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Some Bugs and Issues of CM Beta Demo

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A bug I've noticed when I click on a unit in view no. 3 and select move and point the cursor at some area in a building , the move vector/graphic doesn't point at the cursor, instead it points some 100 metres away in the open smile.gif But if you shift the cursor a bit here or there, sometimes it corrects itself.

Also I find infantry units hiding get spotted way to easily. For example I'm playing the Last Defence scenario as the US, and I had 2 bazooka teams hiding behind wall , which means they would not be spotted from 200m away and get MG'ed to death. I had another bazooka team crawling through some scattered trees getting spotted by his main attacking force from 500m away - which I think is not realistic.

Ok - also where is the ambush command??



aka BLITZ_Force

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The ambush command is found in your HQ units. Its seems they are the only units that can "mark" a ambush spot, then you must assign your units to target that ambush marker.

Question (and maybe I'll try it) for anybody: Can you assign mortars and artillery to target ambush spots?

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Guest PeterNZ

just did by accident 3 min ago.

Had an ambush marker down and was sweeping my 60mm mortars over it, and it turns out i could target it.


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1. You gotta think ahead.

2. Did ANY of his men see the zook team heading to the scattered trees?

If they did then they could keep it spotted.

3. Scattered trees provide VERY little concealment, especially once you are spotted.

Even a hiding unit in a foxhole can be spotted 100 metres away if your units are moving slowly and unbuttoned.



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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I've only seen one bug so far, but it was a doozie.

I orderd a unit to move from the second story of one building to the second story of another and the squad floated there at second story level (jetpacks smile.gif)!

Two different units did this (at different times) from the same two buildings on the Riesberg map. Has anybody else seen this happen?

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Haven't you HEARD of German ubermensch? wink.gif

You should see them do amphibous assaults without the assault boats. Walk on water they do wink.gif

Seriously though, it's a bug which has been noticed.



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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While my better computer is still out for repairs I am running the beta demo on my P200 mmx machine with 128 ram but only a 4 mb 3d video card. I know I have graphic limitations but what is annoying is when a box appears telling me that reinforcements arrived or any of the others boxes (ie. surrender, etc.) the game freezes and I have to reboot the computer frown.gif

Has anyone else experienced this or is it my machine because of the 4 mb video card?

Other than that the game runs smooth and is a treat to play such a great game.


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When I try to start a demo game I get a

black screen after the second briefing screen, then my cursor locks up. This

has happened with both scenarios. I tried

to install DirectX7, but after my machine reboots during installation the install

never resumes. I have a PII/266 with 64mb RAM and a Cirrus Logic 546X video card.

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Gees CoolColJ I keep running into you posting this same message in various threads.

Short answer: You're simply emplacing the units poorly so they get spotted. martin and I don't have that problem when we place units in the demo and other scenarios and I've pulled off some nice "20 metre distant" ambushes today.

Comment: Just got a PBEM turn of Last Defence back. It's the first turn this person and I am playing. A rather "interesting" deployment choice this person made meant I spotted a gaggle of infantry in and around a house from roughly 400 metres away.

If you played ME that would never happen unless I wanted it to BUT you are all very new to the game so you are all making slipups without even realising it. With time and some application to what errors you are all making you WILL learn and find things working as you expect.

Think of it this way:

Basically you are ALL like Green 2nd Lieutenants dropped into combat on their first day in France. Sure, you've read some of the field manuals and done some map exercises but this is IT ! Some things you try won't work like you expect and some things you try simply won't work cause you make some mistakes BUT if you survive and concentrate on learning from your mistakes you'll get a lot better.



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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Warning, this post is rather windbaggy & grognardish in scope so be warned.

My thoughts on spotting of hidden units scenario brought up by CoolColJ:

I too have noticed that light woods are not effective at concealing moving units and once you are spotted you will stay that way unless you can get away completely. I consider this effect about right considering what I know about light woodlands in Western Europe. Even in WWII Europe, most lightly wooded land was carefully tended and devoid of masses of undergrowth...there are large spaces between the trees and the ground is flat. I think this is what the developers consider to be 'Scattered trees/woods whatever'.

I keep some things in mind when judging the realism of CM's spotting as i've experienced it in 'Last Defense' played once each on both sides:

1) The low white brick walls on the map can't be more than a meter or so high since infantry are able to trace LOS over them at ground level. Therefore, anyone even a bit higher will be able to see what's just beyond the wall.

2) All 'hidden' units are still assumed to be exposed enough to observe everything in their LOS. In other words, they can't be completely behind the wall/behind a tree/or at the bottom of a foxhole all the time. Some men in the unit MUST be peeking out continuously whether it be over the wall, out a window, around the tree trunk or whatever.

3) In real combat your life depends on spotting them before they spot you. You may think you are invisible but how often do you think hastily prepared positions are really checked from every possible vantage point by the defenders to insure they are effective? Also, you can't rule out the random screw-up present in any group of men supposedly hiding (like the guy who has to take a piss NOW or accidentally discharges a weapon).

4) There are lots of eyes in an attacking force scanning everything that might hide hostile guys. Since this is a game, even if joe private is the only guy in a force of 60 men to see your bazookaman trip over a rock or light a cigarette or whatever, everyone knows about it. This isn't perfect realism I'll grant you but it doesn't bother me much.

