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The Possibly Penultimate Peng Challenge Thread

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OK, I know I have come on here before and declared my interest in finding an opponents but then failed to follow through and challenge anyone or what have you and find an opponents, but, this time is different. So I have been trying to get my local friends to try a combat mission x2 game since shock force, hot seat at my place or have them download the demo or have one of the extra copies I bought, but it never worked. UNTIL it finally did happen just a little while ago! My super young friend and I played the first 9 or so turns of the smallest CMFI scenario, the meeting engagement, and it was an action packed blast!! I have barely been able to play at all by myself since then cause it was SO much funner! And I love the game single player already. So, now that I finally have my internet back up I need to find some more people to play with, or at least one more. and PBEM is a much better format for my crashy computer than hotseat. I'm inclined to challenge SBurke since we live in the same awesomest area but I don't have anything mean to say to him. Lol And I know from the forum hes got a lot of PBEM on his plate already. Anybody low on opponents?

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Oh, and I want to tell a short story about my first and last PBEM CMx2 experience, to hopefully find out where the community stands on this issue about gameyness and our players gods eye view. I don't want to piss off my opponent and have him quit on me again, if that's what happened last time. We were playing Shock Force and I was defending as the Syrians. So I was feeling a little desperate, haha. I have some infantry AFVs and tanks to defend the open semi urban area from their tanks AFVs and infantry. I also have some spies hanging out on their side of the map. Shortly after the battle starts he runs his infantry into the building by my spies and into on of the buildings. I get to see his men, 2 full squads, running to the top of a couple buildings as the spies get spotted and shot down. I imagine my spies yelling into their virtual cellphones or whatever and communicating to the friendly tanks at ludicrous speed which building were ran into, and next turn, the first turn i was able, I gave 2 or 3 or 4 I don't remember, orders to go fast to keyholed positions to scoot and shoot 1 or so shots each onto the buildings that just got occupied. I don't think I got any turns or emails back. lol. I think it was just 2 tanks but they have those 125mm shells and blues not really supposed to take casualties like that. Anyway I'm a more mature player now... but I still do want to make the most of my guys. But I also want to try to do it realistically, at least similarly so as my opponent. How bad did I F that one up? what should I have done differently or was it no big deal and he shoulda just kept playing or declared defeat and asked for another, maybe with me agreeing not to do THAT again?

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...my interest in finding an opponents...

Ye gods! [holds head in hands] Did you actually make it out of the second grade?

Look, it's either "an opponent" [singular] or simply "opponents" [plural]. Do you think you can remember that?

Anybody low on opponents?

No, but I can name someone low on brainpower. Here's a clue: his name rhymes with 'fool wheeze'.


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I just want to remind everyone that there are only five more shopping days until my birthday. Please, please, please don't send diamonds this year. Diamonds are so gauche, don't you think? But the understated elegance of gold is always appropriate, especially in the form of rare old coins. Stacks and stacks of old coins...


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I was reading some comment on the limits of power of/for/by the pontius potus. The claim was that there is no limit.

The reality is that the limit is defined by the man himself - what he is prepared to do. He might find the limits of what he can do quite easily in particular classes of action e.g. contrary to the current understandings of defined possible actions in physics, engineering, politics. It is probable, given the necessity to compete in the political arena, that he has a reliable memory for those things that he cannot do, and that he has tried.

What we have is a defined plan to the end game. What we don't have is the plan to avert it. If the limits on his power are realised by a man, but no solution to a problem presents itself, he must needs therefore to refer to creativity and curiosity - what happens if I try this? The limits on power are quite well defined, I think, in the medical community. ok, scoff, but "First, do no harm." (One of the bankers used that this week in US). The problem for the man is that he perceives that this option isn't available to him - yet it is. It is his self-imposed limit, only he can realise it as a behaviour, an action. So its not as if it doesn't work for all the problems, but it'll probably sort out quite a few - (happily) providing for an energy budget that can be used to focus on other aspects of the complex problem before him

(it must be noted that idea of the powers of a superman have changed appreciably over time - at least in regards to the behaviours that are limited only by understandings in physics, engineering, etc (mythos?). Ethos has bogged down in imperfect understandings of the language used in law, mythos is all we have left.)

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If they're only playing I'm happy enough. They seem hopeful mosters in any case.

A '96 Chasselas by Rosewood of Rutherglen. The '96 marsanne (Tahbilk) is all gone, but will be remembered as one of the best wines I've ever had. Still, plenty of '99 and '02 in the pile of cardboard boxes that constitutes my cellar (rummaging around for a wine takes on a whole new meaning when you have to beware the redbacks.)

What is the Emrys drinking these days? Bud? Duff? Rum, perhaps?

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What is the Emrys drinking these days? Bud? Duff? Rum, perhaps?

Bud is suitable only as a degreasing agent. I would only serve it to someone I truly felt contempt for.

Duff I know nothing about. It has never darkened my door.

I know how to make a splendid punch with rum, but haven't done so in ages.

Lately I have been sampling from a bottle of Quail Oak. It was recommended to me, so I thought I would try one. It was pretty raw when I opened it six months ago, so I recorked it and set it aside. The passage of time has greatly improved it, I am happy to say. It's still a bit drier than I prefer, but it has a lovely, fruity aftertaste.


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