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Whats going on with TCP/IP support?!

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So the games been out for a while now.. Whats going on with the TCP/IP support? Is it currently being worked on??

Im frustrated from how slow PBEM is when both people are online and trying to get through a battle.. but im sure im not the only one..


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by duck:

Does this amount to consumer fraud when a major portion of the game is not included or shipped with the product?

Is this grounds for a class action lawsuit?

Questions to ponder.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Um. I hope you weren't being serious.

First - BTS has been saying for the past few months that TCP/IP support will be in an upcoming patch.

Second - As far as I know, there has only been one attempt by a gamer to bring a class action suit against a computer game company for consumer fraud. An irate Ultima Online gamer claimed that the lag on the UO servers made the game unplayable, thus constitution fraud on Origin's part. The plaintiff was relatively well-known as a crank in the MUDing community. The case was laughed out of court.

Third - You're not going to get a hell of a lot of support on this board for a lawsuit which targets BTS.

My suggestion - Go back and re-edit that post with a big old heap of smilies, or else get lost. Either way works.


Soy super bien, soy super super bien, soy bien bien super bien bien bien super super.

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You just full of them negative waves, ain't you Jake?

Lets see, your first two posts are both negative and you mention lawsuit against the creators of CM on a forum full of CM lovers (fanatics). Since you didn't put any smilies on that second post of yours I figure you just want to piss people off. That aint a real good way to start on this forum.

What happen? Somebody hit you an the side of the head with a hammer?

[This message has been edited by MadDog0606 (edited 08-16-2000).]

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You know, this brings up a good point.

If BTS works on getting the TCP/IP patch done, some people will complain that they are not being attentive and are ignoring "major" problems with the game.

If BTS tries to tweak and adjust minor things within the game, other people will complain that they should be working on the TCP/IP.

In other words; BTS is damned if they do and damned if they don't. BTS has said that TCP/IP will be included and since I have no reason to doubt their statement, I will take them for their word.

In the meantime, I'll just sit back and try to figure out why CM has started locking up my cpu. mad.gif



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Duck said: "Does this amount to consumer fraud when a major portion of the game is not included or shipped with the product?

Is this grounds for a class action lawsuit?"

No. Not to put too fine a point on an obvious answer, but BTS said internet play would be included in a patch, not shipped with the game. It didn't say when that patch would be released, therefore there is no fraud. If you didn't read what you were buying before you bought it, that's your fault, not theirs.

But frankly, that's really not the point. If you've played the game, you know an extraordinary amount of time, energy, and care has been put into its creation. There can be no doubt that this game will continue to receive that same degree of devotion.

The patch will come. Until then, I'm using the time to practise my tactics.

My only complaint so far with BTS is that they did not have a FedEx option to ship thier product! Hopefully this will be fixed before CM2 comes out.

This wasn't meant to be a flame, and if it sounded that way I apologize. I guess I'm just saying you should really look at the whole picture. This is a great product, created and supported by people who care. Rest easy.

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This kind of reminds me of the old business adage "No good deed goes unpunished."

Now we have a problem with a Work of Art that is not perfect because of the use of robin's eggs instead of chicken eggs to make tempura paint.

The price for creation is criticism.

The greater the creation, the greater the criticism.

Hence, criticism is a GOOD thing.

So, all critiques are positive for CM, the Great Art of Wargaming.

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Willhammer -

Constructive criticism is a wonderful thing. I don't believe that Duck's critique was constructive in any way. Offering to sue a company for failing to include a pet feature, imo, falls more into the pissing into the wind category of criticism. wink.gif


Soy super bien, soy super super bien, soy bien bien super bien bien bien super super.

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Willhammer -

I agree, criticism is good if it is constructive. But this person didn't offer constructive criticism. All Duck did was shoot off at the mouth and yell lawsuit. If Duck hadn't wrote the second post in this thread I wouldn't have given the thread a second thought. I don't care for TCP/IP. Some people do and BTS has stated what their priorities are and where TCP/IP falls in those priorities.

If Duck had even tried to do a search on TCP/IP Duck would have read what BTS said it was going to do concerning TCP/IP.

I hope nobody writes that doing a search is to hard with the number of posts on the forum. Because it isn't. All it takes is a little patience and the ability to read (not spell, just read).

By the way, Duck is a good handle for the guy (or gal) because now he (or she) has to duck to avoid all the crap he (or she) is going to get for that lawsuit post.

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This is not Skorzeny.

Skorzeny was bitching about the demo.

Daffy Duck is whining about TCP/IP.

It is obviously someone else, under a different alias.

Why don't you just post the question instead of hiding behind your monitor there Daffy.

No need to be shy.


