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Forum upgrade?


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Does anybody remember when these forums were upgraded, or that the forum software had been enhanced? Recently bought SCWWI and noticed after taking screenshots during the game, that those full size screenshots would not fit into AAR posts (could not be uploaded), which I kind of felt was rather odd. Instead those screenshots would have to get photoshopped in order to be usable. I can't understand why the games at Battlefront allow doing screenshots which they know cannot be easily be used in forum posts. So I got to thinking it may be because the forum software is outdated. I can take a full size screenshot here and use it in a post at the Matrix forums, "no problem", (which I did at the Matrix CTGW forum--thread: SCWWI). However, I can not use that same full size screenshot here, an enigma worth fixing IMO.

Let me ask this: "Would anybody be against upgrading, updating the forum software"?

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Hello IanL!

That's a decent size pic (screenshot), however it looks photoshopped or reduced a lot from the actual on screen image, unless you play the game with a small screen.

Here's what I am talking about: In SCWWI Breakthrough a player can take in game screenshots of jpeg or png quality using the F 11 or F 12 keys, then go into the OS to retrieve/or review the newly created screenshots: OS/program 86/Battlefront/SCWWI Breakthrough/screenshots. Personally, what I do is either send the selected screenshots to desktop, or send one at a time to paint, after doing whatever in paint, send the modified screenshot to desktop. Now those screenshots are ready to be posted anywhere, however, they cannot be attached in an SCWWI Breakthrough AAR or regular post in their present full screen size. This Battlefront forum does not allow "uploading" to posts in full screen size, forcing the member to reduce the size of the screenshot, which diminishes the quality of the screenshot. Much like your above screenshot (the information panel is barely visible). However, I can take the very same full size screenshot and use it in posts at the Matrix CTGW forum: Thread SCWWI There you see a post with a full size SCWWI Breakthrough screenshot in all it's glory, "NO PROBLEM", the screenshot looks absolutely beautiful! But when I try to use that same screenshot here in it's present form it is not acceptable in it's present size. To me that is a oxymoron, it's not right!

Why allow members to take in game screenshots that cannot be used in forum posts as intended? Especially where these games make full size screenshots, it seems like such a waste to make members have to jump through hoops to post something that is an "inferior quality" picture than what they are taking an on screen picture of? I would think that Battlefront would show some Class to allow members to have full size screenshots! Gee! What does it take to complete a mission like that? (Maybe some initiative)

Thanks for reading, Bob

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You could upload your shots to photobucket which is free and post the link code in here in submit an image.  Let me try something as a test.


Here is a pic of the ongoing Operation Overlord Campaign from The Few Good Men.


Ah yes I see your problem now... it is shrunk down even in the clicked on view.  Email BF staff as it may be just a simple tweak in settings for the forum software.  TFGM forum the same link can be clicked on to display full size.



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Hi ShaneGreer!


To me your photoshopped screenshot looks of less quality than what you actually had seen on your screen when the picture was taken, the detail does not look all that clear and the fonts a bit fuzzy.  Nice try and suggestion.  It was suggested to me yesterday to use photobucket, I did have that once before, however I was always bombarded with photobucket adds and whatnot all the time, plus it slowed down my computer from getting started while it uploaded God knows what (never did use it).  Hey, I have been posting over at the Matrix Game forums for a few years now (amongst other forums). At Matrix you can do just about anything (nothing fancy)  in paint to your screenshot, then use it in a post, that screenshot will be as clear and as "full size" as the screen you took it on, all without having to go to some photo service, a member does not have to leave the Matrix site the whole time.  Now when someone suggests I have to go there to come back here with an altered "downsized" picture, sorry, that does not appeal to me... That might be accepted as the norm here, however I don't think it is of the best quality that could be achieved, the owners of the forum could do better.


All the best, Bob 




Shane here is an example of what I am talking about:  http://www.matrixgames.com/forums/tm.asp?m=3904780&mpage=1&key=&#3920446  Just scroll down the posts to the full size screenshot...  You will not find as detailed screenshot here as you do there.

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Here is a post with a full screen SCWWI Breakthrough screenshot:  http://www.matrixgames.com/forums/tm.asp?m=3904780&mpage=1&key=&#3920446  Just scroll down the posts to where this full size screenshot is.  I think we are talking about apples and oranges when it comes to full size screenshots and maybe you could agree the screenshot in the post mentioned surely outclasses the example you have provided.  I don't say this to mean, I only bring up the subject to better the forum and make it more enjoyable for all those concerned.  I can only hope that you and others see the quality of full size undoctored screenshots that could be used in this forum and perhaps, as another member here suggested/indicated:  "That maybe BFC could tweak the forum software to accept "actual" full size screenshots"


Concerned, Bob.





