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Caution: Speculation ahead...


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I asked Chris during his Twitch broadcast a couple of weeks ago, as I assumed a patch for CMFI at this stage would be pretty straight forward after RT and BN. But he said that it wasn't in the works - so let's hope your speculation is correct. This title needs some love.

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sfhand "....is it safe to assume there is no 3.1 patch for CMFI due to upcoming content release?"


"Right now my time is completely absorbed with Black Sea. When that gets out I'll swing back around to look at a patch for Fortress Italy. ChrisND"


Don't 'forgot'this is heading our way too ;)



"We have not officially ended development on CMBN content. Besides future Upgrades, which are a sure thing, we are still thinking about doing various Packs. However, for now we're focusing on a few other areas.

Getting back to some questions about future content for Red Thunder and Fortress Italy. We are planning more content for both of these as well. Next up for both will be Modules to carry the theaters to the end of the war. We do not have timeframes yet for either one... Steve"


"We had planned on showing you a couple of shots of what we've been working on alongside of CM Black Sea.  Some last minute glitches made that not really possible with the amount of time we had left.  So you're going to have to deal with a slightly-better-than-coal-in-your-stocking bone for this year.
Here it 'tis!
Development on the Ardennes (name not determined yet) Family is well along.  In fact, we intend to start early testing of the game in a few weeks.  What will the game include?  I'm so glad you asked!
The Base Game includes US Army, German Heer, and German Waffen SS forces covering the timeframe of October through January.  This includes Fall and Winter weather, terrain, vehicle textures, and uniforms.  It also includes new vehicles and TO&E, as well as more subtle things which set the tone for the latest war period we've yet covered with CMx2.
Some new vehicles to play with:
M24 Chaffee
M36 Jackson
Flammpanzer 38(t)
There's others too, but off the top of my head that's what I have for you right now.  Though for sure there are some other fun ones (cough --- Sturmtiger --- cough) that will make their debut this time around.
We are planning two Modules for the Ardennes game:
Module 1 = Commonwealth + Luftwaffe Forces
Module 2 = extending the timeframe to the end of the war





So... Caution: Speculation ahead... CMBN future Upgrades, possibly various Packs, Combat Mission Black Sea about to rocket CM gaming into New Modern, An Ardennes Game + Two Modules and..... Two Modules to carry the Red Thunder and Fortress Italy theaters to the end of the war.


2015 is fresh and CM gaming is looking healthy :D

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