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An embassy with non-combatants

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no we must have this.  CMSF will only be replaced by CMSF2.  CMBS is no replacement.  :D   I haven't posted anything on the repository in a while, but I don't recall having any issues.


Have you tried opening a help desk ticket, they should be able to get you an answer rather than simply repeating the effort.

Edited by sburke
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This one is up at the Repository.  Seven downloads and a five star rating so far.  I thought the Repository posted links to new scenarios in the scenario Mod design thread.  No link so far.  I don't know how to make a link between the Repository and the forum myself.


However, if you go to the Repository and search Consulate Evacuation it will come up.


The following is a brief description to give you an idea of what it is about.


It is spring in the fictional third world county of Abbudin.  As spring began Abbudin was racked by political and sectarian fighting which further degenerated into civil war with multiple factions competing for power.  Warlords, religious leaders, and elements of the military fought each other and the ruling family for control of the country.  The swiftness of the disintegration of civil order, complicated by poor infrastructure left many pockets of friendly non-combatants stranded across Abbudin. Diplomatic and humanitarian entities in Abbudin report brutal and barbaric behavior by certain militia groups fueling concerns for the safety of friendly non-combatants.  


A US Army Stryker Battalion was in the allied county of Yekrut, which borders Abbudin, conducting joint military maneuvers when the situation in Abbudin deteriorated.  The Stryker Battalion received orders to cross into Abbudin and conduct operations to secure and evacuate US and Allied non-combatants.


Take command of a reinforced stryker platoon (Combat Team Two-Bravo-three) and evacuate non-combatants from a consulate that is under siege in the Abbudinian city of Al Mout. The US Marine detail assigned to the consulate is running low on ammo.  You must link up with the Marines and escort the non-combatants to a landing zone (LZ) for helicopter evacuation.  


Blue vs AI only.  Marine module required.  Urban terrain.  Two AI plans.   


There are many different ways to carry out this mission.  You will be able to maneuver down main streets, side streets and alleys.  With an attached section of engineers you can create new doorways to buildings and additional mobility corridors.  With two AI plans and the arrangement of AI set up zones you may have sporadic resistance on one block, go around a corner and find yourself in the mother of all street fights.  


It is pretty much up to the imagination of the commander.


This is a reasonably sized scenario to play.  Enjoy and let me know what you think. 



Edited by MOS:96B2P
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outstanding man, heading there now.  That is odd, normally is is automatic.  Wonder if they have simply not connected the repository to the new forum.


I'll PM so I don't put any spoilers on here, but nice job.  Still trying to break through to Consulate but am already totally wrapped up in it.

Edited by sburke
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Downloaded it and have just played this and left a comment - good work on this - I'm glad you persevered with it and hopefully you're pleased that you have got a scenario under your belt.


FWIW I got a draw due to not pushing hard enough to secure the LZ - all of that said I think you have got the time allocation and force balance absolutely bang on and of course I'm pleased that you rejigged it from the original based on testing.


Well done mate.

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Having serious fun with this one.   Still into it but I usually try to be unorthodox and this scenario so far has allowed me to indulge that aspect of me.  


I managed to extract the consulate without a shot being fired by making entry into the city through a blocked vector by using explosives, positioned an vehicle(to smoke off the street with vehicle smoke) with engineer support.  I smoked off a street and breached the consulate walls with engineer charges while under smoke and got everyone out without the bad guys even spotting my forces.


Now for the hard part... getting to the extraction point.  I don't think I can pull off a sneak play to get a reinforced stryker company through the city to the extraction point without shots being fired in anger but at least I managed to extract the consulate staff without fighting half the neighbourhood to do so.

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Having serious fun with this one.   Still into it but I usually try to be unorthodox and this scenario so far has allowed me to indulge that aspect of me.  


I managed to extract the consulate without a shot being fired by making entry into the city through a blocked vector by using explosives, positioned an vehicle(to smoke off the street with vehicle smoke) with engineer support.  I smoked off a street and breached the consulate walls with engineer charges while under smoke and got everyone out without the bad guys even spotting my forces.


Now for the hard part... getting to the extraction point.  I don't think I can pull off a sneak play to get a reinforced stryker company through the city to the extraction point without shots being fired in anger but at least I managed to extract the consulate staff without fighting half the neighbourhood to do so.

luckier than me.  My game started with mortar rounds falling on the embassy.  One guy ran out into it and got hit.  After it stopped a bunch of folks ran across the courtyard- I was afraid they were gonna exit the compound.  As I was herding them back insurgents opened fire and hit one.The mortars also knocked down a wall segment the insurgents used to enter the compound.  All in all I had a big firefight just keeping myself from being overrun.  I'll leave the rest not to give away anything on the extraction, but great scenario.  Lots of fun.

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I had mortars fall on the consulate as well but it was airburst thankfully, and only one guy got a light wound as I had everyone hunkered down in the buildings.   Yeah, I was luckier than you in that regard.  


Played another few minutes last night.  I had most of my force overwatching the consulate during the extraction.  Got the non combatants loaded up in a Stryker and just as my forces are pulling back from the area to regroup for the push to the extraction, several dozen insurgents take to the streets to bum rush the empty consulate while I am loading troops onto the Strykers.  Fortunately, I had one rifle squad and a MG squad still in position watching that street who were about to pull back to the vehicles and they lit the insurgents up real good.  Nearly two dozen enemy dead lie in the street now.


