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Well, I hope that got your attention.

Basically BTS wants to know your opinion on the issue of TCP/IP shipping with the game with a consequent delay to get it in vs shipping the game (minus TCP/IP) ASAP and then releasing a small patch for TCP/IP for download.

From the math I've done it actually looks to me like everyone will get TCP/IP about a month earlier if they receive the game without TCP/IP and simply download the patch due to the whole shipping time thing but BTS wants to put it to a vote so you all have your say.


There's also info there about the specifics and options etc.



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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Just my two cents on the issue...

I think PBEM works better generally for cm. (not that I've tried the alternative) But since it is turn-based, and most turns take a good 10 minutes or so to complete, you might as well play PBEM. I also feel that tcp/ip play may well cause the players to rush through their turns a bit, so as to not hold things up for the other guy. Now, tcp/ip does have its advantages, mostly in speed of play, particularly if both sides will be plotting their turns at the same time, but also has the disadvantage that you have to be more focused on cm, and can't get as much other stuff done. I expect it will be useful for tournament play, where speed does make a difference.

Also, since the people who will be getting cm are going through the website anyway, and those concerned with tcp/ip play will have net connexions, there's no real chance of people who want it missing the tcp/ip update, so it makes sense for us all to get everything sooner.

-John Hough

Just correcting a couple typos. smile.gif btw, another disadvantage of tcp/ip is that you can't play 2-3 games at once. smile.gif

[This message has been edited by John Hough (edited 12-06-99).]

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Greetings all.... The prize looms large ahead !!! Just placed my order, and I SAY SHIP !!!!

Skip TCP/IP for now, since it is only a portion of the total package. Send it as a download later. When BTS thinks the product is ready (without TCP/IP) SHIP IT !!!!

STEVE STEVE STEVE STEVE STEVE.... in my order I sent the wrong home email addy. Typical huh ?!!? I sent correction to sales@battlefront.com

IT SHOULD BE: dstone01@msn.com

Sorry & thanks !

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Just one quick point:

Saying things here doesn't count... If you say it here but don't vote there then it doesn't count for anything. No-one's tabulating anything by hand from here wink.gif.

So, just be sure to make your vote there rather than thinking saying "ship it" here will be registered.

I'm just not sure everyone's understood that distinction and want to be sure.



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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Just one little item for the point of view of the producers... Since this isn't exactly a mass-marketed game, to help advertise it, aren't they going to rely on 5-star ratings in reviews and so on? To ship a game with less than complete functionality might result in the loss of a half-star on the rating. That said, I'd rather have a hold of the game sooner rather than later!

Much though I appreciate the chance to vote on it, I'm not going to. This is a design and creation question for the designers, and I feel should be decided by them.


Manic Moran

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Any review give would hopefully base the gmae on its merits and note the fact there is a free add on for TCP/IP coming shortly and also the fact that a vote was taken by the consumer. This could only make BTS look better in my book any reviewer not wanting to take that into account should wait to review until teh tcp/ip version is released :-P


PS i think the scenario editor and the single player abilities of the gmae will keep us so busy we probably won't notcie until they actually give us the update lol

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GOD DAMN fionn don't do that to us! got me jittery thought you were about to say its shipping!

hehe as for the vote, tcip will be a luxery, sort of like doom game, personally i think PBEM makes it more strategy, you think about your turns more.


do tcip on a patch sometime later.

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I'm opposed on principle to incomplete games being shipped to stores but since 99%+ of the people ordering this game will be doing so off the web, these same people won't have trouble getting the patch.

TCP/IP play will be a very important feature in the final game even though I plan on doing some PBEM.


I think a chess-clock-type function would improve TCP/IP play a lot!

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