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yeah that is as bad as if someone had say made up intelligence about Iraqis MWDs and then sold it off to the the secretary of state so he could go before the UN and sell it as truth.  Good thing we know that would never happen because no one alters intelligence estimates....  Heck I can see the light at the end of the tunnel!


On the other hand anyone who thinks bombing runs are gonna eliminate ISIS must have missed the whole Afghan war thing or that 14 years after 9/11 Al Qaeda affiliated units and offspring are still very much alive.  Don't need an analyst to tell me that. :D


As usual politics is in the drivers seat and it doesn't have a map.

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yeah that is as bad as if someone had say made up intelligence about Iraqis MWDs and then sold it off to the the secretary of state so he could go before the UN and sell it as truth.  Good thing we know that would never happen because no one alters intelligence estimates....  Heck I can see the light at the end of the tunnel!


On the other hand anyone who thinks bombing runs are gonna eliminate ISIS must have missed the whole Afghan war thing or that 14 years after 9/11 Al Qaeda affiliated units and offspring are still very much alive.  Don't need an analyst to tell me that. :D


As usual politics is in the drivers seat and it doesn't have a map.


Yup. I've pretty much given up and just hope I'll be dead before this whole mess spills over. Looks like we'll be taking 10,000 more refugees from the war torn area. May not be PC, but I get the gut feeling this is something that the West is going to regret somewhere down the road. If I put myself in the shoes of an ISIS or radical islamic commander I would salivate at the Wests willingness to allow so many with a similar culture and background into their borders.


The problem I see with bringing up the 2003 WMD intel-is it creates in some peoples mind that "just because the other side did it, or something similar in the past happened it justifies current behaivor". Really it doesn't you have to take what is happening here and now at deal with whats happening now. Regardless of leanings it should be demanded that unvarnished intel is given to leaders without political interfearence.


Things were a lot better when dictators rulled the Middle East. They kept a sembalance of order. Toppling the strong armed rulers just created a power vaccum that the more cunning and ruthless wack jobs have more than gladly been happy to fill.


At this point I just as well would be ok with Russia doning whatever needs to be done in Syria. I don;t think they will be constrained by the PC diesease that has taken hold in the West.

Edited by db_zero
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Good link.  Thanks.


Good map of factions in Syria in this one:




And yes, the refugee challenge is looking more and more like an invasion.  Since there is little integration by immigrants from the same region who are already in Europe, we here for the next few decades will probably witness an increase in "Islamification". 


Who knows... future generations' history books may record this as a brilliant strategy to fight the western/Christian powers... first neutralizing via political correctness, and then destroying through population and culture displacement.

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And yes, the refugee challenge is looking more and more like an invasion.


Another reason the human race is doomed, we learn nothing, and somehow bigotry like this lives on. Don't respond to this either with your PC BS, that phrase merely serves as a clever way to hide your subtle racism.

Edited by Raptorx7
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well at least he didn't call them all rapists, murderers and drug addicts... and rapists.



Somebody's doing the raping!!


Anyway before this heads for a lock, let's get back to the op and intel issue. 

Politics is the driver of most of this stuff.  The interesting thing is the article doesn't target the administration.  Now I am not gonna put too much investment in what the Daily Beast says, but this is their quote.


Some analysts seem to think that Centcom leaders are trying to further their career advancement by telling the administration what it wants to hear, according to The Daily Beast's sources.


The most interesting thing I thought in the article was the question of Mosul and how the effort to re take the city seems to have fallen off the objective list.  That is kind of a glaring statement about the military opposition to ISIL  Between Turkey placing priority on fighting the Kurds and the Iraqi gov't being incapable of fielding a credible force there doesn't seem to be boots on the ground to take advantage of any air strikes.

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Its come to a point where is you ask the basic questions about immigration you will be labeled as "racist".

Most welcome immigration, but want it to be selective and not a flood. You can only welcome so many strangers into your house before the structure collapses.

As for "learning from the past" perhaps some should not be so selective. When Carter opened up Florida to Cuba, Castro opened up his prisons and sent his problems our way...

Trump is not going away. I never liked him or watched his shows. He is a blowhard. But he's also far more direct and honest than the mass produced machine politicians being parraded out by the 2 party factories.

I'm more than likely going to vote for him and all the attacks by the media, political pundits have backfired big time.

You get the feeling the American public have had enough and are about to send a message.

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meh, the American people aren't gonna send that message.  We have a lot of issues, but we aren't that dumb.  Yes he is making a splash in the Republican party, in the process he is dooming it to obscurity.  America is a melting pot, it has historically been our strength even if that process of melting has been painful at times.  Diversity is a good thing.  The GOP is painting itself into a smaller and smaller electorate every year and just when you think they have a clue...along comes the Donald to undermine all the attempts to reform the party to something other than the old angry white men's club.


Interesting article on Clapper, thanks db_zero

Edited by sburke
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Idk...Britain may break away from EU over immigration.

I wouldn't underestimate Trump. Back in 78-79 someone named Reagan was dismissed by the media and pundits. Trump has issues, but he has hit a cord with many.

I also wouldn't dismiss the GOP as an old white mans club. The media paints that picture but they are hardly unbiased.

This is rather interesting. Trump is perhaps more shrewd than given credit for:


Conventional wisdom is hispanics hate the GOP, but if you break it down between generations a much different picture emerges.

Same with the Asian population.

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