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Post if you like the Game.

Guest PeterNZ

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Guest PeterNZ

Getting a bit tired of people going on and on about the FOW and this issue and that nitpick. It's a game, if you don't like it, don't play it! BTS have said their position, that's that.

So the point of this thread? If you think the game is just dandy, or only needs minor tweaks, then post here and lets get the mass of lurkers out there who like the game saying so!

vive la majority hehe smile.gif


(thoroughly satisfied with CM)

In Reply To Moon: Yeah i guess you're right smile.gif I just find it annoying to see the same circular arguments! The unit report idea i quite liked (although i'd never use i don't think, i just work stuff out with my eyes and ears wink.gif.. but some debate was getting a little stale. hehe wink.gif Just wanted to say "join me in saying it's a great game so far"

[This message has been edited by PeterNZ (edited 11-01-99).]

[This message has been edited by PeterNZ (edited 11-01-99).]

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Just to be clear my previous statement about FOW was not meant to be derogatory. I like it, just need to learn to use it to my advantage rather than my opponents. As for the game in general, love it smile.gif

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Heh, I'll add another NZ to the thread smile.gif

It's missing a most vital piece! Where are the Anzacs??? wink.gif What, another theatre you say? Oh. Damn. smile.gif

I'm certainly looking forward to seeing a message on the board here that CM's gone final - then I can too, can join those who live in fear of fast moving shadows that do nasty things to Panthers wink.gif


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Hey guys, it seems to me that the hot debates about feedback or lack thereof really are mostly made by people that still like the game a lot. That's maybe why this debate is so hot (while still being very civilized! I'm impressed)

Mind you also that this is a beta everybody is talking about, and while everybody is talking about it, things are moving on and getting coded in, tweaked and changed.

Charles has shortly mentioned somewhere on the board that a unit overview screen has made The List and there will be a more detailed post up sometime soon. So the discussions about feedback, targetting and reinforcements are just that - discussions, and they serve one purpose - to improve an awesome game even more. Not everything will go into v 1.0, but some things will BECAUSE of this message board.

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I still can't believe the Demo is a BETA. It's the most stable game I've ever played and for the first time in my life I haven't found anything to complain about regarding gameplay or bugs. I guess there is a first time for everything. Man I love this game.


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Well I like the game and I honestly think the complainers do too. They just want tweaks here and there.

Whatever ones are good they'll get. Whatever ones the developers think aren't, they won't. I just hope they have the sense not to badmouth the game simply because it only gives them 99% of what they want.

*Tired and discouraged*.. I think I'm gonna play some CM to cheer up.



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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ditto tim! If some good ideas are brought up here that will make the game even better (in bts's opinion) then i'm all for it. Even at the beta demo stage it's the best wargame i've ever played,by far, and i wholeheartedly put my trust in them to decide what ideas/features they will put in or not will be the right decisions. But it doesn't hurt to throw out some ideas and let them decide. Hail Combat Mission Beta Demo!!!

Hail BTS

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Like it. Even if BTS won't add more things or doesn't get rid of the bugs availible, i would still buy it (as a matter of fact i did 6 months ago smile.gif )

I'm even thinking about purchasing some more copies for my friends here in the Netherlands. (down here ya won't get credit-cards like it were boxes of candy. You actually need some money before you get one smile.gif )

Just finishing those pesky mortars,

take care all,


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After playing the game eight times, I'm having more fun with Combat Mission

than I've had with any computer game ever.

(I bought my first computer game in 1982)

I can't wait to get my hands on the scenario editor. Thanks to everyone at Battlefront for all their hard work ...

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Guest R Cunningham

Well, I don't know what to think yet.

In the following comments I do not claim to be objectively evaluating the game based on my limited experience with it.

I downloaded the game and have now played both scenarios from both sides. But it took all weekend [and this was only possible because I was injured on Friday and was "stuck" in front of the computer all weekend wink.gif]. This right now is my biggest beef with the game. It just takes a lot of time which robs the game of that immersion that has been talked about. I don't know what the solution is, because this seems to be largely driven by the scale and the fact that there is one guy running the show. That this time intensity bothers me is funny because some of my games of Civilization used to take several days. I suppose saving games is an option, but I have found with many games that when I return to a saved game that there is something missing

My other beef is with the limitations of the graphical representation of wooded terrain. I don't really know how far forward I can move before I'm spotted. I can't tell the difference between scattered trees and woods and heavy woods just by looking. I have to select a unit and use the LOS tool (if there is some easier way please advise).

