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The Peng Challenge: Thread Blunder

Joe Shaw

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yeah, but with the way you drive you'd likely take out a few busloads of Seattle's finest and miss me completely.  Not that that would be a bad thing,.


Hey, that time I took you for a ride, it was just a joke. I loved watching you brace yourself and close your eyes while praying. And what was funniest was the way you had to run into the house to change your pants after I dropped you off back home.



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look I realize you live out of your car, but "housecleaning" still applies. For the record, I did not clean those pants. I burned them. After that pig sty you call a car, there was no salvaging them. As a point for future reference sitting on concrete blocks while making pretend engine and tire squealing noises does not qualify as "taking someone for a ride". I don't know what "services" you are providing the parking dept, but it is interesting your derelict has not been removed yet.

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Let it be known; Feck you, dalem. What the hell, this thing is all new an fangly. However, none of you are. I expected to find (pseudo-venom)) the normal crap, and I've not been mis-disappointed.


Speaking of dis-misappointed, my son's band finally released a video in support of their first album. Yeah, this is a blatant plug. I figure I get one free spam to the MBT, and if you don't like it, feck-off and issue a real MBT challenge. Or not, I don't particularly care.


Extra points and consideration for those older to the thread than 5 years. I can't keep up with them young whipper-snappers (Fifty shades of Yuck, anyone?) anymore.


Oooooh, I can hear the clawing and bickering to present a challenge in CMSF or CMRT. Speaking of clawing and bickering; i hope Abbot is paying attention.


[semi-serious]  Here is my son's band's video. if you like it, please share it with your friends and family.Thanks







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Ha. Feckin' Peng Challenge comes to full stop. Really? No feckin' venom anymore? Holy Dorosh on a popsicle stick, has this really devolved so terribly? Berli must be quiescent. Peng probably couldn't be bothered.  Seanachai likely inhabits a kayak full of dark rum. What the 'ell. Hiram Elvis (wanker)? dalemLarsLawyerOGSF (feckin' Colorado transplant of an Aussie git)? MoriartyJDMorse (or sumfink like that)? Holy Cripes,


Where have all the wankers gone?

Long time passing (gas)

Where have all the wankers gone?

Slow time passing.

When will they feckin' ever learn.

When will they feckin' learn.


Tank you. Tank you very much. I hope you hate this.

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{Light enters the dim ale house front room as the strong hand pushes the heavy wood door open}

Speedbump: "I have been away from the Pool but a week, and look what happens....in one corner we have a senile oldster, singing off-key ditties to himself and talking about the 'good' old days. In another corner, we have a stringy, long haired Minnesotan mumbling bad poetry and playing with a broken Hasbro child's computer. Under a table, we have a marketing "genius", pulling his hair out, still trying to come up with the perfect tag-line to sell 'as seen on TV' products to consumers that have a higher than room temperature IQ. Behind the bar we have an Aussie, no English person, no git, trying to figure out how the beer tap works (hint: pull the handle). Another sad sack sits in the middle of the room expounding on all matters great and small (see post count), but to the best of anyone's knowledge doesn't actually interact (play) with anyone.

Sburke, please enter and let these ner-do-wells know that true gentlemen have arrived. Better yet, put a boot into them....right under the ribs works well, I have found..."


Noba is currently being investigated by PETA for his cruelty to his Cats. Most lay broken and burning.

Nidan is scurrying around like a mouse with his last two Russian T-90's while my Ukranians hunt him like Tom with a baseball bat (or is that Jerry?)

Boo Radley's Brits sit in their foxholes and cry....

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Noba is currently being investigated by PETA for his cruelty to his Cats. Most lay broken and burning.



Whilst most of your "T34's" are on fire and illuminating the night time battlefield. (Did you actually figure out what tanks you really have?)

I did enjoy your gamey infantry rush, but the electronic blood from your pixeltruppen ran down the hill towards my troops causing some



Still, I hold two of the three VP locations and you don't.



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Sburke, please enter and let these ner-do-wells know that true gentlemen have arrived. Better yet, put a boot into them....right under the ribs works well, I have found..."


What the hell??!!  What hole did all these miscreants crawl out of?  Seems Boo hasn't yet figured out that most cesspools are below ground.  So where else would we locate the bar?


Speaking of which, where is the friggin bartender?  Sir Speedbump2, seems I am meant to take on that role as well, what will you have... to drink.  Let's toast your impending victories in the firelight of your enemies burning armor.

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What the hell??!!  What hole did all these miscreants crawl out of?  Seems Boo hasn't yet figured out that most cesspools are below ground.  So where else would we locate the bar?


