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Persistent Whining

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[Diatribe mode on]

Q: Why is it that whenever I open up this board my speakers begin to emit a persistent whining tone?

A: Because with a few notable exceptions recent posters are a bunch of whinging impatient *^&^#@! whiners.

I am sick and tired of scrolling through such excerable impatience,


The only consolation I have been able to glean is that those of you who seem so unable to control yourselves will be getting a very nasty lesson in patience when CM does come out! Hell, I am starting to get nostalgic for Oscar, Fionn and Steve slugging it out frown.gif . Sure all the questions have been asked and since you are not beta testers (hehe) you have no chance of influencing the final product with your opinions. Furthermore, you have bugger all chance of anything you might like put on "the list" for CM2 being paid serious attention too until CM1 is out. But back in the "good old days" even though many threads started with a CM specific questions they often mutated into interesting and engaging discussions of WWII by virtue of the collective knowledge around here. As far as I am concerned such threads are far less off topic than any concerning the mongrel "D" word, which much to my disgust, considering it is a complete bastardisation of the language, is in the dictionary. So I can't even report you to the secret police (language dept.), drats!

It may be that you are finding it difficult to play IGO-UGO games. Personally I too find them a little less immersive as hanging around here has emphasised their faults and made them a little more difficult to forget. All too often I find myself exclaiming: "What a load of crap, there is no way that could really happen". Hopefully that will be less prevalent in CM and basically that is what I am expecting/hoping of it. Reading the posts from Steve, Fionn and Martin I always have a chuckle when they exclaim at something happening that is realistic. Well, doh!, that is the way it should be. Our expectations of how a wargame simulates reality has been tempered by the disappointments of the past. Sure some of these can be ascribed to technological limitations but in many instances there was no excuse. There is no dichotomy between playability and good modelling apart from in the minds of those with little ambition to achieve excellence. All that is required is the right mixture of knowledge, ability and determination. As far as I can ascertain BTS have the stuff in this regard, though I will restrain my final judgement until I can try out the final product (for which I am quite happy to PATIENTLY wait).

So if you are having some trouble playing other games: how about reading some books! There is a good thread with a whole load of suggestions both general and specific to the CM1 period of WWII. For those of you who are coming to CM from a gaming background rather than a historical perspective you might be suprised at the massive dichotomy between the games you play and the narratives of history. Though that suggestion might be a mistake on my part as discontent with current games might increase your impatience for CM smile.gif . If you do come across any interesting books then come back here and post about it. I am sure the majority would like to hear it rather than that interminable whining.

[Diatribe mode off]

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<high, squeeky voice on>

I'm not whiiiining. I just wanna plaaaay! Gimme the game so I can plaaaay! I wanna play nooow! You promised me that I could play!

<high, squeeky voice off>

Alright, it never worked with my father, either.

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Guest Tom punkrawk

Simon,I've been trying to get a hold of some WW2 books,like I've heard many good things about Ambrose's books,just I'm a poor bastard, and books are darn expensive these days...The librarys around here are dark and desilet,which scares me. smile.gif


We ain't got no place to go,let's go to a punk rawk show

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Mr. Rawker, for your first investment in literary works, might I suggest a dictionary?

desolate (adj): deserted, depressing, unhappy

hehe. Truthfully, I can sympathize with you, having been a poor undergraduate, then graduate student for far too many years.


And don't feel bad, I just had a Vice President of my firm broadcast an Email looking for "pearl" programmers. I think he is still trying to get out from under the torrent of Emails sent back over that one.

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Guest Mikeman

Simon Fox,

I can understand your yearning for more of the 'interesting and engaging' discussions of past threads. Those threads are what I enjoy reading the most on this board; however, you must understand that more and more people are discovering this board and CM. It is not the little group of hard core grognards it used to be. Semi-grogs like myself are showing interest. I shouldn't speak for other semi-grogs, but as for myself I don't know enough about WWII history, weaponry, etc. to participate intelligently in one of those 'interesting and engaging threads' although I enjoy reading them. I also like to post, so naturally any topic I start, or thread I contribute to, will probably not be of the hard core grog type.

As far as the whining over the demo is concerned it's all just part of the fun. Relax and enjoy the squirming of the others.

Mikeman out.

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Your diatribe has proven that you have become impatient as well wink.gif I understand your annoyance with the general silliness that that has overcome this forum. Instead of complaining offer an alternative, for example. I would be interested your thoughts on how to use inferior US tanks Vs German tanks; or how to properly recon an area. Start a post like this and you will achieve the results you seek.


"Armchair Generals never lose any men"-Darstand

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Guest Tom punkrawk

Yes yes, I know my spelling isn't all that great,I've been told many times.

I can identify w/ Mike on this one, I'm only a half-grog type too.The most I've learned about WW2 is in movies,some doctomentrys,and this board.They don't teach you crap about it in school,just the politics(the boring stuff) smile.gif

But lately nothing of what you want to hear has really popped up,and whenever something is put up, it turns into a gripe about the demo not being out.I started to think that we really have nothing to complain about,I mean,were getting the demo free,you can complain about the game(those of you who have already ordered)! smile.gif

and 'BLAH' to all you critical spelling bastards out there smile.gif no offense.I can spell fine we I need too,something important,but I don't need to on this,it's not like I'm going to lose my job or points(as in school) on the board for not spelling correctly smile.gif

Besides,I'm only 17 years old,gimmie some slack here smile.gifoh and besides, you knew what I ment smile.gif


We ain't got no place to go,let's go to a punk rawk show

[This message has been edited by Tom punkrawk (edited 10-27-99).]

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Punk Rawk,

I too am afraid of Libraries. I have something to whine (joking) about though. Every time I see your post I can't keep from reading the following:

"We ain't got no place to go,let's go to a punk rawk show"

And I want you to know it is working. Now I find myself suggesting to friends that we go to a Punk Rock show. I don't think I like Punk Rock, but I wouldn't know, because I have no reference point. Possibly you can fill us in on what a Punk rock show is like.


Richard Kalajian

"I don't know why I wanna go, but let's go to a Punk Rawk Show"

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Here's my whine:

Look at this picture:


Look carefully at the fenders.


Do the HTs in Last Defence have rear view mirrors? NO!! How can they back up without crashing into things? How did they get an inspection sticker? I don't want to play some game that fails to take such important considerations into account!!!

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