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Is it important to harass the tank commander make him hide. ...

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I'm not on v3 yet (but I'll get around to it). Tell me there aren't health bars too. ;)


Yet, for all my cynicism, what's the betting I actually use them. "Ooh, this is just like Combat Mission used to be" ;)  Mind you, I shall do so in secret. Just between me and my PC. ;)


Can we have command delays back? Was I the only person who liked them?

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There are command lines?



In engine v3, there are. Have a look in the hotkeys menu to see what to press to turn them on. Alt-Z I think.



I have recently gotten version 3.0  - Here is ALT Z  Command Links







It also of course shows the Companys HQ and then the red lines usually one or two whatever to the unit commanders under the HQ ... thing 

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I don't want to start a new topic, but something that's been niggling at me: A friend and myself have been playing a PBEM match, and I just lost 2 tank commanders to LMG bursts from 450m - and I'm beginning to wonder if the TCs who were wounded had any grey matter between their skulls.


You take 4 bursts of fire from 450m....and you don't button up? I admire their bravery, and curse their stupidity. Does anyone else get this lack of self preservation from TCs? Its absolutely infuriating to lose key leaders to silliness like this; when they should've buttoned up the moment the first burst of fire clattered off the turret. To stay exposed for 4 more bursts to finally get hit? 


I agree this issue is something BF might tweak a little better...

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Oh, I know. It was just a whimsical nostalgia-fuelled fantasy.


(But I really did like them)


It made sense in some ways, not so much in others.

It did lead to some un-looked for issues though - like the conscript truck driver who took 50 seconds just to get into gear and drive straight down the road. And god help you if there was a bend in the road... :(


You can still simulate it a bit with infantry if you want.

At each waypoint, a unit ( squad/team ) will pause until each member is deemed to be "at that waypoint", then they'll move out again ( can be hilarious as the puffing and sweating guy whose carrying the MG reaches his mates - and before he can even catch his breath, they're off again ).


So by plotting LOTS of waypoints ( every AS ? ), you can slow your guys down, if you should have some sort of masochistic urge.

I think nostalgia will walk away after a while though :lol:

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It made sense in some ways, not so much in others.

It did lead to some un-looked for issues though - like the conscript truck driver who took 50 seconds just to get into gear and drive straight down the road. And god help you if there was a bend in the road... :(


Yes, there was weirdness there but I always thought it'd just been over-egged. I couldn't quite work out why a "complicated" order like "walk down the street and turn left" should have led to any more delay than a simple one like "assault the second floor of that house". ;)  But the idea that less experienced pixeltruppen or those out of command should take a little bit longer to process their orders was quite a good feature (I thought). All they had to do was simplify it a bit. Just a delay for experience and in/out command situations. Extra waypoints you give in the game (leading to further delay) would probably be quite simple in real life. "Hug the tree line" translates into multiple waypoints in the game but it's not really a complicated order and "follow the goddam road" certainly isn't (let's not even go there), yet we all remember the problems that caused our Russian friends in CM1. So they could have just taken the extra waypoint delay out. (IMHO)


Sorry, I've hijacked the thread... :o

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The only way extra ordinance will get the job done is if the code of municipal offenses hits the TC's head hard enough to cause him to duck and close the hatch.  On a more serious note, the US Army concluded after careful study that forcing a tank to button reduces its combat effectiveness by 50%. The IDF decided the combat effectiveness delta was more important than the TC casualty risks, so IDF tankers fought brilliantly, under heavy fire, during the Yom Kippur War vs Syria, but took terrible TC losses. When attacked by armor, the first priority of the defenders is to force it to button, for this both cuts enemy effectiveness and paves the way for a whole series of antiarmor measures. In CM terms, forcing the TC to button is always desirable (greatly complicates spotting and adds delay to the process), but wounding or killing him is better. In CMx1 the last two put the tank into Shocked state in which it was pretty much paralyzed while the crew sorted things out, and during which many a tank died. It's not quite as extreme in CMx2 and CMx3, but a TC casualty can still get a tank killed while the men reposition inside and such. Play "Barkmann's Corner" in CMBN if you doubt this. And for a real world look at what happens when the boss falls back into the turret (in this case while already buttoned), see the account of 3 AD's Oda Miller. The combat memoirs I've read talk over and over again about British TCs sniped, shot in the head or chest by MG fire, hit by mortar or shell frags, even decapitated by an AT shell. 




John Kettler

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The only way extra ordinance will get the job done is ............................................. even decapitated by an AT shell. 




John Kettler



John Kettler is another great forum person who completely answers a question and gives plenty of other info to really study the concept and Brilliantly expresses himself. 

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