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I plant the flag here now!

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[staggers around... bumping randomly into trees, CM'ers and sheep... wondering why Mace let them out so soon... slowly, slowly edging to the crest of the hill.

Finally falling to knees then sideways, careful to to disturb the rucksack...]

Spank me, but that's a long climb! What'in the hell are all those Trolls doing down there? Sum'bitches nearly took my hootch! Tried carrying that Teutonicc feller' back up but stuck with the rucksack instead...

Now... who's for some FOURTIES!!! Slap on the Sir-Mix-A-Lot and lets let those bleary trolls know who's got back!

collapses in own vomit


"I send you a kaffis of mustard seed, that you may taste and acknowledge the bitterness of my victory."

"Legal advice is very often divorced from reality in my humble opinion" - BTS

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Fourties?? 'at's exactly what we (hic) need to 'old them trolls at bay. A good mount (sit down Stuka) of Bofors 40mm.

Somebody that can walk go over and turn Iskander on his side.

Now where'd that beer-bong go....

[This message has been edited by Leeo (edited 02-27-2001).]

[This message has been edited by Leeo (edited 02-27-2001).]

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By-The-Way (BTW), though a "bong" is sometimes used for ingesting drugs, a "beer-bong" is a relic from the early 80's teenage American wasteland, and involves a funnel, a tube, and someone who can open their throat withou the need to swallow. Anyone relate to "shot-gunning" a beer?

Any-who, this place is a frickin' mess. I say we move to a different hill and protect it from the trolls. Can I get a huzzah?


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*** Climbing up a hill, seeing nothing. From a distance roaring laughter and cheers are heard from a hill to the south.

A flag is clearly visible on MY hill. Closer inspection reveals a sign: "Property of Caen country club, hole 18)."

Oh my god! Those guys in this small cars weren't trolls... Ooops.... eek.gif

Anyway, looks nice, my small hill. Will use it as an FO area.



Klotzen, nicht kleckern!

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What is happening?!

It appears I am the only one left upon this hill. Me and a bunch of empties, and a bread-firing mortar carrier. I am surrounded by a minefield that I don't have the maps to penetrate (sit down, Bahaus).

When will I be re-supplied(and where, O where are my former (new) compatriots)?

Sir? General, Sir? It appears the trolls are gathering again. I dunna' think I can hold them back on me own!! I only gots one extra barrel and three belts a' ammo!!

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Originally posted by Gen. Sosaboski:

Settle down lad, it will just be like Falaise Gap all over again. Sure we'll get tossed around a bit, but we'll beat them up real good. wink.gif

Rest assured you are not alone, I'm just afraid the rest of them have made a stop at the Cesspool, or perhaps the Peng thread. wink.gif

Bah.... We see all...we know all.. (at least we like to think so wink.gif)

So sit down, take in the view and belly up for another Guinness. Or if you need some R&R come over to our side of the hill (we were smart enough to set up on the reverse slope) and enjoy or new Officers club and enjoy the live bands and gaming tables or if your a junior the enlisted club. (I hear the enlisted club might even have electricity by the time CM2 roles out).



"Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats



and for Kitty's sake


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Attack our side of the hill?

You have got to be kidding. Even trolls aren't stupid enough to try and wade uphill through rivers of cess. No they march like the idiots they are into your craters and wire.



"Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats



and for Kitty's sake


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Hmm, I remember this thread and I, too, miss the quality of discussion

that was so common in the early days of the board. I was here long

before the beta came out and I'm definitely old school all the way. smile.gif

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[Having being passed out on Bud Lite for what seems to be an eternity, Teamski groggily crawls out from under one of the Shermans]

"Whoa, what happened? Who are you guys? Did we win? How did I get this piece of shrapnel in my back, did one of you guys walk in the mine field again? This is the last time I drink a case of bud without eating first! Man, do I have a headach."

[He stumbles into Stuka, appologizes and sits down near an AVRE he never noticed before. Bumping his head on the side of the hull, he slowly passes out mumbling something about "getting the tanks up on the hill" .........


"The Lieutenant brought his map out and the old woman pointed to the coastal town of Ravenoville........"

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Teamski: I think we won, I don't see any more trolls around.

Lorak: That's true, trolls will not march up through cess, but did you ever consider an airborne or glider attack? wink.gif Actually, we are cleaning up a bit over here, there hasn't been a lot of action. We now have a lot of the craters filled in, becoming quite nice.

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