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I have been on the forums the last few days ask about CMFI and plan to get it friday when i get paid. I also plan to get CMBN as i tried both the demos and found both to be very fun (super hard though) I wanted to ask which one has more content? (units, maps, campaigns,Etc) I plan on getting CMFI first simply for the content of the games you dont see that many good games take place in italy with italians in ww2 lol. When i do get CMBN should i get the expansion and the upgrade thing too?

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CMBN has more content in the form of standalone missions and campaigns.

I concur; mostly due though to the fact that CMBfN has been out a good deal longer. Designers and Modders have had almost thrice the time to add content to CMBfN than they have for CMFI. So, for now, CMBfN provides more game for your dollars. As time passes, that will leaven out. Enjoy your purchase! Good luck and good gaming.

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Unless you have a specific interest in fighting in Sicily, or 1943 only equipment then BN. Of course FI is July/August 43 against BN's June-August '44. Sicily vs Normandy. The definite way (and more expensive way) is BN+CW and 2.0

For one its been out longer - theres waaaay more content, in mods, patches, scenarios, campaigns, opponents. FI has The Germans, Italians, and US

BN has US, Germans, Brits, Canucks, Poles, French. Though to be fair the French use US equipment, and the Canucks and Poles British. But there are differences, and don't forget you can pit armies against eachother in quickbattles, even US on US, US on Brit, German on German, etc. The terrain is much different but I personally like the French terrain better. Sicily has this open dusty burnt feel. Normandy is green and lush. I also feel BN is more balanced for play against opponents, both sides have a viable option for anti tank work if they're reduced to only infantry. And I dont mean a grenade.

However, FI will be a lot different when the next module comes out, and I plan to by all the CM games that come out, regardless of period of theater. Plus FI is a great game in it's own right, and it's only really to compare the two in a versus type situation when FI gets it's own module. When FI is complete it'll cover Sicily, Anzio, Cassino, all of it. That'll be fantastic. BN will go to Market Garden and thats a must have. I wont even mention the Ost Front because a hard on I'd rather discuss with some girls instead of you guys...

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Bases games aren't 'final games'. It'll take several significant modules til the titles are 'officially' complete. However much content you get with your initial purchase is going to be exponentially greater by the time the series is put to bed. Like I said about CMSF, additional module content was cool but it was the new scenarios, maps and campaigns that made all the difference. The completed CMSF title is massive. CMSF Brit module scenarios and campaigns are BFC at the top of their game. So whichever title you elect to buy its going to continue growing and growing and growing.

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