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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Because Bradley


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The drollery continues! Neither you, Sublime, nor you, Jammersix, need to use FRAPS to take screenshots. That, per years of posts I've read, is for recording video on a PC. If your PC operates even remotely the way my Mac does, YMMV on that, you should be able to take screenies using key combos--no additional program required. For example, on my rig CMD SHIFT 3 does the entire screen once those keys are toggled, while CMD SHIFT 4 allows snapping a defined portion of the screen based on the user defined box size. Pull the box from the point of origin and once happy with it, let go. Click! Every single screenshot link I've ever done used the above methods, typically the first one. The spear thing cracked me up, though it seems to lend itself to multiple interpretations. Yes, we're all dying for screenshots, which are even more important now that c3k has triggered an existential crisis in the current affray.




John Kettler

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you guys are like crackheads I give you some and you just want more and its not good enough! LOL!  First of all, if I can remember the turn Ill put up some Bradley and Abrams splodey stuff. But you have to wait till end of game or until I kill more Bradleys. It legit takes 8-10 minutes to friggin load each save and I dont even remember exactly which file ( I know roughly but not exactly) I killed Abrams 1, 2, and Bradleys 1,2,3,4 etc.  God now I know how Steve feels you guys are never fu*king happy! You ask for screens and say you dont know whats going on I give you a PERFECT situational overlay and you want more! Plus I never did a screenie AAR how about some positive feedback?  For example our next battle Ill be attacking Jammer and Ill have screens from the start. There'll still be screens of splodey stuff and Im pretty sure Ill get a close up screen of a lone Igla guy gunning down 3 hapless GIs (this has happened over and over to Jammer, one guy with an AK will take out half a squad barging through undergrowth like elephants on crystal meth...

Meantime I suspect some AFVs, and not mine, will be destroyed tonight and will provide screens.  Keep this up and youse two are going into time out.

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That's E-crackheads, per my years of Forum discourses regarding the fact that CM is E-crack. Given such a so far incurable addiction on our part, what could you expect other than the observed screenshot voracity you find so disturbing? This is fully supported by the absence of any medical or scientific finding that there is any kind of CM related psycho-physiological analog to the well-known appestat which regulates satiety feelings. Am going to reach a bit here, but will say, speaking on behalf of your raptly attentive viewing audience members, "We love DARs and AARs with screenies! Keep 'em comin'!" Finally, that other thread seems to be very deficient in the 490-450 nm (not nmi) range. IOW, have you edited the screens to show only the areas where Jammersix has hit your defenses?  Is that why the map looks like a measles epidemic on your side and a few pimples on his?




John Kettler

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(this has happened over and over to Jammer, one guy with an AK will take out half a squad barging through undergrowth like elephants on crystal meth...


The sad part of that statement is that he's probably talking about my Super Stealth Ninja Scouts.

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gunned down one of those dudes. the other one is running to a building.  His attack in my rear continues.  My resistance has definitely NOT ceased but US thermals are playing hell with my mens ability to setup in dense woods and open fire. Jammer may actually win this one, but not before losing another Bradley or two, and an another Abrams or two.  And god knows how many men...

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Regret to inform you any win by Jammersix is entirely out of the question. If he wins, we'll never hear the end of it. As on as he's been about the unbeatable Bradley owning force, he might suddenly Tweet he's commissioning a Bradley sculpture with him proudly standing in the commander's hatch. Can't have that! President Putin has been informed of your plight and is considering nuclear release. But only a small one. Meanwhile, there seems to be an ever growing aggregation of things associated with violent weather. Every one of those things is wheeled, and all tubes on them are elevated and pointed at Jammersix. Brigade CP will advise as to when to issue Hide orders to your men.




Had I been eating when I hit your latest gem, I'd almost surely have choked to death laughing. You make rapier wit seem like a caveman club by comparison!




John Kettler

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No John the map hasnt been edited.  Its had drawings on it with captions, but realy the reason my side is so much fuller is very simply fog of war. I cannot see all of his units obviously while I can see all of mine.

Cannot win or not I enjoy the game for what it is, and if he does win he'll have paid very dearly for it.  Sometimes luck cannot be controlled even with the best of plans.  And I had flaws in my plan, especially for a smaller sized map. I should have gone less ATGM and Khriz and more tank for a smaller tighter map like this.

We're also beginning 2 more battles, one the reverse of this - a Russian probe on US defenses at dusk, and another Infantry only meeting engagement. If anyone has interest in a thread with screens detailing my buys and plans theyd better let me know quickly. and which battle.

