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After you spend about 25 minutes setting up a turn and you decide you DON'T want that javelin with the team you gave it to, but saved for another team later, how do you put it back?


In this case I'm asking about putting gear and ammo back before you press the go button.


Outstanding, thanks.

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After you spend about 25 minutes setting up a turn and you decide you DON'T want that javelin with the team you gave it to, but saved for another team later, how do you put it back?


In this case I'm asking about putting gear and ammo back before you press the go button.


Outstanding, thanks.

You can't. Your stuck with it.  :(

Once you acquire, you acquire for good. That's the draw back. Make sure you really want it.

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You can't. Your stuck with it.  :(

Once you acquire, you acquire for good. That's the draw back. Make sure you really want it.




Wow! Even during the "planning phase" of a turn?  That is so painful and dare I say silly? 


So since the inception of CMx2 this has never been identified and fixed?

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Wow! Even during the "planning phase" of a turn?  That is so painful and dare I say silly? 


So since the inception of CMx2 this has never been identified and fixed?

No. You're the first person ever to notice this. Sheesh.

The inventory system is pretty rough-and-ready. You can snag (in RT play) a full squad load of ammo in seconds. You don't have to worry whether that ammo is in belts, saddle magazines, AR magazines or loose boxed rounds. When platoon elements are sharing ammo, it happens perfectly on-demand with no worry about fumbling the pass-off.

By the same token: you have to get the whole squad into a vehicle to resupply; it takes the passage of 2 orders phases to grab a single magazine or box of ammo in WeGo; you can't give ammo back to the store; you have to click Acquire between each grab of a fixed set of options (which sometimes aren't very suitable), rather than putting numbers in boxes for how many rounds of each type you want; you can't share supplies between elements that don't share an immediate HQ; there are no grenades or mortar bombs in "Supply Platoons".

It's what we've got, and we keep asking for something better. BFC don't seem very interested; I can see that optimising loads could be considered not a major part of the game that warrants a large expenditure of programming time, though I don't agree. Maybe one day we'll get a proper inventory system. But Ah amn't holdin' ma breth.

Oh, and the other thing you better get right first time, including in the setup phase is artillery calls. If you decide you don't want it, all you can do is tell the mission to Cease Fire, once you've hit "Confirm". Bail out and Dismount are "make sure you really want to" commands that can't be undone in the general run of play.

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Sorry, but assuming that everyone else who's been playing the games for years is too stupid, unobservant or passive as to not have noticed or not have brought up the issue is hardly a great way to approach a community, is it?

Well, "the community" wouldn't fix it would they?  So I don't know why you think it is the community he is talking about.

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Yeah, you've stumbled onto a shortfall.

Solution: savegame after every replay and orders phase. Make a mistake? Reload the previous savegame. Not elegant, but it works.

Oh, guaranteed that the FIRST time you don't save, you'll wish you had.

Discussion on why: Acquire is important, but the time given to change it would take away from something else.

Advanced: Unacquire could lead to odd issues. Where and when could that happen? Could I get my platoon to cache all its ammo and then buff up one squad? Etc.

Proferred: make acquire not get executed until you are done. (Not helpful in your situation.) As well, allow smaller ammo increments. If unacquire is allowed, can it happen in any transport? 40 Javs in a jeep? Any ammo cache? Dumping ammo in a hut and hoping the next squad finds it?

In short, a variation on this theme has been sought after for a long time.

Savegame is your only unacquire.


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Sorry, but assuming that everyone else who's been playing the games for years is too stupid, unobservant or passive as to not have noticed or not have brought up the issue is hardly a great way to approach a community, is it?


Please, spare me. It would have been far easier to just tell the OP, "yeah, it's a longstanding issue. Not sure if/when it'll be fixed or changed." 


Sarcastic barbs do nothing but increase animosity. 

Edited by LukeFF
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Yeah, making first impressions seems to be important around here.

LOL pfft screw that, yes it may have been asked a thousand times prior- but not by the OP.  He is obviously learning the game and is new to the community.


Welcome aboard Col Rosenberger.  Ask away.  However the answers may not always be so cut and dried.  Identifying something as broken isn't always simply a case of looking at something and saying- well that's stupid.  An alternative option would be we have no acquire option at all, that would suck.  Yes I would like to be able to un-acquire a weapon.   Example, I grab the Javelin.  Find a nice overwatch position, fire off all 3 rounds, return to Stryker and now have to lug around an empty launcher till the scenario is over.  Ohh yeah I would definitely like to see an option to dump it.  Perhaps a future option.  Right now there just isn't that degree of granularity and the trade off in time that it might take to configure the option is just not at the top of the features list.  Take a look at the posted list of stuff that has been added from CMSF to CMBS.  It isn't like they haven't done anything new.



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I can't quite tell if the demotion is intentional, a typo or due to bad eyesight ;)


...and deep in my closet, a small square of cardboard just spontaneously combusted due to contempt!


(I feel I must make amends to my ASL collection. I'll blame it on a typo. ;) )

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...and deep in my closet, a small square of cardboard just spontaneously combusted due to contempt!


(I feel I must make amends to my ASL collection. I'll blame it on a typo. ;) )




At least now Lt. Stahler doesn't have to take orders from a 6+1.  A well deserved field demotion.  ^_^


Just thinking about what box and what closet in what location in what country my old Stahler 9-2 chit is smiling in?



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