Humm not sure what you are really trying to say.  BFC just recently did an upgrade to their forum software.  Here is a full sized screen shot from Black Sea.  Seems to work OK:



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Well crap you are right.  This new forum is so much better at handling images than the older one that I did not actually notice that the click on the nicely resized image did not give me the original full sized image.  I rarely post full sized images so I failed to notice that even the large images are resized by the system.


I do like the fact that the posted images size to your browser window as you are reading - I hate it when on other forums you suddenly get horizontal scroll bars that make it harder to read the post when someone posts a large image.  But it would be nice if the larger image you get when you click was the full size.


Dang it now I'm going to notice that every time from now on :)

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Are you someone who has a "say-so" with how this forum is managed?  Or, are you someone like me except you have 6,350 more posts than me?  6,382 that's a lot of posts!  The reason I ask is: I see an observation by you, but no offer of a solution.  Again I do not know who is who here and will respect everybody in kind.  I do expect ribs and do a little ribbing of my own, just to be up front on well deserved subjects worth the attention.  I have been involved with several MP AARs at the Matrix CTGW forum, for which I have authored all if not most of them, relying  on good quality of screenshots to complete each task (AARs take up a considerable amount of time in editing to complete).  Use screenshots to help tutor, advise or bring attention to problem areas of a game, not only for my own  edification, but for everybody in the community.   I'm still learning SCWWI and Breakthrough to someday compete in MP here,  plus produce the results of the  matches through AARs, be it I win, lose or draw.  It gives me a lot of time to contemplate the game at hand, for there is always something to be learned.  I'd appreciate any support in getting the best forum tools available, be it a better system of producing screenshots, an open ended ability of editing posts that are not time restricted to changes, which is another issue with posting here, not necessarily what I am looking for with help at this time, regardless, should be looked at at some time.  Enough said and enjoyed our interaction to date. 


"Dang it" have not heard that expression in awhile,  Bob

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If you click on a posted picture you will see the full-sized version, or at least a bigger version of it.


That was my mental model too but while it is a bigger version it is *not* the original or even the same size as the original.


Are you someone who has a "say-so" with how this forum is managed?


No, sorry no say in the forums.  I can ask but the admins are busy with other stuff so I might not even get an answer.


Or, are you someone like me except you have 6,350 more posts than me?

Yep.  Just like you but been around for a while.


6,382 that's a lot of posts!  <snip>I have been involved with several MP AARs at the Matrix CTGW forum, for which I have authored all if not most of them, relying  on good quality of screenshots to complete each task (AARs take up a considerable amount of time in editing to complete).  Use screenshots to help tutor, advise or bring attention to problem areas of a game,

Yep, it is a lot. Much of that count is from just what you are talking about there.

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Hi LanL!

Read your post. Just where/who with this administration should I approach about forum issues (don't see names of forum moderators)? Am I to understand that the administration does not read it's forum posts? or replies to comments? One of the main reasons I bought a game at BFC was I understood that there was a healthy back and forth with the owners and customers, I'd sure hate to be disappointed if that isn't true. I've had some chat with the Fury Software people, however it sounds like they have no say over the forum software. Can't imagine they don't, since it is their products that suffer from not having customers to the games they developed not get the best services possible by way of the forums. There's something about "Status Quo" that needs to be cracked once and a while to get up to speed... Apathy is not the best way to do business, at least that's my point of view. If you don't respond I'll understand why...

Thanks, Bob

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I fail to see what is so wrong or sub-par with the way the forum currently displays images. It's a thousand times better than what we had before.

The posted screenshot below was generated from SCWWI--Breakthrough, read the other posts here carefully..

LukeFF here is an example of what I am talking about: http://www.matrixgames.com/forums/tm.asp?m=3904780 Just scroll down the posts to the full size screenshot... You will not find as detailed screenshot here as you do there.

I'll add this: I did not know what it was like before with this forum, if it was worse than it is now, it must of really been bad before..


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I fail to see what is so wrong or sub-par with the way the forum currently displays images. It's a thousand times better than what we had before.

Just because a function of the forum is better, does not mean the forum is at it's "BEST"......

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I've heard privately that BF is progressive about forum related issues, however, it's been somewhere around 4 or 5 days that anyone from BF or BFC has even made a comment on the subject of this thread.  How about some enlightenment from the Administration, Moderators, or whomever has a "Say-so" on how this forum is managed as to if they have something positive in the works....  If you need some clarification as to where I am coming from:  "Ask away", I'd only be too glad to hear from you... :)  

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their response, assuming there is one, would also need to be tempered by talking to the owners of the site hosting it.  Patience, Ian has made sure you aren't just a voice in the wilderness shouting into the wind.

