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New SC in the works?

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Good to hear you are making your way home and thanks for your continued interest in SC :)

Looks like Al jumped the gun a bit here so I'm a little unprepared to give a proper response without probably being disappointingly vague, but the least I can do is confirm that Al is working on something for us and that as soon as we are prepared to make a proper announcement we will certainly do so.

My apologies for this,


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Hubert, I'm not sure, but, I believe you are becoming a little too sensative, perhaps I'm mistaken and it's caution, in your old age. Whatever happened to "Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead"?:eek:

As an older SC supporter, I see no reason to tip toe around, give us the spill, to heck with those that can't take it or dislike the path chosen for development(it didn't stop you from "tiles"). Let them present their arguments of logic to modify the path, or just get out of the way, everyone has an opinion and most are just lip service.:rolleyes:

Clear the air, let's get on with it, this forum will come alive if you'll just let it, add some catalyst or just delegate it to Al, Bill seems busy with BT(WW1) and you can steer this thing with moderation. Generalities and vagueness can start, but an expediancy of specifics will need to follow, just spread them out over the developmental timeframe.

Come on....what gives? Hmmm, perhaps there are lawyers lurking, always the lawyers, look what we've allowed them to do!:mad:

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Well I am now almost 40:eek:

To be honest it is just mostly a time issue and we either spend a lot of time here or working on the game as it truly is difficult to do both effectively.

Typically nowadays, once we make an announcement it is because we are ready and of course ready to discuss and give the forums, the new game, and fans of SC our full attention.

In the past it definitely was more or less "full speed ahead" but at the same time the Beta team was very small, myself, Bill Macon, Dave Maurer and Blashy, and the forums provided us with the perfect sounding board when needed but these days it is a much bigger Beta team and I guess you could say that the "full speed ahead" occurs behind the scenes instead.

We certainly hope the forum will come alive once we are ready to get things under way, as we think we have a few very exciting developments in the works, and until then I simply apologize only to say we are not quite ready to make any official announcements just yet, but as Al mentioned hopefully soon enough :)


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Hubert, have you ever thought about being a diplomat?:)

And...no apologies necessary. I for one wholly trust you, Bill, and the Betas to come to the right decisions. I guess as a human trying to achieve a higher awareness, I'm a glutten for information, I'm the one that should be apologizing.:o

Carry on oh masterful one!;)

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The Strategic Command 2 series is simply being extended under a Continuing Resolution. Hopefully Strategic Command 3 will not be affected by a Sequestration. But Hubert's in Canada where the rules are different, so perhaps he will get us through it all one way or another! ;)

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Would it be possible to find out if the new SC is a new Global Conflict game? I'm new and was considering Global Conflict but would be disappointed if I purchased it now and found out a new Global Conflict was coming out. Any info would be great.

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Hi Thraug,

I apologize again as no info should have been released at all for this very reason, i.e. so as to not create this type of confusion... but we still have the same problem on our end that we are just not in a position to provide any more details just yet as we still have to sort them out properly on our end first.

We should have more info ready soon and I sincerely appreciate everyone's patience until then,


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