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At last, a military themed TV show with realistic looking AFV's !

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One thing though, although the AFV's are rendered realistically, i'm sure the skirts of schoolgirls in Japan aren't that short, so i will have to get onto the producers about that.

I wouldn't necessarily count on that, noob.




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OMG, i'm going to have to start doing some serious research on this subject, with a view to starting a protest campaign aimed at forcing the Japanese government to legislate to increase the length of the skirts of Japanese schoolgirls, otherwise i am in danger of becoming housebound.

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Heh heh all I can say is take a trip to Tokyo, it is a world of it's own.

I've never been, but i have been into Japanese pop culture long enough to believe that if one had to imagine that Tokyo was the product of a more technologically advanced alien race that had studied western culture from across the abyss of space, and then decided to land on earth and create a theme park based on their findings, i would totally buy it :)

Exhibit A:Tokyo Plaza Omotesando Harajuku TokyoPlazaOmotesandoHarajuku.jpg

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I agree with you. The markings are obviously incorrect--though I can't read them!

Michael Emrys,

Are you sure that isn't an AV girl?


My brother's been there, but he was with his family, so rather doubt he saw what you saw.


What IS that thing? A Japanese externalization of a nervous breakdown?


John Kettler

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While I suppose you could get a red and yellow StuG III mod for CMBN, unless it's an area with lots of brick, I doubt said StuG would last long. Now the Grant/Lee (can't tell which) in pink fits (sort of) the North Africa CMFI mod being developed.


John Kettler

A work around would be to send a painting squad in first to paint the battlefield to match the tanks camo scemes.

While we are on the subject of unrealistic colour schemes, it would be fun if someone would make a mod to make the units look like the plastic soldier models of my youth.

I would use, Green for the US, Grey for the Germans, Brown for the UK, Black for the SS, Blue for the Italians, and of course Red for the Russians.

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Fine. You take her, I get the schoolgirls.



Well played, sir! He-he. Well-played.

But I forget that since I live in-country, my image of "office lady" is very different from those outside of Japan. Trust me, I wasn't thinking of something like Ms. Marple's sister, as you have posted (but that was funny!).

It's kinda' like saying "flight attendant." In America these days, that usually means a middle-aged, overweight battle axe who barks orders at you. While in Japan, that generally means a nice-figured, soft-spoken woman of varying age (but all good!).

My wife and I are old enough to have a kid in college, but she still has a figure that most American high school girls can only dream of. Tons of women here maintain nice figures decades beyond their youth.

I eat like a health-conscious native and my waist is now a loose 31 (am 6'). It's the food, dude!

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Make mine a goth loli detective please.


-Reminds me of a hostess I met one time after-hours at a ramen shop in Tokyo when I was in my late twenties. In her apartment, she had a giant pyramid (like a display from Toys R' Us) of unopened dolls from Toy Story. Her favorite movie was A Clockwork Orange and she liked to put on the vinyl soundtrack while watching the movie (ie--out of sync sound).

At the time, I remember thinking, "If I was ten years younger, this would seem cool. But now, I don't know whether to make a pass or recommend a good psychologist."

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There is something really weird about someone in an SS uniform holding up the "V for Victory" sign.


It's not a victory sign, although if you don't know about the Japanese usage of the gesture it will seem strange.

(Wiki)The palm-outwards V sign is very commonly made by Japanese people, especially younger people, when posing for informal photographs. One account of this practice claims that during the 1972 Winter Olympics in Sapporo, Hokkaidō, American figure skater Janet Lynn stumbled into Japanese pop culture when she fell during a free-skate period, but continued to smile even as she sat on the ice. Though she placed only third in the competition, her cheerful diligence and persistence resonated with many Japanese viewers, making her an overnight foreign celebrity in Japan. Lynn, a peace activist, was repeatedly seen flashing the V sign in the Japanese media thereafter. Though the V sign was known of in Japan before Lynn used it there (from the post-World War II Allied occupation of Japan), she is credited by some Japanese for having popularized its use in amateur photographs.

One of the legacies of the Nazi's is that their military symbols have become so synonymous with evil that said imagery is an instantly effective subject for artistic juxtaposition.

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