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Op LOAM - Helmand Afghanistan

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Mission 3 briefings and maps are now done. The Mission 4 second playtest has gone well and survived a tweak to the enemy AI plan so with any luck I'll have the briefings for that done by close of play today.

I have the bones of Mission 5 ready to go and have played through some of the initial moves successfully so with any luck once I flesh it out the testing can go ahead and will run through smoothly.

If things go well I should have this all done and dusted by the weekend. The concern of course is compiling the campaign script which is something I've never done before so hopefully it will be as easy as the manual says!!!

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Mission 4 briefings and maps are now done.

Eye candy for Mission 4 follows:

Real World Google Earth overhead view:


Same view in CMSF:


Oblique looking S-N (Blue end of the map):


Oblique looking N-S (Enemy end of the map):


Looking ahead, Mission 5 testing went well but I need to tweak the Victory Points. This has been done but I need to replay it to make sure that the Victory Points stack up properly (they should do).


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CMSF doesn’t get enough attention these days. I sure look forward to the new release.

This campaign looks awesome combatintman and I look forward to try it. With the amount of quality releases from you, I hope BFC consider bringing you aboard for official content.

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Fizou - I was part of the team for the British Module - I did the Border Crossing, Crossroads and Qutaife missions for the Campaign although it was Paper Tiger who made the Border Crossing mission playable. I did a lot of work on the TO&Es as well and some voice acting. I am no longer involved because real life got in the way (marriage and moving to Australia). I must admit I had no idea how much work it would involve when I got involved but am really grateful I was given the opportunity and it was a very worthwhile experience helping bring the module to fruition.

Now I just do scenarios and campaigns for my own interest and enjoyment and for the pleasure of others. I've been away this week for work so will get back on this fairly soon. This final mission in the LOAM Campaign is causing me some issues right now in terms of VP balance. Hopefully I will solve them this weekend and then I can compile the thing and give it a play through.

I've got two other maps I'm working on concurrently (both Afghan maps based on 1st Battalion The Welsh Guards Helmand tour of 2009). Of course there is still the TELIC Campaign sat on my hard drive which I keep picking at and my Op SILVER Campaign which I want to make some progress on at some point. I suspect the focus will be individual missions once Op LOAM is done mainly because with single missions you can always see the light at the end of the tunnel!!!!

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Fizou - I was part of the team for the British Module - I did the Border Crossing, Crossroads and Qutaife missions for the Campaign although it was Paper Tiger who made the Border Crossing mission playable. I did a lot of work on the TO&Es as well and some voice acting. I am no longer involved because real life got in the way (marriage and moving to Australia). I must admit I had no idea how much work it would involve when I got involved but am really grateful I was given the opportunity and it was a very worthwhile experience helping bring the module to fruition.

Now I just do scenarios and campaigns for my own interest and enjoyment and for the pleasure of others. I've been away this week for work so will get back on this fairly soon. This final mission in the LOAM Campaign is causing me some issues right now in terms of VP balance. Hopefully I will solve them this weekend and then I can compile the thing and give it a play through.

I've got two other maps I'm working on concurrently (both Afghan maps based on 1st Battalion The Welsh Guards Helmand tour of 2009). Of course there is still the TELIC Campaign sat on my hard drive which I keep picking at and my Op SILVER Campaign which I want to make some progress on at some point. I suspect the focus will be individual missions once Op LOAM is done mainly because with single missions you can always see the light at the end of the tunnel!!!!

Thank you Combatintman. Your "...scenarios and campaigns for my own interest and enjoyment and for the pleasure of others..." are top notch. Hope the new Modern "Black Sea" will be in your kit in the near future.

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Yes, if the new version of CMSF allowed for Afghan, Iraq as well as Syria that would be way more interesting and "realistic" than the very hypothetical Black Sea game.

I don't believe for an instant that NATO nor the US would get involved in anything so far from home (and so close to a sophisticated tech opponent). About as likely as the US doing a land assault on China.

More likely would be India vs China - although that would be more naval-air.

Not that all the above wouldn't make fun games, but so would CMZA (ZOMBIE ASSAULT).

I would happily buy even an upgraded CMSF with the same content for the same price as a new game just to get the current CM2 copy protection that AVG likes. (My AVG just ate my reinstalled CMSF exec file AGAIN! Why does AVG keep doing that and how to dissuade it??)

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Fizou - I was part of the team for the British Module - I did the Border Crossing, Crossroads and Qutaife missions for the Campaign.

I should have figured. I played the campaign - all missions being great.

You knowledge and feeling for realistic Afghan and Iraq missions is superb. My brother did two tours to A-stan and that in combination with a big interest of historical actions makes your work a real treat. I hope the new modern game will feature a overhaul of CMSF so we can see more acurate operations in this theatre with the latest improvement to the game engin.

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Fizou I wouldn't say that my missions are completely realistic ...

For one it is very difficult to accurately simulate dismounted patrolling in these environments. I've got another map that I'm working on that I just can't get to replicate dismounted patrolling well enough. That said I think it might be because the map is quite a small one but I haven't explored all of the parameters yet (I need to check civilian densities). I may have this same issue with the Green 9 map I'm working on although that is a large map (about 1km x 1km) so an easier workaround might be possible.

Secondly insurgent strength has to be really bumped up in the interests of play value, although I am less concerned about that aspect of mission design.

ROE and collateral damage issues are hard to get right although clever use of known to neither 'Preserve' objectives can mitigate this to a degree.

All of that said - I take pride in my research and mapmaking and having served in both theatres of course has provided some good insights.

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I understand that. Getting something a 100% is probably impossible in a game. But getting close and delivering that feeling of reality (covering everything from the briefing, to map and gameplay) is certanly possible. Something you do very well.

You should be proud of your work as its damn good.

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  • 2 years later...
9 hours ago, marpam11 said:

hi my shock force game won't let me use overlay how did you do yours hope you can help

Overlays were brought in with the CMBN title and were never back ported to CMSF.  Those maps were done by laboriously measuring distances in Google Earth so I'm afraid that if you want to do vaguely accurate maps in CMSF it means a lot of measuring and a lot of time map making.  I have a scenario on the go right now for which I must have spent the equivalent of the best part of a full working week and probably more putting together ... and it is a fairly simple map. For me if BF did only one thing with CMSF it would be to enable the overlay feature.

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I struggled to get the last mission to work - not helped by a bug I discovered with Red 'Occupy' objectives.  Finishing this remains on my 'to do' list but is fairly high up the list of priorities - I just need to find enough time to get a clear run at it because I plan on rehashing the whole thing due to me having acquired more experience as a mission designer.

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5 hours ago, borg said:

B) Two Thumbs Up.

Were there predators/UAVs in Iraq/Afghanistan in year 2000s pre-2010?

I would think, adding of these assets in a CMSF remastered edition would be justified ?

Yes they were - speaking solely about Afghanistan the US had them pretty much from the get go.  The RAF deployed Reaper to Kandahar in 2007. From May 06 until Apr 07, the Desert Hawk was the only UK owned UAS operating in Afghanistan.  From that date, Hermes 450 came on line and both that and Desert Hawk were employed until Hermes 450 was replaced by Watchkeeper in Sep 14.

This document provides a brief overview ...


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