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Going to be 51 soon. First wargame I played was chess against my dad. Took me years before I could beat him. Stratego, Risk followed then on to AH and SPI wargames. Played SPIs War in the Pacific the entire summer-took up the entire garage floor. First SPI wargame was Dreadnaught and Fast Carriers. Bought Foxbat and Phantom and took me weeks to read through the complicated rules.

Got into computer wargames in the 80s when I got a Mac. Not many games for Macs so I ended up playing Falcon and North Atlantic 86 to death.

I still play computer games and have a decent collection and liquid cooled system to play them on. Ill probably still be playing when I'm 100. I'm going to buy a few spare systems so if the day PCs go to the wayside like pinball machines Ill still be able to play.

About the only thing I like as much as computer games is guns, although booze and women come close.

In all honesty I'm still a kid at heart. I play darts at home, shoot airguns in my place-don't think the neighbors would appreciate me shooting Glocks or AKs and play probably too much computer games. I've been know to spend years playing games like GG War in the Pacific.

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I recently told a fellow about using party lines in the country. I had to explain it was not the kind of "party lines" that are illegal but a form of ancient communication.... better than smoke signals :D

You might be older than me. I can recall how exuberant my family was when we were finally able to get a dedicated line instead of a party line. I think I was four or five at the time.


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I am 33. Played risk and stratego as a kid a fair amount and once we got our first computer at home it has been pc games for me all the way. I loved the Monkey Island games, Full Throttle Sam and Max type games. Played a lot of FPS games as teen, Halflife the most. In my last issue of my subscription to PC Gamer magazine there was a demo for this game called CMBO with the Valley of Trouble and Chance Encounter scenarios. I was hooked. I own all the CMx1 games and everything WW2 for CMx2. I have never played another combat sim game that has been as fun or challenging as CM. Can't wait to see what BFC has in store for the future.

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If I had my own pinball machine my life would be complete. :) That's one thing I never got enough of.


I think there is a pinball museum somewhere in California. I'll have to get some quarters and check it out. I also still love the 80's arcade games. A while back I saw a device you could hook up to your TV and play Galaxian. Came with a little joystick and fire button device. I really wished I got it then and there, because I haven't seen it since.

I remember Victory at Sea. What a real dog. I think by the time it came out I moved to the PC platform-mainly for the games-Wing Commander, M1 Tank Platoon, Secret Weapons of the Luftwaffe, Task Force 1942, Falcon 3-list goes on and on and on....

Mark my words, just like old school stuff like original hot wheels are worth some cash, these old games and a system that can run them will someday be nostalgic and worth some money to some collector-when that will be is anyone's guess.

A while back I started buying up the Mechwarrior playing cards for next to nothing. Now they are worth more than what I paid for them. The Age of King Playing cards I bought when they first came out are nowhere to be seen. I have no idea what they are worth, but I would sure like to get more if I could find them.

Some of those old SPI games go for quite bit on EBAY. Same with Strategy and Tactics magazines. Someone burned them all onto a DVD. I don't know if that's still available.

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