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Getting Ugly (CM:RT crossover)

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I would love to see the "Getting Ugly" scenario from CM:RT redone for CM:BS. I would keep the map more or less the same: Russian attack from east against Ukrainian rearguard falling back towards river defensive line, lots of tanks, lots of infantry, lots of Ukrainian anti-tank, modest artillery and air support on each side (mainly mortars). It would be amazing. 1km wide x 2km deep map with lots of LOS obstructions (buildings, trees). Is there a way to import CM:RT maps?

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4 hours ago, Cpl Steiner said:

Is there a way to import CM:RT maps?

Yes you need to change one of the bytes in the header of the BTT file. I forget what the byte address is, but someone has converted some RT QB maps for BS. I'd recommend finding the relevant thread and investigating further. You'll need to strip out all the forces from the RT map first mind. Then save it as a map only, only then changing the byte flag so as to be able to import to BS editor.

You may need to change some aspects of the map once in the BS editor -esp. with respect to flavours.

Selecting the BS forces is the part of the process that becomes interesting. Still it's a doable and quite a short-length project - map construction itself is the time consuming part. Why not have a go yourself?    

EDIT: Found it - halfway down this thread:-


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Wow, thanks guys! I downloaded a hex editor and was able to import the "Getting Ugly" map into CM:BS. It looks pretty damn good right off the bat but on closer inspection I am sure there will be some flavour object issues etc. You have inspired me to make a conversion of "Getting Ugly" from CM:RT to CM:BS. Same situation (Russians assaulting retreating enemy) but updated to modern day Russia vs Ukraine / NATO. Should be a blast!

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10 hours ago, Cpl Steiner said:

You have inspired me to make a conversion of "Getting Ugly" from CM:RT to CM:BS

Fantastic!  If the map opens up in 3D preview from within the BS editor then that's even better - there's always a possibility that a map conversion will crash in 3D preview until certain objects (specific building types esp.) have been removed. The only (aesthetic) issue might be that some flavour obj in the BS 3D preview aren't what they were intended to be in the RT version. Like you'll get a bus stop in the middle of a field instead of a plough - that sort of thing.

I'd take a liberal approach to any/all changes. No one's going to chastise you for getting rid of a road or adding some houses if it makes the map work better for the game and forces involved.

Sgt Squarehead sentiments exactly, please share your finished product with the community.  

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The map already opens in 3D Preview in the CM:BS editor and looks pretty good without any further work but I intend to look for out-of-place flavour objects etc. I don't expect to get anything finished soon; it will be a long-term project. For anyone wishing to view the map "as is", you can download it here (zipped)...

https://www.dropbox.com/s/iw2ulzskvr118qo/Test Ugly.zip?dl=0

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Quick update on this. It might be easier than I thought to get a viable scenario done as in my initial testing the existing AI plans seem to be working. In theory all I need to do is assign somewhat comparable forces to each AI plan and it will work.

The problem will be, what is "comparable"? For instance, we can't have tank riders so I will probably replace tanks with riders with AFVs carrying squads. Similarly we can't have anti-tank rifles so I will probably replace with "poor quality" ATGMs. Trucks carrying infantry I will probably replace with the worst APC for that side (light armour, MG-only).

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58 minutes ago, Cpl Steiner said:

Can't have anti-tank rifles so I will probably replace with "poor quality" ATGMs

You could ensure that Russian troops are equipped with RPG 7's, RPG 26 with AT4's for the Americans. Such weapons can be acquired from trucks, jeeps and IFV's - at least they can be from such vehicles in motorised, mechanised formations. 

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I have it working for the Russian side now, including briefing text and graphics (but no tactical map yet). It's fun! I imagine critics will say I haven't changed it enough to reflect modern forces but I like it so far.

Early preview (play Red vs. AI as Blue still has CM:RT briefing)...

https://www.dropbox.com/s/614j2qkf8m4g2cu/Getting Ugly.zip?dl=0


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I have tested this now as Blue vs. AI and although not intended to be played like this I can confirm that the Red AI plans are working just fine. All I have to do now is do the Blue briefing text and graphics and this is finished. So much for "this will be a long-term project" !!

