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Demo Driver Conflicts post here!

Guest Big Time Software

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Guest Michael emrys

I'm getting a weird video effect: Whenever I try to check Line of Sight or give a Movement order to a unit and I move the cursor to within about 2 inches of the left edge of the screen, I get this kind of frilly white band that goes clear across the screen at the height of the cursor. It completely obliterates what ever image it presently crosses.

Technical data:

APS 604e 200 M•Power (Mac clone) OS 8.6


Techworks 4MB 3Dfx

Sony CPD-1425 14" Trinitron


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Hi guys,

Just wanna let ya know:

All running flawless on my side, except the 1 pixel wide flickering problem on the left side of the screen.

My specs:






Soundblaster LIVE

Direct X 7

Nice Demo! I love it smile.gif


Sbelling chequed wyth MICROSOFT SPELLCHECKER - vorgs grate!

[This message has been edited by DesertFox (edited 10-29-99).]

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Guest Michael emrys

(This was a repost of the message two spaces above. It didn't come up when I first posted it and I thought your server ate it. Sorry. :o)


[This message has been edited by Michael emrys (edited 10-29-99).]

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Guest Big Time Software

Sage, we support Dynamic Stereo Panning Sound (or something like that). What you are talking about is Surround Sound. They are quite different. We don't support Surround Sound. Not even sure if DirectX does. I think we discussed this a while ago and was fairly sure that 4 speakers wouldn't be utilized more than 2. Seems to be the case.

Michael, bring on the clones smile.gif APS, man... haven't heard of an M•Power in a LONG time wink.gif I just replaced my PowerComputing 210 for a G4 this week. 'bout time smile.gif Anyhoo... no idea what that could be but it will be passed along.



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Mike, from certain camera angles when you plot a move right at the edge of the map the cursor jumps off the map..

IF you are plotting movements along a map edge just hit 5 (first top down view) to be absolutely certain you don't order units off the map by mistake.. the jumping doesn't occur then).

It's caused when you are at a 45 degree angle (roughly ) near the map edge..

I suggest you put the view behind the unit and not at an offset and you should see the problem dissapear then.

Desertfox, the 1 pixel flicker is seemingly a bug which has been squashed. Like has been said.. it's a beta demo (for a beta demo I think its remarkable stable though.)



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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I downloaded the demo, and tried to fire it up only to have it freeze up a second or so after loading. Black screen, Windows "ping" when I click the mouse button. Had to end task after the 3-fingered salute.

I tried changing video modes and resolutions to no avail.

My system is:

PIII-450 (Intel)

128 MB RAM

Voodoo3 2000 16MB

Soundblaster 16

Any ideas?

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BTS I sold my 19 inch monitor so I'm using my 15 inch which can only display 800x600 at 60 htz and the demo keeps trying to open a higher resolution or higher refersh rate -! The screen is a mess - No matter hwta I tweak in the display prefes in windows will help frown.gif




aka BLITZ_Force

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Sound Problem:

I hear tank related noises (except guns, doh) but that is it. I am not hearing any gunshots even when sitting right behind a firing unit. I saw my Tiger blast an infantry squad, thought great, put tab on behind the tiger, saw it blast but heard nothing. No incoming fire noises or voices etc - only tanks movement noises.

Please help-

Sound Blaster Live (version 2.0 firmware)

P3 -450

64mb Ram

12mb Voodoo2

Direct x 6.1

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Guest Big Time Software


1. Ensure you have the latest drivers for your 3D card (which kind of card do you have?).

2. Install DirectX 7 if you haven't already.

3. Try manually resetting your monitor to 800x600 and try CM again. This worked for someone else who had the same problem. If that doesn't work, try 640x480.


Perhaps try installing the most up-to-date SoundBlaster drivers you can get, and DirectX 7?


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FWIW I run CM in 1152 x 864 without problems with an fps of around 50 fps in the beta demo.

I have an AMD 333 with a 16 MB Phoenix 2D/3D card (old and not so good) and 128 MB RAM...

I'm just posting this here to show you can run it in high resolution. I had some driver issues a while ago myself which we got sorted when I updated etc.



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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Have a Matrox G400 with the latest drivers and having the same Vid problems as Sage noted above (which I quote below). Stereo panning sound is working great on a SB Live for me, however.

