR ME to go O/T, but how dare this American speak his mind?!)

What are you having so much trouble translating? The few joke lines like "russia stronk"? Seriously dont try to play grammar nazi now because your english and I dont have exactly perfect grammar with periods - I used to think you were Russian precisely because it seemed English WAS NOT a native tongue of yours.

How about actually adressing the contents of the post? (esp. Since the hyperlink is for a BRIT newspaper that says HOW THE BRITS TRIED TO DRAG ROOSEVELT INTO WAR) 

As far as Afg. Its a continual low grade clusterfuk. The negotiations broke down. All I can say is casualties for the US at least have gotten pretty low. But I dont value the most rednecked ignorant private's life for the entire nation of Afghanistan from where I sit.


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+1 especially since he was on Azov thread.

Still interesting a general officer got wounded and another pulled his sidearm in that green on blue attack.

After watching hundreds of firefight vids from Afghanistan I noticed theres A LOT of green on blue fire. Blue on blue too but its squashed quick usually. The green on blue Im sure a huge part is language culture comms etc.

However its so frequent one really wonders how many times it was accidental and how many times a unit didnt say defect to the Taliban but maybe let loose a clip into some Americans if an opportunity to get awat with it presented itself. It also helps that insurgencies dont have standardized weapons and if they have anything close its the AK which the West doesnt use and therefore you wouldnt be able to say " these bullets had to have been captured or used by friendlies on us" since the ' friendlies' often use the same ammo and guns the enemies use.


I will say that combat experience and tech has made it seem like blue on blue incidents ESP. With CAS have really dropped over time versus GW1

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4 hours ago, Sublime said:

As far as Afg. Its a continual low grade clusterfuk. The negotiations broke down. All I can say is casualties for the US at least have gotten pretty low. But I dont value the most rednecked ignorant private's life for the entire nation of Afghanistan from where I sit.

You finally got there in the last paragraph.....Congratulations.  :D

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Dude, let's just accept that we don't agree on all things and leave it at that, I'll try not to poke you, you try not to poke me.....I do sincerely wish you well and it seems we may actually have more in common than you might think!  ;)

All the best to you and your boy!  B)



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Just discovered this:


Deeply troubled by it too.....We had a similar case here and a brave serviceman (& his family) were put through hell.....Hopefully you guys in the US can write/e-mail your representatives and get this ridiculous prosecution dropped.  :(

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1 hour ago, Sgt.Squarehead said:

Just discovered this:


Deeply troubled by it too.....We had a similar case here and a brave serviceman (& his family) were put through hell.....Hopefully you guys in the US can write/e-mail your representatives and get this ridiculous prosecution dropped.  :(

If he did what he said he did, premeditated execution of a prisoner..... what exactly are you defending?  Why is it ridiculous to pursue the case?  It is unfortunate yes, but if we are not committed to holding ourselves to a higher standard then what exactly are we?  This seems conflicted with other positions you have taken.

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Yeah if this is the case where they led the suspected bombmaker out of the wire executed him and buried him sorry thats a war crime.

I remember around 9/11there was zero sympathy for terrorists and everyone was for torture, anything really. It was tempting to agree- but Im glad many remembered that such actions only blur the line between the terrorists and 'us'; and only strengthen their cause.

After all OBL stated in the early 90s he wanted a US invasion of a mid east nation - itd be a rallying point andhe probably thought they could end the US ( the mujahideen vets of Afghanistan then credited themselves for the SU demise)

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It was my understanding that there was an immediate & real threat from the individual concerned to the men under Major Golsteyn's command, he has a duty to protect those men and took the steps necessary to protect them. 

His lawyer maintains that his actions did not breach ROE.....Let's see how it pans out, but I suspect what we'll find is a man placed in an impossible situation, who took action to protect those who it was his duty to protect at the expense of a perceived enemy.....My sense of justice recoils at this, it's simply not appropriate to judge Major Golsteyn's actions in the field (in a truly ghastly counterinsurgency campaign) against some textbook model or ideal scenario.

Just my opinion, not looking for a quarrel about it.  B)

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1 hour ago, Sgt.Squarehead said:

It was my understanding that there was an immediate & real threat from the individual concerned to the men under Major Golsteyn's command, he has a duty to protect those men and took the steps necessary to protect them. 

Just my opinion, not looking for a quarrel about it.  B)

Agreed, it is not for us here to judge him, but I would say your "understanding" isn't quite how I read the man's comments.  "He told the anchor he shot the man because he was concerned he would kill Afghan informants if released."  Then again we are looking at a media report.

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12 minutes ago, Sgt.Squarehead said:

And potential crucifixion thereby.  :(

There was nothing of the sort in that article.  Getting a bit tired of media bashing any time they report on something that someone may not like.  it is their job.  My only suggestion is the media can only report on the info they have.  I would go to the NBC report embedded in the article.  It has more detail including responses from the Major.  it is still a bit vague and to be clear it is not the media but rather the  Military that is pursuing the case.  The initial investigation started from his responses to a lie detector test.  It was dropped for lack of physical evidence, but he was still punished by the Army Secretary.  The latest charges are a result of comments on his part during a Fox news interview.  The media is not crucifying him.

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