Looks like I got everyone out of the consulate in the nick of time but the area is now hot, making me reconsider my route to the extraction.  Push through a known hot area or take a chance for a hopefully quieter neighbourhood to speed through.   

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Downloaded it and have just played this and left a comment - good work on this - I'm glad you persevered with it and hopefully you're pleased that you have got a scenario under your belt.


FWIW I got a draw due to not pushing hard enough to secure the LZ - all of that said I think you have got the time allocation and force balance absolutely bang on and of course I'm pleased that you rejigged it from the original based on testing.


Well done mate.




Thanks for acting in the role of a Operational Mentor Liaison Team (OMLT) for the scenario creation.  The adult supervision was much appreciated.  

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I fired up a game and played a few turns in hotseat mode against myself.

I think I kicked my own ass a bit.

CAUTION: Minor Spoilers.





Thanks for posting the video.  I watched it about five times.  It is interesting how mods can so dramatically change the look and feel of the game.  For the first few seconds I was trying to figure out where, on the map, the camera was recording.  At first I did not recognize my own scenario. LOL  Even the militia and Strykers looked different.


I noticed your Strykers did not have the RPG cage.  So I wonder, in game mechanics, does the RPG cage on the Strykers actually provide extra protection or is it just for looks?


I have become fairly competent at screen shots but someday I should learn how to record and post videos.  I noticed you have your own YouTube channel.  I think I will watch your videos as I wait for CMBS to come out.  Thanks again for the video and I hope you enjoy the scenario.     

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MOS:96B2P, on 22 Jan 2015 - 08:55 AM, said:


I noticed your Strykers did not have the RPG cage.  So I wonder, in game mechanics, does the RPG cage on the Strykers actually provide extra protection or is it just for looks?



Yes, it is the Euroscape mod with extra mods besides, and yes the slat cages are transparent but still functional. Although, I have lost so many strykers to RPG's I'm sure the slat cage is just decoration anyway. ;)  (I'm sure it's just my crappy tactics, I'd rather roll with Bradleys or LAVs any day of the week.)


Thanks for watching my videos, I have quite a bit of fun making them although I am not a Combat Mission videographer by any means.

Certainly not on the level of Ithikial, ChrisND, Peiper tj, or Shorker.

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Finished up tonight.  Total victory.  My losses were zero.  


As I posted earlier, extracted the consulate without losses by doing a breech cover by vehicle and infantry smoke.  


Ran into the insurgents bum rushing the consulate and crushed them in my kill zones.


Mad white knuckle driving through the city.  I must of picked a good route as I ran into only two groups of infantry and two technicals.


Got near the extraction point, took to the buildings just outside the zone and kicked the snot out of the insurgents in the extraction.


Nice fun scenario and I am certain that if I did stuff differently, it would have played quite different, so I expect some replayability due to the different ways one can attempt to do the extraction and the multitude of different routes to the extraction zone.


I don't know if there is more than one AI plan but if so, that makes this scenario even better.


As I said, good fun scenario.  Plays quick as the force size is manageable and the map not too small or too large.  Plot short movement legs as I found the due to the density of the urban terrain, the pathfinding for longer legs can get your forces moving into areas you don't wish, particularly the vehicles.


Also, two thumbs up for the subject matter - actually withdrawing nearly a dozen non-combatant consulate personnel represented by single person icons. Makes timing and covered movement during the exfil out of the consulate problematic, as it should be.  Make the actual evacuation a nail biter.

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Nice fun scenario and I am certain that if I did stuff differently, it would have played quite different, so I expect some replayability due to the different ways one can attempt to do the extraction and the multitude of different routes to the extraction zone.


I don't know if there is more than one AI plan but if so, that makes this scenario even better.


Thanks for the feedback.  It is interesting to hear how other players handled the mission.  The mission has two AI plans.

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Yeah the variability is very cool.  My initial plan got tossed into the rubble heap when right at the first turn the wheels started spinning off during the mortar barrage.  I wasn't sure what was going to happen there so I felt I needed to get fire support for the consulate defenders ASAP.  The pressure from that basically forced the first 10-15 turns.  Once I felt I had a handle on the consulate status I started planning more long term, but with walls blown down on the consulate etc I was feeling really vulnerable.  The insurgent rush when it occurred came through the openings the mortars created which were out of line of fire of my advancing teams.  The marines in the compound had to stop that assault on their own. 

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  • 1 year later...

The scenario "Consulate Evacuation" now has a new home at The Scenario Depot III.  Thanks to @Bootie for moving it over and giving it a cool new photo.  I don't know how Bootie finds the time to run The Few Good Men, relocate all these scenarios, deal with RL and do so many other things for the community but It is greatly appreciated.  Below is the link to the new location for Consulate Evacuation.  Thanks again Bootie. 


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On 10/13/2016 at 2:01 PM, Combatintman said:

@MOS:96B2P - you should do another one mate while I'm temporarily unavailable to create scenarios ;).

Actually I have one in mind.  The failed coup in Turkey made me think of it.  But I don't think I will have the time to get it done anytime soon.  Maybe over the winter when things slow down.  Judging from news reports your also rather busy.  Stay safe my friend.   

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