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New winter ground graphics

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It's snowing so the white dots are snowflakes. Have you guys seen snowflakes yet? I forget..

Anyways, enjoy.



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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Yes, Greg, the beta demo is now, what, ten builds or so behind the current beta version, and each one introduced major changes. A lot has improved, graphics, interface and gameplay. Fog is in, thick fog, rain and snow, the grass and snow textures are different, ambient sounds are in etc. etc. - really too much to mention it all.

BTW, the shot is from a historic map around Mortain wink.gif

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I was just exclaiming to myself that that looks more like bocage to me than something out of the Bulge when I read Martin's post. Great shot of that nasty terrain. Is that the 2nd SS Pz or the 17th SS PzGd brewing up over there in the distance, he he. smile.gif


How do you get a simple map like that Reisberg.jpg? If we could just get one like that with simple elevation data it would be really useful for the initial planning stage. Certainly a lot better than printing out view8 !

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Guest John Maragoudakis

Nice fog. Feels like morning. Feels cold out there. There must be condensation on the weapons. We should wipe them. Lets pull out that portable mirrior, tak it on a tree and start shaving. Hard to believe there really is a war out there.

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I just posted the fog pic and info about the game to a Wermacht reenactors mailing list I belong to. (BTW, I dont reenact myself but it is interesting reading. The info these guys have is nearly endless).

I am interested in their observations about the game and thought the fog pic would get their attention.


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Guest Big Time Software

I just played Chance Encounter with Dense Fog as my *first* full game using this feature. It was so different to play, let me tell you! I did everything the opposite from what I do normally when I play. I was the Americans and basically bunched everbody up because visibility was so poor (200 some odd meters for max, but VERY low quality except at very close range). So when the Germans came upon me, they were faced with HUGE volumes of fire. Luckily, I managed to toast all three StuGs without the loss of a single Sherman. After that, it was nail biting, but a certain victory for me.

I took a fair number of casualties, but wiped the AI out because I knew I had nothing to fear in terms of AT capabilities (the advantage of designing the scenario and playing it a half dozen times smile.gif). Sure enough, I think only one PS shot was fired at me, and because I kept infantry a little ways in front, that team never got off a second shot smile.gif


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That Fog shot ... was spooky. I am amazed at the level of detail and the continuing improvment in the game, BUT ... if you clowns don't stop posting stuff about "So I created this scenario with 6 buildings in the middle of the swamp with a Volksgrenadier Panzerfaust team hiding in the logpile..." I'm going to scream. Stop teasing us and give us the game already :) I know, I know, when it's ready <sigh>.

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