The infantry only ME is set at mixed however,  with a cap of two humvees for US and two UAZ or Tigrs for Russians, otherwise infantry only. 10 Support teams independent of formation max.  Backstory is both sides are trying to seize a town Ukrainian forces hastily left in a panic to seize intelligence that hadnt been destroyed. The Russians know from captured 'tongues' the US knows from embarrased Ukr commanders.  Victory conditions will either be annihilation of the enemy or holding the major victory location for 15 minutes then pulling your men out to 100m of friendly map edge to simulate an successful exfiltration.

The probe is a combined arms battle. Large size, forest village etc. Huge map. Combined arms Russian attack on the capitalist swine.

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That's an expression my dad frequently made while I was growing up, but ISTR there was something about enthusiasm on the youth end of the passage. People are inherently more interesting and challenging foes than the AI, not least because they do things you'd never expect; things which are so out there and fundamentally hopeless you wouldn't give such a notion a second's thought. Until the impossible winds up destroying your prize AFV, penetrating your impenetrable line, pops up out of nowhere in your rear area, ambushes your convoy or does any number of nasty things to ruin your day.




John Kettler

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but US thermals are playing hell with my mens ability to setup in dense woods and open fire. .


This would be tough to deal with on a map this size. My own painful experience has been that US thermals will usually spot anything hiding in even heavy forest under 200 meters, and quickly. Forest terrain is therefor nearly useless for RPG ambushes. In fact I don't consider infantry in forests safe from detection unless they are at least 600 meters away.

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Exactly. It has been very tough especially with an ATGM heavy infantry force. You battle you learn. on a map this size it shoulda been more tanks less infantry especially seeing the havoc just two tanks wreaked. (one didnt kill anything)

If anyone wants screenies of a fairly massive inf on inf ME and DAR or a massive Russ attack on a much bigger map and DAR let me know asap..

The map was unduly small but it was Jammersixes first pbem and hes done really well otherwise. Stil he did mention it was a lot harder vs a human than he thought it.d be. Being the first pbem and he set it up he didnt know about the rule of thumb I use thats served me well - whatever the battle size is in initial QB screen, I ALWAYS select a map on the next screen thats one size larger than the force size selected. This has always worked very well and felt much more real with more maneuver room.

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you finally manage to kill one Panther and suddenly you are all bossy.  :D

Lol! No really you know how long Ive been around.  I remember before there was a  Peng thread. And I remember before the infamous ' I pissed him off to make him growl and show his teeth' statement.  Nah Peng thread isnt for me. Plus its not on the BS forum.  And the Peng thread has degenerated into just rambling. Its not a challenge thread anymore I dont think anyones settled an argument by a 1 on 1 there since CMx1

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Thoughts on my mistakes so far.

First as I said with a smaller map I should have gotten more tanks less ATGMs and no Khriz. This is borne out by the relative success of my T90s vs very few ATGM team killls as opposed to regular legs killing with disposable RPGs.

I however decided that because the roads on the map led into my lines it.d actually be perfect keyhole positions. Im almost certain Jammer would have suffered a crippling loss hadhe not switched tactics and used move fast or quick with his armor.

This made harder targets for guided ATGMs and also brought.many vehicles below minimum range for ATGMs.

As Vanir pointed out and I know, US thermals changed the nature of deep woods in combat mission. The maps relative lack of heavy building concentrations and shorter ranges ensured almost every infantry or at team was spotted immediately and subjected to Brad or Abrams fire. This was a real crippling problem for me that wouldnt have occured say the map had been twice as big.

The Khriz. Both had Vet crews one may have even had a crack crew. Still Murphys Law can always rear its ugly head. So in bith Khriz firing one hit the hround underneath a brad that was quickly moving. At first I thought it was immobilized. Now im not sure actually.

Second Khriz I violated a principle rule of mine. I generally dont move Khriz at all from their initial position but if I do I always use interior lines and always place it so when it stops its not engaging the enemy right away or in view of the enemy. I violated this rule with Khriz two by moving him to attack in view of the enemy. Frankly hes lucky he got shots off at all, however heroic it was the gunner guided the missile as he was being literally dismembered the missiles literally missed the bradleys bottom hull by inches and struck the ground under it doing nothing. The khriz was blown up seconds later.

More thoughts to come.

Oh one last one. My company cmdr T90A i moved to the woods to assault Jammers flank. this was a mistake. Russian tanks need to be used in ambush unless in attack and even then you have to act like its the WW2 equivalent of Stuarts vs Tigers. Be sneaky. i should have repositioned said tank in a spot where enemy armor would drive into LOS of a tank sitting there waiting. not drive a tank into the enemys flank to attack. Yes amother second would have had me another dead Brad. Doesnt.mean squat because the T90A didnt see the abrams to his forward left which not only stopped his shooting at the Brad but got him killed.

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