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ok how about a MAXIMUM release date?

Guest Stabsfeldwebel

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Guest Stabsfeldwebel

Ok steve,bts, etc, we have been like really really patient I think. The lack of information might be considered rude by some, but I'm struggling to keep my senses about me.

How about a MAXIMUM release date? one that nomatter what, the game will be released by then. And pls no BS answers like "july 1st" or junk like that, give us a real answer, like say March 1st, but of course the game could be completed up to a month, or more, or even tomarrow. But come on this is what EVERYONE who posts ANYTHING on this board wants to know, except of course those dang beta testers, fionn, and the BTS team.

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What's the point in asking when you *know* it will be done when it's done. AFter all, you can have a piece of **** now, or a damn good game at a later date.

BTS can't screw up (or so I assume); so this is why they will take the time to get what they perceive as 'right'.

And why would July 1rst be a BS answer?


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Guest Stabsfeldwebel

I didn't ask for answers from people who know nothing about the release date other than rumor and conjecture.

Oh boy, what a genius statement, "it'll be done when it's done" got any other immense statements of philosophical diddle?

Unless your steve, or bts, or someone who actually has information on the subject that IS factual, just don't post.

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Here's some factual information (or maybe its just my perception smile.gif ).

In the last couple of weeks there have been a steady stream of "are we there yet? are we there yet? are we there yet?" type of posts.

The common denominator for all of them seems to be that the posters have been around this board for, in relative terms, 30 seconds.

I've been waiting so long my Visa expired - the same thing has happened to many others - and yet, compared to many of the posters here I could be considered a newbie.

So, please, just be patient and wait for the damn game.

Hell, even after its been released you'll probably still get it before many because of the difference in postage times between the US and the rest of the world.





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All I know is money and profits

tend to produce the best products

in the least time. Maybe there is

a quota of orders before the release

the game. You know "those Park Ave Guys".

Gee even the local police have quotas

of traffic tickets at the end of

the month.

Everyone shut-up and buy another copy feer darn sake! We may be only be a few hundred copies away.


- Kevin

PS very tongue in cheek

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Guest Mikeman

I'll say it once again. The gold demo will be available for download on February 9 and pre-orders will begin shipping March 8. I cannot prove this, but it is true. I just know these things. Trust me.

Mikeman out.

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Stabs, beta testers giving out info on release dates is a big legal no-no. Part of the price they pay for being in on the ground floor of a game is having to keep quiet about it to everybody.

Additionally, I concur with T Davies' statements regarding people who continually ask for release-date info despite BTS' repeating (to the nth power) "we'll tell you it's ready by giving you the URL to the full demo." If you know there will be no concrete answer, why do you continue to ask?

JonS also makes a valid point. There are people around here who have been following this game for as long as it's been called CombatMission, and I'm sure that not all of them got to be beta testers. They've been blandering about in the dark just like the rest of us for two years now, and most of them are still sitting patiently waiting.


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You know, after playing all the scenarios in the Beta about a hundred times against the AI, I thought I knew this game. Then I started (just recently) to play a PBEM game. I realized I didn't know squat about it. It's fasinating in it's complexity.

Maybe people who are so impatient just are not allowing themselves to enjoy the full depth of the game. There are infinite variations in every scenario. Have a good time. smile.gif

P.S. Kevi - did you get my e-mail by any chance?

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I am fully in agreement with Tobruk. If you are bored with what we have now, you obviously haven't been playing enough PBEM. I was convinced I was going to delete the demo from my HD then thought "Oh, I'll just try a PBEM to see what that is like before deleting it". Taking on a human (or even somebody like Berli) adds a whole new dimension to the game. Now I'm not going to stop until I see the Nawidontknowitsname work, or I get the real thing.

PS: Mike is full of crap. Gold demo 31/1. Game sent to Goanna by Steve personally 14/2. First whipping of Fionn NLT 30/4. smile.gif


desert rat wannabe

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In reply to Stabs request for a "maximum" release date. In theory, BTS is operating as is there is no such thing. If they were, they probably would have shipped it late November for the Xmas holidays. BTS whole idea is not to do what the other companies do, which is...

A. Release a crappy, watered down, generic, copy cat game of the latest fad.

B. Have a deadline for a release, which causes them to have to release a game which may have major, known bugs.

C. Ignore thier customer base, who knows better what they want in a game than some marketing geek in some cubicle somewhere.

So with this being the case, I sincerly doubt BTS will respond to your request for such a date because there is no such animal.


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Guest Capt_Manieri

I've been wondering where the hell Steve is lately. I haven't seen many posts with stuff from him for a while. Oh well, maybe this silence is a good thing. Hopefully by the end of next week they'll have things squared away with the game.

Another thing, why does everybody jump down Stabsfeldwebel's throat? The man asks a relevant question and you give him this "it'll be done when it's done", crap. Stabsfeldwebel asked what could possibly be the latest time that it could arrive. I myself, am very restless. I can identify. If you despise this question and want to give him bull, don't reply to his posts. I frankly am so sick of seeing people be at the gun, ready to shoot at the first person who inquires about an arrival date. All I can say is RELAX, RELAX, RELAX!!!!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Ok steve,bts, etc, we have been like really really patient I think. The lack of information might be considered rude by some, but I'm struggling to keep my senses about me.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Wow, SELL people a game and suddenly they think that you OWE them wink.gif... I can barely believe you're coming in here intimating "rudeness" vis a vis not giving a release date.