Better to make the wrong decision than be the sorry son of a bitch to scared to make one at all

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Guest Germanboy

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Wilhammer:

Now we have a problem with a Work of Art that is not perfect because of the use of robin's eggs instead of chicken eggs to make tempura paint.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I never painted my Tempura, and I would not trust any restaurant serving it!

But Duck is right, I wonder how you all fail to see it! It is obvious. As was pointed out before, CM is a 'broken product' and the customers therefore have a right to get redress, and to see Charles work in the mines, or 36 hours/day to bloody well fix it. The great American tradition of the class-action lawsuit seems just the right thing to me to get him to do it. I personally feel so aggrieved that I won't accept anything below $15million after lawyer's fees for me.

Sometimes you just have to wonder if people have any idea how ludicrous they appear...



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True, the criticism was mean spirited and totally destructive in tone, in and of itself, but the criticism is good in that it attracted sane, competent and very useful commentary that not only quashed the heresy, but further aids CM.

My great fear for CM is that new ppl coming to the board that see this spurious and misguided bitching will turn off any potential new CMers.

I revel in those who accept the duty to replace lies and threats with truths and promise. This only aids the cause.

No problem ever existed that did not have a least one and usually infinite solution.

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Egg Tempura

-colored chalk

(bright pastel chalks are best)


-one egg

Break off pieces of chalk and grind them into powder in an old pottery bowl with a round rock. Put the colored

powder into cups (careful not to breath any).

Crack an egg and separate the white from the yolk. Put the yolk in a bowl and add 2 teaspoons of water. Whip it up with a fork until the egg and water are frothy yellow.

Add drops of egg-water to the powdered chalk and stir with a paintbrush until you make a smooth, runny paint.

Now use it in a painting!

====Actually, one of the oldest forms of making paint. Very popular in the Rennaisance, and a major culprit in paint decay, as the egg protiens breakdown, the paint cracks and flakes off.=======

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Guest Germanboy

Wilhammer, you know that our main weapon is fanatical devotion etc.pp.

Did not know that, Tempura to me involves a light batter, seafood and vegetables and deep-frying, so is obviously rather different. Man lernt nie aus (You never stop learning).



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Well, this thread has gone to hell/off-topic (with some justification). But, let's start over ("there is no spoon" = "there was no second post" smile.gif):

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>So the games been out for a while now.. Whats going on with the TCP/IP support? Is it currently being worked on??<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I did a search ("TCP" - Entire Message - Any Date - User name: "TIME" - Partial Name Match Acceptable) for an official (BTS) response, and this is the latest I found (from 7/31/00):

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>We're just so furiously busy with updates, interviews, shipping, manual editing, TCP/IP, etc., that we haven't had much time to post to the boards.


That's the lastest official word I could find (though I may have missed something). So the best I can offer is that work is still (furiously) progressing. Any additional hard info is welcome.

[This message has been edited by WendellM (edited 08-16-2000).]

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Although I would be pleased with tcp/ip support, I won't get mad if it isn't added because it's my fault for buying it knowing that to be a possibilty. However, I hope people aren't simply saying it will be added it to make people happy for the time being...

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by duck:

Does this amount to consumer fraud when a major portion of the game is not included or shipped with the product?

Is this grounds for a class action lawsuit?

Questions to ponder.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Did you ever notice that when you come across posts like these and check the person's profile, there's absolutely nothing there? No email, no interest, no location, etc. Troll, people, nothing but a troll without his bridge.


After witnessing exceptional bravery from his Celtic mercenaries, Alexander the Great called them to him and asked if there was anything they feared. They told him nothing, except that the sky might fall on their heads.

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The answer to Duck is simple. If he would have bothered to click on Specs: http://www.battlefront.com/products/worldwar/cm/cm_specs.html

he would have seen:

What You Get


Printed Manual

1 or 2 players, play-by-e-mail, or hotseat

(Internet play coming via free patch)

Maybe, BTS should move this to the purchase section just to make it triply clear? Maybe also add:

ETA: When it's done.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>If BTS works on getting the TCP/IP patch done, some people will complain that they are not being attentive and are ignoring "major" problems with the game.

If BTS tries to tweak and adjust minor things within the game, other people will complain that they should be working on the TCP/IP.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Pluas, as an extra-added bonus, while they do either they get flamed for not working on CM2. What fun.

I wish I was a game designer. In the meantime I guess I'll just have to make do with slamming my head in the car door.

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By the way, Duck is a good handle for the guy (or gal) because now he (or she) has to duck to avoid all the crap he (or she) is going to get for that lawsuit post.


Laf.. ain't that the truth ..

I was just asking some questions. I never made any statements claiming anyone was doing that, so chill.

But, the fact still remains that TCP/IP is hotly anticipated more so than any fixes that tweak up the MG firepower at 200m by 2 points.



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