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The end of a tank in Libya


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Looking at he explosion - would you really expect an RPG to generate enough overpressure insude teh tank to eject het commander like that?

I've no great experience in tank explosions - but this one looks like there was a big explosion INSIDE - something like ammo going up so as to cause a "jet" out the available aperture - ie his hatch.

I guess an RPG may have hit poorly stowed ammo in the turret to do that?

either that or it has been photoshoped in! :)

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Concur that the RPG alone may not have been sufficient to set up such an explosion so I'm guessing that a round's propellant went off due to the RPG, possibly the one being handled and loaded at the time. If the entire ammo supply had gone off, it would likely have tossed the turret into the air.

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Concur that the RPG alone may not have been sufficient to set up such an explosion so I'm guessing that a round's propellant went off due to the RPG, possibly the one being handled and loaded at the time. If the entire ammo supply had gone off, it would likely have tossed the turret into the air.

I concur. That sounds like the most probable explanation.


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"Overall, the Arab world's grip on reality fails to impress me time and again. This video is no exception. A lot of what they do is entirely based upon highly emotional theatrics with little regard for what is practical, safe or sane."

I'm sure somewhere in England someone was saying pretty much the same thing as Washington crossed the Delaware ;)

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? He wasn't thrown out by an explosion. That is a trick he has been working on to contribute to the overall level of festivities. He yells "Allahu Akbar" and then a spring loaded platform ejects him into the air where he somersaults landing on his feet to the applause of everyone. You didn't think that was a real battle scene did ya?

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"Overall, the Arab world's grip on reality fails to impress me time and again. This video is no exception. A lot of what they do is entirely based upon highly emotional theatrics with little regard for what is practical, safe or sane."

I'm sure somewhere in England someone was saying pretty much the same thing as Washington crossed the Delaware ;)

Washington's descendants made it to the moon, the other guys are still baying at it. :D

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It really is sad when you think about it. Arab civilization 1000 years ago was something to behold. It was the christian communities that seemed to be baying at the moon in their squalor during the dark ages. Now even the smallest change towards a more open humane society is something so painfully acquired. It takes a friggin teenage girl getting shot for daring to want education to get people to understand.

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It really is sad when you think about it. Arab civilization 1000 years ago was something to behold. It was the christian communities that seemed to be baying at the moon in their squalor during the dark ages. Now even the smallest change towards a more open humane society is something so painfully acquired. It takes a friggin teenage girl getting shot for daring to want education to get people to understand.

Europe was barbaric long before Christianity arrived there.

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Europe was barbaric long before Christianity arrived there.

Well, yes and no. Things weren't so bad during the Greek and Roman eras. Come to that, Persia and China along with Assyria and Babylonia had their good points too. They weren't heaven on earth and I don't expect many of us would want to trade places with them. But compared to European Middle Ages, they come off looking pretty good. There is a lot to be said for paganism, especially the Greek variety.


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Depends what you mean by civilised.

You might consider Gauls/Celts/Britons civilised in a tribal, druidc and primitive way - they had some pretty awesome metalworking skills, inventing chain mail for example, and their chariot axles, gold working and cavalry were all better than Roman equivalents.

their society was also relatively peaceful - or at least it was not egregiously expansionist as Rome was, nor as far as we know was it as riven with intenecine warfaer as classical Greece - possibly because the areas were relatively sparsely populated (not that they didn't have war of course)

Contemporary with them are the Germans, who appear to have been considerably more primitive in a technological sense (the Romans took no technology from them, they rode barebacked and some used hardened sticks as spears) and given to warfare.

Of course pretty much all we know about these 2 branches of ancient Europeans comes from the Romans - but at least they considered both to be barbarians so we may presume some equality of bias!

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It's true that what we know of the Celtic and Germanic tribes comes primarily from Roman and Greek sources, but for what it's worth Strabo wrote of the Celts that "the whole race is war-mad, high-spirited and quick to fight, but otherwise straightforward and not at all of evil character", while Caesar claimed that prior to Roman conquest the Gaulish tribes would go to war "virtually every year in the sense that they would be making wanton attacks themselves or repelling such."

I don't know enough about the German tribes to say if they were more or less civilized than the Gauls, only that the Romans considered them to be more dangerous opponents in warfare.

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What an annoying video! I think the only semi sane people in it are the drivers of the technicals. They, at least, are positioned to leave quickly! Also getting at least partial marks are the gunners on the technicals, who have some sort of gun shields. Never seen any of those on technicals. The cameraman let all those vehicles mask the sight lines to the hero of the piece--the T-55 (not a T-72 as the YouTube poster titled it). Consequently, we can barely see the tank (a partially visible turret) when it's hit.

Make no mistake. That's a 100% K-Kill. The TC is dead (looked almost skeletal, in fact), the crew is dead, the ammo's gone off, and the tank is burning. I really do wish such vids would find some new dialog! If there's any good news here, it's that the crew got wiped out instantly and didn't burn alive slowly.


John Kettler

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