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The Possibly Penultimate Peng Challenge Thread

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I love being lectured about maturity and social skills by someone who clearly lacks both. It would be funny if it wasn't so sad.


As my Uncle used to say to my Aunt. "Joan if you are going to argue with the children, you have to win."

Not gonna happen here. You just have to hope his meds will kick in or that he's texting while driving and smacks into a ditch full of horse s**t. I am hoping for the second.

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Wow, that guy is what douches use to clean their ******s.

The worst thing about the internet is people like that don't have to pay for what they say. Since a large portion of us are veterans, the first insult out of his mouth would most likely be the last. I doubt he would have such courage without the anonymity of the internet.

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One really cannot invite a sociopath to a civilized tea party and then expect to eat all the sandwiches before moving on in an orderly fashion to the cakes and hold the cups in the correct way and engage in polite conversation about annual sprout crop, the demise of the Euro, the plague of LIBOR rate price fixing, hand pistols that resemble all the uncanny accuracy of javelin missiles over 2km in certain war games and is it possible to live in a jar and meet the very special soul brain and what happens next when the very other special brain in a jar turns up? and Scunthorpe and other interesting topics.

It just cannot be done.

Nature? Nurture? Quite possibly both, why restrict the options?

Its just another one appearing on the stage to dance and tap in the immortal Battlefront has Talent X Factor has Gone a Bit Missing Like a Hole in the Head which just makes this just a special, special place for one to just lean against a tree and nibble twigs.

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GREAT HORNY TOADS!!!!!11!!!11!!!1111ONE111!

Why do you kids always pick our yard to play in, eh? Can't you do your little Gaylord group hug elsewhere? We just got the stains off the wall from the last time his head exploded under your oh so tender ministrations!

Yeah sure, blame that for the stains uh huh.

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Well, I say this Steve person is one macho mano the sort that like to rub snow on his nipples before breakfast and out stare varmints of all shapes and sizes. I like the cut of his jib. He's feisty, plucky and would stick his head into a bowl full of embers without blinking.

He's butch with snarls.

As for the other Steve, the one with a friend called Pete, Battlefrump Steve.. well, not too sure about that one. I mean has he followed the rules and got an email address? Does he even play the game, I think that is quite important? Can he challenge like he's got a pair and be nice to the Ladies, eh? And what this Beetlefrap Home of the Mother Superiors about, eh?

All a bit suspect if you ask me

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Hearts and Liverpool tearing up the middle of the pitch with chances few and far between. Still, it is far more entertaining than the nearly nine pages of nattering from Emrys and Boo(!). I just thought I'd bounce this from whatever corner of BFC forum it languishes.

Gaylord's frothy spurting like Santorum from a bung was a bit of a surprise. I can't imagine what motivates the feckless ninnyhammer to drop trou in the cesspool. Why anyone wants to be here fills me with bafflement. But, then, I am easily baffled. Always have been.

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Hearts and Liverpool tearing up the middle of the pitch with chances few and far between. Still, it is far more entertaining than the nearly nine pages of nattering from Emrys and Boo(!).

That's because you don't get out that often. You and the rest of your Pennsyltucky cohorts keep to the backwoods and the hollers and the ridges (Ruffles have ridges!) and the dells and the bayous, with your inbreeding and your Polk Salad Annies (Gator got your granny!) and your varmints and your MrSpkrs and your hayseeds in your ears and your dung encrusted toes and it's no doubt best that you do.

I'll put some Foggy Mountain Breakdown on the Hi-Fi and you can give us all a little dance, how'd that be?

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Gaylord's frothy spurting like Santorum from a bung was a bit of a surprise. I can't imagine what motivates the feckless ninnyhammer to drop trou in the cesspool. Why anyone wants to be here fills me with bafflement. But, then, I am easily baffled. Always have been.

He has a reputation for stupidy and ignorance to uphold.

Perhaps to him it is the only positive thing in his miserable life.

I'm sure he misses us all greatly. I know I do.

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Yeh, they make plastic ones for a reason - did you have a go with a metal one?

Actually it was one of those large two-pronged jobbers that one uses on the bar-b-que.

Still way too many sensory nerves located in the forarm. Its tough being an upper primate. I'd love to be like a crab and have the ability regrow a new limb.

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Polk Salad Annies (Gator got your granny!)

I'll put some Foggy Mountain Breakdown on the Hi-Fi and you can give us all a little dance, how'd that be?

Down in Louisiana Where the alligators grow so mean

There lived a girl that I swear to the world Made the alligators look tame

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Meanwhile, a certain Michael we know and love has been making some interesting statements in the outre boards

Back in the CMBO days the ATGs were pretty dang impressive. I learned never to buy less than a full platoon of tanks. Sending one tank against even just a single ATG meant that the tank invariably died before I got any use out of it.

Now, this may give the impression of familiarity with the game and, to the ignorant and stupid, that he may have even hit the play button!

HA! I scoff and *honk* at even the thought - we know better! He is being economical with the actuality! Fiction, pure fiction!

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