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AARs... uh... ALL of them

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Well, below you'll find links to the remaining Turns (36-41) and also a few links to the German and US debriefing pages and the endgame screen. This is an emergency solution for the time being. The AARs will appear (in a much prettier form and quicker to download) on the TGN site soon.

Allied turn 36


Axis turn 36


Allied turn 37


Axis turn 37


Allied turn 38


Axis turn 38


Allied turn 39


Axis turn 39


Allied turn 40


Axis turn 40


Allied turn 41 (final)


Axis turn 41 (final)


End game screen (score)


German debriefing


US Debriefing


I hope you enjoyed reading the AARs and following our game as much as we did playing it and writing it all up. Fog of War is lifted officially now and I am sure Steve will make up a thread for discussion and questions. Thanks everybody!

[This message has been edited by Moon (edited 10-19-99).]

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I had a HUGE amount of fun with this even though I ended up losing.

It was the best pBEM experience I ever had thanks in large part to the good scenaio design *thanks Steve* and my opponent and friend Martin wink.gif (who had great fun with me swapping taunts and insults throughout the game ) wink.gif

I'd also like to thank Martin for staying up VERY late tonight working on the html of my reports and uploading and posting all of them.



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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Guest John Maragoudakis

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>As the seconds dragged without action I actually shouted at Wiesenhofer to fire<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Fionn, it sounds like you were really immersed into it. Like you were in your own war film.

[This message has been edited by John Maragoudakis (edited 10-19-99).]

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Fionn - great fighting, mate! (if I may borrow this expression) smile.gif

You made some daring and excellent moves there (you won't believe how much I was cursing when that Puma raced past Washington's Sherman) and... boy oh boy... I had seen the game lost many times during the battle.

Thanks of course also to Steve and Charles for making it possible! My girlfriend hates your guts smile.gif

John - it IS a war movie! This game is SO FAR ahead of pushing counters across a hex grid, it's incredible. Everything I played so far seems like dry exercises on a sand model. When I played CM for the first time, I felt like a fresh LT. out of officer school (and I believe it was similar for Fionn). Sure, I had a good number of "counter pushing exercises" under my belt... but hell, this time it's for real! I am sure that when the beta demo arrives, many of you will feel the same.

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I would like to personally thank the both of you for your excellent AARs. Not only was this immensely enjoyable reading, but hopefully we readers will survive a little better from your insightful commentary.

If either of you make it to the Wash.DC area, drop me a note and I'll buy a round... or two... or three

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Guest John Maragoudakis

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>The halftrack is an almost sure kill, but the Panzer is a high risk gamble, since I don't know where it will be going next turn. If it races on down the road, it will be certainly behind the houses before my Sherman can fire<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

This clearly shows the realistic uncertainty that the simultaneous turns have over ugo igo systems.

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We both felt we'd lost the game a few times..

One thing which sounds like hype when I say it but which is just me trying to express something as best I can is to say that the 3D really makes you feel like you are there. It immerses you.

Sure wargames are about weapons and units and tactics BUT aren't they as much about immersion and enjoyment?

For me CM is hugely enjoyable because I know its realistic and so don't get pulled out of my immersion by something stupid like a Sherman 75 popping a Tiger from the front AND the representation of the game ( 3D) is just a guts grabber.

Artillery feels SO much more real when you see the screen shaking when it hits too BTW ;). I think you will all find it as difficult to maintain emotional detachment when playing in 3D as I did. I don't mean weeping etc but just the whole getting rattled as arty or jabos hit.. It sure rattled me. It's really difficult to explain though argh !!! You;'ll see for yourselves soon I guess.



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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Guest Big Time Software

Charles and I also want to thank Fionn and Martin for playing and taking the massive time needed to write up those AARs. Thanks too go out to Patrick for doing so much work getting them presentable for the public wink.gif

I also have to say that EACH player, at lest twice (three times for Fionn I think) thought they lost the battle. Martin thought it was all over in the first couple of turns after his armor got nailed. He also wondered if he could survive after his second batch was taken out and Fionn was rushing towards town.

Fionn thought he lost, funny enough, after taking the wall line (about a turn or two after Martin thought all was lost smile.gif). The airstrike and Martin's excellent use of artillery, coupled with his infantry losses, brought is confidence level down to very low levels in just a turn or two. When he got towards the river he thought all was lost yet again, but still he pressed on.

The very cool thing to see from, my neutral perspective was how much FEAR these guys had when things got rough. Seriously, both were totally depressed during these lows. However, a few pointers from me (without breaking FoW) usually perked them right back up again, and sure enough... things got better (for a while at least smile.gif).

See, I had it all planned out in my head how the battle was going to play out (in the strategic sense) and therefore could better assess their status. Martin losing all of his armor was PLANNED, so too was Fionn losing the village.

Honestly, Fionn (inspite of a shakey start) did much better than I thought he would. He had the tougher job of the two, and after that airstrike and his infantry losses I thought it might not take very long to get wiped out. But in war, mistakes can be made by either side. Luck and some tactical errors let Fionn get in closer than even I expected, but in the end still proved far too weak to take the village.

It was a real cliff hanger, even for me who knew BOTH sides' exact positions and plans. That says a lot for both the game and the skill of the two players.

Thanks again for the "edutainment" smile.gif


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I would also like to express my appreciation for all the hard work that Fionn and Moon put into the AAR's. I enjoyed them immensely. The only drawback is that they are causing me to go even more crazy then just reading the board was with not being able to play it myself (just keep telling yourself that Steve and Charles say the demo is just around the corner smile.gif.

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Thanks for the great AAR's to both of you. However, I think the end game screen (score) is a bit sparse. Wouldn't it be useful if at least the initial strengths would be listed as well with the casualties? something like X/Y (X = casualties, Y=initial numbers including reinforcements)

[This message has been edited by BenSp (edited 10-20-99).]

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I would also like to thank Moon and Fionn for the time they spent describing their play to us. I know it was a lot of work. You were successful in describing the immersiveness of the game, and your enthusiasm for the system was represented in your writing. Soon we all will get a chance to get a taste of the game, and hopefully it is as excellent as it appears to be.

Thanks again guys.


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Guest Big Time Software

Ben, a lot has been added to the end screen since these guys played. In fact... I haven't seen what they put up there, but I thought the end screen wasn't even working back then wink.gif


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I;m sure I'm not the only one who was motivated to purchase CM because of the AARs. It was Fionn's post to csipg.war-historical that tipped me off to the AARs.

I read war-historical infrequently because I have to read it through deja.com so it was happenstance that I read his post, but I am glad I did. I remember cruising by the battlefront website many months ago when I was playing CC2 heavily but, frankly, CM didn't look apealing at all. Glad I changed my mind.

Kudos to Fionn and Martin.


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I want to add my voice of high praise to Fionn and Martin for the AAR's and Steve's constant 'side-bars'. It's got me at a high pitch of anticipation...JUST for the demo, let alone the full game. I also enjoyed Fionn's LOS article. I, as many others I'm sure in this forum, are at a very high alert status for the demo smile.gif


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I,(and it sounds like the rest of the loyal throng)really appreciate the efforts you guys have put in.

It was a great story and has been fun to watch unfold.

Thanks for posting them, they were worth the wait. smile.gif

My only real criticism, is the fact that the plane was included in the scenario. As the AA part of the game wasn't implemented yet,I think that really unbalanced the game in Martin's favor.

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