"Newest available vid drivers (just downloaded). Matrox G400. Following behaviors noticed:

1) Transparencies are not. Explosions/big guns shooting etc... The 'ball' is opaque.

2) The roof of houses (the part that units sit on) covers the orders menu. Makes it

difficult to see some orders."

Also noticed the "Orders Menu" getting corrupted when it's superimposed over a roof.

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I don't know if this is a video driver problem or not but I'll post it here anyway. Back in the middle of the October while we were all pining away for the demo, Steve mentioned a problem you were having:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Seems that if you use a custom cursor (of at least a certain size) it doesn't work very well, even though it is supposed to. (sigh) what else is new...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

As I was playing my game last night (Last Defense as Germans), the only problem I experienced was with my custom cursor: When trying to move my units, the cursor would frequently jump around the screen even though I moved the mouse only a tiny bit. It seemed to happen less when I was moving the unit perpendicular to my line of sight but it still happened. Sometimes, no matter what I did, I could not move to certain places.

Just as a real quick check, I loaded the default Windows cursor set this morning and started the first turn of the same scenario. The change seem to help, but it still happened. Is this that problem Steve was talking about?

System: AMD Athlon 500 MHz w/ 128 MB

Video Card: Voodoo3 3000 (driver version: 1.02.18)



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Guest Big Time Software

Actually that's our bug - something a little off-kilter with what's called "mouse picking" where we determine what, in the 3D "world", you're pointing at. It gets a little screwy sometimes, in low camera angles, aiming at the edge of the map. Fortunately you can work around it for now by moving to a higher camera angle (especially overhead) if you find it necessary. We're working on a fix.


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I'm having a problem switching from CM to desktop and back again. I hit escape, return to desktop, click on the CM button on the taskbar, and come back to a corrupted screen. More precisely, the top half of the screen is washed in white, and flickering. The only solution is to exit CM. I'm also getting some problems when plotting movement (or fire, etc). If the pointer exits the play area and comes back in, the source of the line is no longer the unit, but rather the point where the line crossed the play boundary.

My configuration:

Pentium II-333

128 MB RAM

Intel 740 card with 8MB of RAM (not 100% sure of the RAM amount).

I'm using the default i740 Intel driver (from the Intel website) and DirectX 7

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After I go through the scenario briefings, etc, when I press the button to start the scenario, my screen goes black. I still have the cursor, which I'm able to move around, but screen stays black and I have control-alt-del to get out of program.

P2 450

Win 98

voodoo 3 2000 PCI

Maestro 2

160 Ram

Directx 7.0

I was very much looking forward to playing this. frown.gif

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Guest Big Time Software


What screen resolution are you running at? Combat Mission ought to be able to handle anything your 3D card can handle, but it seems that sometimes it gets confused about what your hardware can handle. So try resetting your monitor to 800x600 at 16-bit color and try again. That might work for you.


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Well, I solved my video problem. I bought

a Diamond Viper V770 Ultra and pitched the

STB POC. One note - when running the V770,

if you have DirectX7, you need the nVidia

drivers. The InControl 3d controls won't work with DX7 until the next Diamond driver release.

Great game, loving it.

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Just from my own experience I wouldn't advice

the Windows folks to install DirectX 7 quite yet. In most cases Microsoft is INCREDIBLY notorious for releasing buggy early releases of DirectX. If you are having problems I would recommend:

Run a find and find dxdiag.

From dxdiag run all of the tests and MAKE SURE you have certfied drivers. In many cases the newest drivers from a company are not certified yet by the Microsoft HCL.

Hope this helps everyone, so far I am LOVING this game.

Oh and one final thing if you have any mouse flickers make sure to switch back to the default windows mouse cursors. it appears there is not a software enabled mouse pointer and that was the first problem I found. No biggy though...

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First of all, thanks for the demo.

I experienced two problems with the demo

so far:

1) While playing the "Last defense" scenario

as German, the screen froze 4 times so far. It always happened during plotting phases.

I had to press alt+ctl+dlt to get out. I will be waiting for your advise/comments before getting back to the scenario (I saved it). So please, be quick as usual smile.gif

2) The screen also freezes 3 times when I pressed the Escape button.

System used:


48 MB

3 D Wavetable stereo sound

Velocity 128 8MB

Advanced 3D Multimedia Accelerator

I know you are very busy now.

Thank you for your time.


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