Oh, wait, my biggest pet peeve is the "medic"

sound cue. Maybe I'm just used to the high pitched screams of CC, but the CM one sounds like a dope addict aasking for more morphine. smile.gif

I'm running a PII 266 (64MB RAM)with a STB Velocity 128 AGP 4MB(riva 128 chipset). Everything works right. Haven't had a crash yet. I do get the mulitcolored pixels on the edges and when I call up the unit data screens I seem to be missing a bit of the screen. I've never had a real beta before [though sometimes I've bought other games that really seemed that way smile.gif]

Anyway. CM has a lot of neat elements in it. I particularly liked the Tiger using its Nahverteidigungswaffe against infantry in an adjacent building (while the main gun was facing in another direction). I like the FOW. I like the command delays. I like watching the tanks move [and their tracks - though they are all the same texture wink.gif]. I liked watching my Tiger button up when a shot from a hellcat broke up on the turret front - though I would have liked to hear "Scheisse!" and see the commander close the hatch instead of just vanishing. I liked watching an enemy machine gun in the upper level of a building vanish when the building collapsed.

I think I will buy the game. Will it beat out CC4 and Half-life Opposing Forces for my too few hours of game play time? I don't know. I don't know.

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I preordered the game months ago based on the discussion on this board. Now that I've played the game, it seems to me that the game is strongly living up to the designers' stated intent. Fortunately (for me) I happen to like their design philosophy and most of the design decisions, and the rest is tweaking at the edges.

In short: I have no intention of cancelling my pre-order.

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This is a french wiewpiont, yes there are wargamer in this beatiful land, so i have play the tow game and this a great game !

i love the ai who place right is unit and play great (i win but with difficulty and i do make all my skill for that.

i hope this game will finish before the end date of my credit card (12/99) wink.gif

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I think it's "just dandy, or only needs minor tweaks", depending on the person playing. Either way, a great game - and _stable_ (anyone ever play Across The Rhine?).

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Guest Madmatt

As I said in an earlier thread, "Combat Mission promised the World, and delivered the Heavens!" And that my dear friends, is just in the Beta Demo!!!!

I have seen things that I never would have thought would make into a computer game:

Infantry close assaulting a half-track and dropping a grenade into the passenger compartment. A Tiger pushing the burning hulk of a StuG off the side of the road. A Dance of Death between a German Field '88 and a hunting Sherman. A hidden Panzerschrek unit executing a perfect hidden assault from 80 meters away on a tank column only to be killed by a bow gunner before he bailed out of his stricken tank (hint here people: LEARN TO USE THE ASSAULT COMMAND!)


The chaos of battle has NEVER been so well depicted. I have sat on a hilltop and just watched from a distance attacks against the sleepy little town of Reisburg and been taken back in time. I sit and watch as streams of tracers erupt from the treeline and 'feel' the earth shake as artillary impacts down below. I have watched as great masses of steel and blood have laid waste to buildings and men. I have witnessed brillance and stupidity in the conduct of my

enemy. I have enjoyed great victories and stunningly quick and brutal defeats. I have been surprised, astounded and utterly amazed at what has happened before me. This game has drawn me in so completely that I find it hard to go back to more 'traditional' offerings. Combat Mission has changed computer gaming as we know it. Thats all I have to say on that.

So yes, to answer your question, YES I like this game.

Madmatt out, like a light!

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I haven't had the time to play as much as I would've liked, but so far I think the game is awesome, and will only get awesomer smile.gif. I would like to comment that the game plays much better on an above average system (I guess this is no surprise). My home system is a 466 Celeron with a Voodoo 3 board. My work system is an ADM k6 333 with a 4meg ATI 3d rage board. On my home system, the game is far and away more enjoyable than on my work system. Just an argument for upgrading your systems!.


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Great game. I think most people that are posting with FOW issues are getting used to the game mechanics. Most of these people have said good things about the game. Like BTS said, a bit of unlearning is in order. Although I've found that it hasn't taken all that much. I've been following the board for a while and I guess I knew what to expect to some degree. Although those Hellcats on the hill were a suprise!


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