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New Campaign - needs testers

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Have been helping Sgt Squarehead on his new CMA campaign and have been very impressed with the first scenario I tested.  He's putting a lot of work into this campaign.  Anyone who looks forward to good new CMA campaign make yourselves known now...

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Cheers Erwin.....I really appreciate your help.  B) 

As I said in my message it can be hard to be objective about something you've put ages into creating, so any external feedback is always very welcome.  I'm still learning as I go, but with your help I think I've got the force balancing and AI scripting mostly sussed out.  I'm still a bit vague about victory conditions and have adopted a 'suck it and see' policy thus far.

If anyone is interested in testing out individual scenarios for a fictional (but historically inspired) campaign set in the pre-invasion period April 1978 to December 1979, please PM me.

Here's a screenshot of my revised version of the 'Herat' map (QB Afghan A-C sno_026).....This map or parts of it will feature in several scenarios, including the first.  I'm using amended versions of the stock maps throughout, I reckon they can look OK with a few tweaks.


CMA Map 09-01.jpg

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Cheers dude.....I've rewritten that one now with a slightly more plausible starting set-up, just trying to coax the AI to do what I want.

In the mean time I've pretty much finished a stand-alone Blue scenario 'Up In Smoke'.....I'm just doing a few tests and tweaking the AI.

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A new campaign for CMA? Now, this is interesting! At the moment I can't help you. even if I would like,  since is quite a hectic period at work. But, do be reassured, there still is people following this forum and eager to see some new stuff!

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Just dropped in to say I'm still here and still working on this.....Acquired some new books which have made me rethink a couple of scenarios (notably the first one, again) and I'm pretty busy with a Group Build on a modelling forum (up to my eyeballs in SU-152 bogeys and Autogyro innards).  ;) 

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The premise of the campaign storyline is that you are the commander of a slightly better than average Soviet trained ANA regiment with background political connections to the Khalq faction headed by Nur Muhammed Taraki. 

The first scenarios (set in April-June 1978) feature the arrest of political and tribal leaders with connections to the former government of Daoud Khan and traditionalist religious figures who stand in opposition to the communist government.  This in turn brings the player into contact with the already existent insurgency, which itself is (in part) a legacy of Daoud Khan's 1973 overthrow of the monarchy.  By mid year the focus of the campaign turns to the infighting between Khalq & Parcham factions (with the growing Mujahideen insurgency continuing to put in appearances to add variety), September brings a major turning point.

I've had to rework my 'storyline' a little in light of information gleaned through some new books which gave me a clearer insight into the (initially bloodless) Saur Revolution.....I don't doubt I'll make further revisions as my knowledge base broadens.  While these may be fictional scenarios, I'd like them to be set against an authentic background, hopefully presenting the player with a growing sense of doom (WE know the Soviets ARE coming after all and for Khalq, that changes everything), but still leaving the player enough options to remain interested up to the end. 

Still messing about with Zveroboi bits elsewhere, but the autogyro is now (mostly) off my desk.  ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've just started revamping Scenario #1 "Changes At The Top" for the umptieth time.....It's all too easy to turn what's supposed to be a fairly violent opening skirmish into a full scale pitched battle.  :o

The current version features the following units for the player's amusement:



1x Khalq Militia Company

1x Khalq Special Militia Group + Technicals

1x ANA Mech Platoon (BTR) - Guarding Soviet Consular Buildings (Unless something untoward happens.....Which of course we know it will!)


CATT - 01.jpg

The Khalq Special Militia Group (Not a Death Squad honest!).....Off to kill arrest a radical imam and an uncooperative tribal leader.


Reserve (Nominally.....You just know they'll be coming!)

1x ANA Mech HMG Section (BTR)

1x ANA Mech AGL Section (BTR)

1x ANA Infantry Company + Battalion HQ & Heavy Mortar Section

2x Soviet Advisors (With serious Hind gunship support should something untoward happen.....Which of course we know it will!)


How much of this firepower the player will actually be able to bring to bear on the bad guys remains to be seen.....Getting shot dead is not their top priority at this stage in the proceedings!  :rolleyes:


Much mucking about with the AI trying to get the timings right is the next hurdle.....Once I've got a couple of plans that seem to work I'll upload the .btt file here.  Briefings will be complete but cursory to begin with, tactical maps will come eventually.  :mellow:


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Well, put it this way.....I'll give it my best shot!  ;)

As you know I have quite a few other commitments, especially for the next couple of months, but I'm still working on the project, often as a welcome break from sanding road-wheels or assembling L&L track. 

I still wasn't happy with the new version of the scenario, so I've downsized it yet again, the player controlled forces remain the same, but I've removed the tribal leader and his forces from the OPFOR, so it's just the player vs. the imam (and his mates).  I'm trying to make him a particularly slippery customer but the AI can be unforgivingly thick at times, so I suspect he is dead meat unless the game gets lucky on the routefinding. 

I've been doing a lot of experimentation on this front,.....As you probably noticed I always use all of the available unit slots in the vain hope of simulating something resembling tactics on the part of the OPFOR, but without triggers it's something of a thankless task.  Basically you have to attempt to second guess the player's approach routes and movement rate and attempt to get the AI to respond in a fashion that will at least appear to be appropriate.

Obviously I know what all the mystery question marks on the map are when I test it myself, so with the best will in the world I know I must be skewing the outcomes.....This is where you guys come in.  I'm not after detailed AARS or anything of that kind, at first all I want to know is; 1 - Did the scenario feel plausible and match the briefing?  2 - Did the behaviour of the OPFOR units seem plausible & if not how so?  3 - Did you enjoy it?

Hopefully with some feedback on area 2 I can fine tune the AI to a best average based on the different approaches various testers take.....Indeed I could post single AI plan versions of each scenario and use feedback from them to generate more complex multi-plan AI scripts for the finished items, but would you guys be willing to play them? 

PS - Erwin.....Do you still have the original .btt?  I don't seem to have a copy right now, I suspect I overwrote it when I started the latest incarnation.  If you do still have it is there any chance you could e-mail it to me please?



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You are a glutton for punishment as I though the scenario I tested was ready for release.

I have "1a - Taking it to the People (v5).btt" dated May 12 and "firstattempt.btt" dated May 14.  Have sent you both files.

...And immediately got this:

Your message did not reach some or all of the intended recipients.


      Subject:    gamefiles

      Sent: 7/9/2016 2:48 AM


The following recipient(s) cannot be reached:


      'squarehead666@yahoo.co.uk.' on 7/9/2016 2:48 AM

            Server error: 'Invalid recipient'

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I didn't receive the mail.....Looks like Yahoo is playing up.  :unsure:

Don't think 'firstattempt' is one of mine.....I believe it's from the repository.

Not to worry anyway, I've got plenty to keep me busy.....Just been working up some alternative scenarios to test AI tricks and try out some new ways of getting things going.  Quite pleased with one of them (a Mujahideen revenge attack) and it will almost certainly be added to the (still developing) campaign storyline (possibly as a consequence of blowing an earlier mission). 

In the mean time, having finally sorted (well, found a workable compromise for) some very odd AI behaviour, the first scenario now has what appears to be a fully functional AI (give or take the usual wonks).....Due the fairly radical change in character of this scenario I've renamed it "Cutting Back Prophets" (it may no longer be the first scenario either). 

I will test it myself over the weekend and try to get the briefings done ready for uploading at some point next week.....No firm promises though, I really am very busy right now, often when I least expect it.  :rolleyes:

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