Let me tell you a little story.

Let's say Steve gave a date for release and then let's say it was missed. What is the FIRST thing people like you and others on the forum would do?

Answer: You'd COMPLAIN about BROKEN PROMISES. You'd complain long and hard.

Result: ONCE Steve gives a release date out the clock will be ticking and if it is missed for the best reasons in the world people will start bitching.

As it nears pressure to release ON that release date and NOT "when the game is ready" will increase.

You're bloody lucky to find a company which says "whenever it is ready" instead of giving you a specific date but you just don't know enough to see it.

Ps. I DO NOT KNOW WHEN IT WILL BE RELEASED and neither do any other beta testers. Hell even Steve and Charles probably only have a rough idea. You are not being kept in the dark any more than anyone else. You're just not being given what you feel would be a sop to your impatience but which would end up doign more harm than good.

The above are just my personal opinions.

P.p.s The game will definitely be released by March 1st, 3000 AD. Happy now?

To address Jon S' post I'd like to comment that I've been here for about 14 months now.. Others have been here even longer. Suffice it to say though that many people have been waiting a year for CM. If they can be patient then so should everyone else.

Hell, with the game getting better all the time you shouldn't mind it being held back until it is in the best shape possible. {Cut large explanation of factors involved in a ship now/ keep improving it decision which I realised wouldn't be read or understood by those who bitch.}


<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>First whipping of Fionn NLT 30/4. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

What's NLT and is 30/4 the 30th of the 4th month?


<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>The man asks a relevant question and you give him this "it'll be done when it's done", crap. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Sigh, the man asked a relevant question and then f'ed it up by saying things like,

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>The lack of information might be considered rude by some, but I'm struggling to keep my senses about me.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

as though he had a proper reason to be angry.

he then went on to describe the "it'll be released when it is ready" answer as "JUNK".. You described it as "CRAP".

I think we know why you identify with him and it isn't a good reason. You're both equally impatient and ornery.

People didn't react badly to the multitude of other threads asking this question because they were civil as opposed to Stabsfeldwebel's rather incendiary initial post.

Thou needest a new attitude and some more humility young grasshoper wink.gif.



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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I think rhere are several reasons that the game hasn't come out yet.

When I first started reading the board in August, the relaese of the demo was slated for late summer and the full game in late Fall. Then the game was pushed back slightly for a hopeful release before Christmas. Now, the game will likely miss that deadline by at least a month.

But think of all that has improved with the game. There have been numerous additions that have been put in becase of discussion on this board. Fanaticism, new kneeling for soldiers, better running animation, improved artillery, rifle grenades, new elevation characteristics, group move, valid targets, along with the obvious bug fixex and tweaks, and enhancement of the graphics. I'm sure there are a bunch of things I'm forgetting.

I, personally, am very happy with the feedback that Steve has been giving. He keeps us up to date on what is going on.

Has anyone noticed that since the demo was released Steve doesn't sound like a marketing cheerleader anymore? Before the demo Steve ws constantly writing about how accurate the game was and that it was more realistic than anything out there. And that we all had to unlearn from previous games. Maybe it is because he was right?

Anyway, I hope the game is fairly close to completion. The demo, while fun, is almost three months and is getting a little long in the tooth.


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Guest MantaRay

Hey for all of you who are getting sick of the people asking about release dates...lighten up. Now what if BTS did tell us a release date??? Would that not be tolerated here?

And since it is my understanding that this board is about questions about the game...is it not a valid question to ask when it will come out? And would you get mad if someone kept asking why the armour penetration values are set the way they are, or that the many people who have said how great the demo is?

Even false hope is more hope than not knowing. smile.gif



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Well, I've said this before but...

I have been waiting literally ten years for a game such as this one. I will very happily wait a few extra weeks to get it done right. Who are we to second guess those who have put two and a half years into making this game? Why put all that work at risk for the sake of a couple of lousy weeks?

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Guest scurlock

Some of us as long as twenty years. I thought Steel Panthers was the boss when it came out. Micro Armor on the computer WooHoo!

Steel Panthers doesn't hold a candle to CM! Even as great as Steel Panthers was at the time, it still quickly became a number counting game for me.. if I attack the 35 point Panther with 3 14 point M18's and one M18 survives, I'm 7 points ahaid in the game... The turn based play, along with so many other unrealities, fell way short of the mark I've been dreaming of.

CM is the closest thing to actual small unit level combat ever!I can hardly wait for the real thing to come out. It's supposed to be so much better than the demo.

Getting back to the original subject, I'm completely empathetic with the discision not to give another release date. Breaking promises makes me I'll. I may set myself up for failure by making a promise I didn't realize I can't keep once, but not a second time.

I've been following Diablo II's progress for about a year know. I'm so dissapointed with them that I may never buy Diablo II.

What I would like to see which I'm sure most everybody would appreciate, is not a prognostication but rather a report on what happened this week with CM. This has been mentioned before and it tickles my ears. If for reasons unknown to me this is an unwise thing for Big Time Software to do, well I understand.

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