Heck, a breeze would do! lol  Thanks for the response, we got a little clear sunny low humidity Canadian air here in Boston today,  quite comfortable, compared to  the usual  Montreal Express with a few feet of snow in winter months.  I just don't want to be out there shoveling snow when somebody finally wakes up... :rolleyes:

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They may be progressive but they are also busy.  They chime in from time to time in various threads but you really cannot expect to happen with every thread.  You will possibly need to be satisfied with knowing that they are aware of this thread.

Hello to my Northern neighbor!


I see that you have about a hundred more posts to your record since we last talked, only kidding.  Decided to give MP a shot (waiting for a response), during which I was hoping to get those screenshot issues ironed- out before doing an AAR,  anyhow it might save me some embarrassment, for usually I get slaughtered my first time into a match, so maybe I can wait a little.  I just don't want to be mummified and found by another civilization before getting some answers. :D  


Rip Van Winkal  aka Bob

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Yes, when I look at the above screenshots, I notice a lot of dead space to the right and below  screenshots, indicating the screenshot could be enlarged (resized)  even fuller than presently allowed.  They don't necessarily need to mash up against the right hand margin of a post, a very slim white vertical space might enhance the picture, and at the same time draw down the horizontal line of the picture to be symmetrical with right border. At the very least it would be an improvement over the current setup:  Meaning a clearer more detailed screenshot or of whatever is posted as a picture.  

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Also what grabs my attention is the little boxes for voting and reputation. I don't see a whole lot of evidence in their being used, so why bother having them? I've seen in the past on another forum where those kinds of boxes can be abused or not be totally honest, that's my opinion, matter-o-fact the forum I'm referring to ended up discarding those features altogether, to me they are a function that is outdated. If I'm not mistaken those boxes take up a whole line from left to right across the whole post, nothing else can occupy the same line as those boxes. Eliminating them would make for a cleaner post and perhaps save space with the over-all forum.

Surely If a member has a problem with a particular post they would still able to "Report" it, which is probably the most important feature of a forum in that respect. At least a member can have an opportunity to support their Report (again I do not know how these are handled). Truthfully, I have never used any of these features and on very rare occasions, if at all, do I have any knowledge of any members using the Report button. One other thing: It almost seems that the voting and reporting are almost "Duplicating".

I'd rather see a pro and a con about a subject matter, which seems to be the healthier way of sorting out ideas. Of course if something get's extremely abusive then Report it as a last resort..

I went into this post with the intention to help make posting a little less complicated and perhaps free up some space... Thank you...

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OK, I did a little experiment.  Not knowing what those little green and red boxes/buttons do, I clicked the green box (in one of my own posts).  Sure enough my reputation got a positive hit Whoopie!  So to see if this hit stayed in reputation, I left the site altogether, then returned, sure enough the positive hit was still in my reputation!  Well if I wanted to boost my ego and appear that I am loved by all, I could click that little green button all day to where my reputation would look stellar (and nobody would be the wiser) to those who do not know better.  Certainly would be a childish thing to do!  Also I could give another member a negative vote then report  them on top of that,  Gee! Would that not be a double jeopardy?  All the more reason to get rid of this junior high school malarkey, with voting another's reputation "up or down".   Please I implore the managers of this forum to delete this childish voting system.....  It might have been cool back in the 1970's and 1980's while you picking your nose for a goober, I think society has matured and  moved on.... "Dump the vote" ;)  

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For the life of me:  I cannot understand why the forum does not let it's members to "EDIT"  posts 24/7?  Can anybody explain to me and perhaps others:  Why we have to play "beat the clock" before the window for editing expires on a post?  I cannot count the number of times in all forums that I participate in,  that I have noticed something that needed to be changed in a post well after submitting a post, certainly past the day of the posting.  Most, if not all forums with the exception of this one have 24/7 editing.  Personally, I like to make a request to the forum management to have 24/7 editing,  Please consider this as  a request....  Does anybody have an arguments against have 24/7 editing of posts?    :huh:

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Does anybody have an arguments against have 24/7 editing of posts?    :huh:


1. It is incompatible with quoting. You may end up quoting, sentences, or even, paragraphs, that have changed. A quoted 'can' was corrected to a 'cannot'.

2. Breaks continuity. You cannot continue reading a thread without missing important changes, because someone may have changed previous posts (relative to 'your latest read post'), and the forum software skips to your latest read post.


But I agree with you on the voting boxes - don't see the need.

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