Speaking of which, where is the friggin bartender?  Sir Speedbump2, seems I am meant to take on that role as well, what will you have... to drink.  Let's toast your impending victories in the firelight of your enemies burning armor.

sburke, always the gentleman. Recently, I made reference to a Six Points Resin, IIPA, as my most recent favorite. However, I recently had the pleasure to imbibe it's big brother, Hi Res. Labeled an IIIPA, this beer was as close to glory as one can come. Let the Aussie's drink from their oil cans, they will never know the sophistication that a true knight takes for granted...

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Boo Radley's Brits sit in their foxholes and cry....

HAVOC as they let slip the dogs of war all over yo' ass.


You do realize that your halftracks are open-topped and that it's quite easy for my guys to toss grenades into them, don't you? Well... I mean, you do now, of course.


Nothing but net!

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HAVOC as they let slip the dogs of war all over yo' ass.


You do realize that your halftracks are open-topped and that it's quite easy for my guys to toss grenades into them, don't you? Well... I mean, you do now, of course.


Nothing but net!


Feel good about that while you can.  Actually, the gunner was killed and his brother the driver went berserker on me.  I clearly did not order a lone HT to drive 75 meters ahead of my troops, up to your line of foxholes and stop.  Yep, you taught me a lesson....

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In other news, 

Speedbump is having his reinforcements pull a gamey flag rush on me... over open ground.... against emplaced MGs. That should work out well.


Nidan, when he isn't AWOL, is having small pockets of his Allies do a creditable rear guard action against my jack-booted thugs. It is, like Nidan, annoying.


Costard's men use satchel charges to blow holes in back yard walls so they can then run around to the front of the building to gain entrance. I don't get it, either.


In any event, I shall dispatch all of my opponents with ease.

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Costard's men use satchel charges to blow holes in back yard walls so they can then run around to the front of the building to gain entrance. I don't get it, either.


Well, after all, he is an Aussie. You weren't expecting him to be sensible, were you? The Good Lord put Aussies on the planet to provide hilarity by their preposterousness. They don't even need clown suits.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Speaking of car accidents....




Nidan's Neo-Soviets failed to force the river defended by my plucky Ukrainians.  The horizon was beautiful...pillars of smoke from burning Russian vehicles.  He even brought an SUV to the fight.  After this fight Russian SUV's have a poor safety rating.  Now he has selected a marathon 150 minute scenario that will draw out his pain...


Noba has fallen back on his setup zone after losing almost all of his Cats.  His troops huddle in the dark, hoping the bogeyman Retro-Soviets will just go away....


Boo Radley is a gamey bastiche.  He hacked the game, giving his troops cloaks of invisibility.  He will pay...oh yes, he will pay...



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Speaking of car accidents....Boo Radley is a gamey bastiche.  He hacked the game, giving his troops cloaks of invisibility.  He will pay...oh yes, he will pay...


So you're losing badly. No surprise there. And I notice that you are consoling yourself with pushover Ozzies. No surprise there either.



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Speaking of car accidents....






Noba has fallen back on his setup zone after losing almost all of his Cats.  His troops huddle in the dark, hoping the bogeyman Retro-Soviets will just go away....


Boo Radley is a bastiche.  




Hah. Whilst you lead your troops with your glass jaw.

Meanwhile the Faust team running after your tanks on their one and only leg, draw a bead on another Rusting Tank*

Why do you insist on parking your tanks on the nobbliest bits of ground you can find? I've never seen so many belly

plate penetrations in my life!


And I fixed you compliment to Radley for you. You may thank me later.




*Soon to be, that is.

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So you're losing badly. No surprise there. And I notice that you are consoling yourself with pushover Ozzies. No surprise there either.




Is it true that you have asked BF to "Dumb Down" the AI, because it keeps handing you your arse?



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Is it true that you have asked BF to "Dumb Down" the AI, because it keeps handing you your arse?


Lies, all lies. I have never been defeated by the AI, although I admit some victories were harder come by than others. But my record is spotless, unsullied, pure as the driven snow.



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Lies, all lies. I have never been defeated by the AI, although I admit some victories were harder come by than others. But my record is spotless, unsullied, pure as the driven snow.




In other words you rage-quit to avoid defeat. Not finished many games then, huh?



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Hah. Whilst you lead your troops with your glass jaw.

Meanwhile the Faust team running after your tanks on their one and only leg, draw a bead on another Rusting Tank*

Why do you insist on parking your tanks on the nobbliest bits of ground you can find? I've never seen so many belly

plate penetrations in my life!


And I fixed you compliment to Radley for you. You may thank me later.




*Soon to be, that is.


Geez, I'm good. That 'Faust guy calmly let the tank run over him then killed it from 10 metres. Of course he was then

gunned down by the crew as they escaped the burning tank.... but you expect that.



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