If I were advancing into enemy territory I would be sure to carefully study obvious locations (like a long brick wall & windows & stands of trees) for signs that people were peeking out of them or had been in the area (discarded ratio tins, tracks from scores of men, foxholes, ammo boxes, camo nets, truck/jeep tracks in an area, etc). If I am looking at a barren area like a long brick wall on a flat field or some narrow widely spaced tree trunks or a long line of foxholes I am highly likely to observe the presence of men trying to hide there while continuously observing me at the same time.

My best luck has been hiding bazookamen in buildings on the side away from the bulk of the enemies...so when a tank goes past I hit it in the side or rear before very many of the enemy can get LOS to that unit. The more enemy have LOS to a unit the more likely it is to be spotted now matter how well hidden (i'm assuming each unit gets a independent chance to spot all hidden units within LOS...I suspect this is the implementation but don't know for sure).

Actually my above points are me just trying to rationalize how great I think this game is! })

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Guest Big Time Software

Renaud, others have said it, but I will too... great post! Scattered Trees are good in terms of cover to some extent, but invisible it makes you not smile.gif And the wall thing is right on the money. Who said that CM's treatment of 3D was just eyecandy wink.gif That wall LOOKS like a great position, but not for remaining concealed. However, when the German infantry press home their attack it is pretty good. I have really given them a bloody nose this way. However, the bastard usually flanks me or (worse) hits me with artillery. But the TacAI got most of my guys out of there that time (Routed!) and I manged to have my Battalion HQ pull them together. They later went on to repulse the German attacks and I won the game with them. Whoops... now you got me started wink.gif


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Everything has been said, I think, but I'd just like to emphasize: when you try to hide a whole platoon of infantry, don't forget that this is something like 40 men you have there. Damn' tough to keep them all under control and quiet I guess. try the same with one squad only and it will most likely go undetected.

Something else: CoolColJ - are you sure you are positioning your guys BEHIND the stone wall? Not ON TOP of it? Don't laugh: I've seen a couple of people do this because they thought they need to be in the terrain to get the cover benefit...

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Moon and Fion -

your right 0- ahem! I did put my zooks on the wall terrain - well I zoomed in an it looked like they were behind smile.gif

Well I tried hotseating aginst myself to try different things and yeah the guys behind the wall in the open were not spotted wink.gif Read the Hotseat thread for some naughty things I tried to do, but the game crashed, before I could have my fun frown.gif



aka BLITZ_Force

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I appologize in advance if this has been asked elsewhere.

This is not a bug, just a question as to the reality of mortars vs. armor.

I spent the weekend getting in some serious CM time. I am very impressed with the demo, and can't wait for my full version to be shipped.

CM taught me some hard lessons in managing men, materials etc. Anyway, to make a long story short, I finially learned not to attack tanks with popguns - I am Americans in Last Defense. Hunker down boys and wait for the reinforcements!

This strategy enabled me to win 4 - 0 with Complete Victory in each game.

The question is, as part of my strategy, I put everyone on hide (I redeployed the units back behind the 2nd stone wall, others to buildings on right side, from foxholes, etc.).

Then I targeted the AFV's with the mortars only. In 4 out of 4 scenarios the mortars killed all 4 AFV's in quick order. Is this realistic? Mortars had good los to targets.

Then the 3 Hellcats appear and take out the Tiger and the STUGS. I only lost 1 Hellcat in 4 battles (luck?). After the German armor gone, mop up time :).

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Zulu, I'd say you were fairly lucky with the hellcats smile.gif, either that or I'm having no luck at all wink.gif

Four games of last defence, 2 as germans, 2 as americans - in the two german games, the hellcats got one stug each time, then got smoked. As the americans, both times 2 hellcats were smoked within 30 seconds of the turn starting - 1st time the last one got to behind one of the buildings on the hill, 2nd time it got into town, and promptly gave the german armour a savaging (god I love the hunt command smile.gif). Heh, I told that damn tiger I'd get my revenge for his spotting my bazooka on his flank when buttoned smile.gif

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I too have found those little 60's great for popping halftracks. They do seem a little too likely to get hits, but then again for approximately 105 rounds of ammo the 2 or 3 kills I get don't seem excessive. The mortars are also useful for making the tank riders dismount and the crews button up. Once I used my mortars and a machinegun to force a STUG to button up, then my bazooka team stood up and got off two unmolested shots against the STUG. The second one hit and killed the STUG. Now if the darn things only had a few smoke rounds to go with the HE.


If something cannot be fixed by hitting it or by swearing at it, it wasn't worth saving anyway.

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Ok, I have a small problem, wondering if anyone else is having it also. When I select a unit, then an order like move or hunt, is seems in some locations no matter how hard I try I can't place the end of the line in a specific spot. For example I will be trying to move the little box at the end of the line (love the technical talk smile.gif and it will just keep jumping pass the point where I am trying to place and as a pull back it will jump pass the point again in effect creating a “No Landing Zone”. The “No Landing Zone” can vary from several yards to over 100 yards. Occasionally I can place it on either side of the “NO Landing Zone” then zoom, right click on the orders box and move it to where I wanted it in the first place (a little frustrating though), but other times I can never get it there (very frustrating). I have tested this all over the place just to make sure that I wasn’t trying issue a command to a place where a unit can't move, but it happens even in Open ground. Also it happens on both my work computer and home computer.

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