Given how easy this was to convert from CM:RT, I am tempted to find other scenarios to convert so if you have a particular favourite in one of the other game titles, let me know.

I would very much like some feedback on this so if you try it, please do post here with your assessment. I think it's a nice "retro-feel" battle but with modern forces.




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I wonder how they will play since they are different eras.  But, since you asked...

CMBN:  KG Himmelfarht - a large and long scenario. One of my favorites.

CMFI:  Venafro Back Into Hell - city fighting

CMRT:  Blood On the Tracks - a classic

Mostly I play campaigns and some of the missions would be good.  Can one convert a campaign (effectively)??


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Caveat: I think you are going to hit issues converting BN and FI maps to BS. Many building types for example are not compatible, flavour objects more so  - though the latter might not crash the game (the former almost certainly will). My guess is that Bf used RT map features as a foundation for BS maps - and that's why there is close enough compatibility to port so easily.

Well done on your map conversion though,  please do post the latest version at the weekend when I can find time to take a look and give you feedback on the map itself.

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On ‎24‎/‎05‎/‎2017 at 0:35 AM, The Steppenwulf said:

Caveat: I think you are going to hit issues converting BN and FI maps to BS. Many building types for example are not compatible, flavour objects more so  - though the latter might not crash the game (the former almost certainly will). My guess is that Bf used RT map features as a foundation for BS maps - and that's why there is close enough compatibility to port so easily.

Well done on your map conversion though,  please do post the latest version at the weekend when I can find time to take a look and give you feedback on the map itself.

If you play Red vs. AI then this effectively IS the final version. Well, if you don't mind no Tactical Map that is. I will modify the Blue briefing stuff soon but it is not advisable to play Blue vs. AI or even Blue head-to-head IMO.

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I take an interest in the road sections, since I've found that in many maps some of these sections just don't dovetail as they should do (including some stock maps). When they don't, the roads can range from looking odd to simply plain ugly, which perhaps may have been fitting in this case given the title of the scenario. :lol:

Anyhow I just checked, all is good with the road sections.

I see many blood-baths on this map!


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Final version here...

https://www.dropbox.com/s/614j2qkf8m4g2cu/Getting Ugly.zip?dl=0

It now includes Briefing graphics and text for both sides but only Red gets a tactical map. I did not attempt a tactical map for Blue as it would take a long time, is not essential, and would probably be time wasted as recommended play is Red vs. AI. If someone desperately wants a tactical map for Blue let me know and I may reconsider. I would also like to acknowledge the original author in the "Designer's Notes" so if anyone knows who it was (maybe it was you) please let me know.

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This thread is very helpfull! It's great to hear that all titles can profit from the effort put into a map.

It works like a charm. I could easily convert a map for CM:BS into a map for CM:FB (hex-value for CM:FB = 0C).

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2017-5-26 at 10:36 PM, Cpl Steiner said:

Final version here...

https://www.dropbox.com/s/614j2qkf8m4g2cu/Getting Ugly.zip?dl=0

It now includes Briefing graphics and text for both sides but only Red gets a tactical map. I did not attempt a tactical map for Blue as it would take a long time, is not essential, and would probably be time wasted as recommended play is Red vs. AI. If someone desperately wants a tactical map for Blue let me know and I may reconsider. I would also like to acknowledge the original author in the "Designer's Notes" so if anyone knows who it was (maybe it was you) please let me know.

Just stumbled across this thread.  I did the original "Getting Ugly" for CMRT. I'll have to give your CMBS version a go: sodium bbc like it will be interesting and fun. (Just as soon as I get around to reinstalling Black Sea on my shiny new laptop).

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13 hours ago, TheVulture said:

Just stumbled across this thread.  I did the original "Getting Ugly" for CMRT. I'll have to give your CMBS version a go: sodium bbc like it will be interesting and fun. (Just as soon as I get around to reinstalling Black Sea on my shiny new laptop).

Thanks TheVulture. I will update the scenario to credit the original scenario to you.

Done: https://www.dropbox.com/s/614j2qkf8m4g2cu/Getting Ugly.zip?dl=0


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