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Tube guy: Does he know what it's for?

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Got a bazooka team in a perfect position to the side/rear of a couple of Stugs. Just under 30m range, seven rounds available. Both Stugs are buttoned. So what does tube guy do? He spends two full minutes firing on them with his rifle until he remembers what that long thing strapped to his back is for. KOs one and imobilizes the other so shouldn't complain too much (although by then his loader was dead and eventually so was he). Tried covered arc and targetting. So what's all that about then? Surely a crack (because he was) tube guy in a perfect firing position is going to know what to do. And no, he wasn't in or even near a building.

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Does the bazooka have a minimum range? Any number of supposed bugs got reported in CMSF because of the minimum ranges of some AT weapons - particularly the ATGMs which had a minimum range of 200 meters or more.

No idea if that applies to the bazooka here, but it is one possible explanation.

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Does the bazooka have a minimum range? Any number of supposed bugs got reported in CMSF because of the minimum ranges of some AT weapons - particularly the ATGMs which had a minimum range of 200 meters or more.

No idea if that applies to the bazooka here, but it is one possible explanation.

In terms of arming of the warhead, no. In fact, WWII bazooka rounds were live from the moment the pin was removed (which was usually done just prior to loading the round into the tube). In fact, Bazooka rockets were sometimes used as ad hoc AT mines by burying the tail in the ground, and leaving the tip exposed.

However, I'm not sure how safe it would be to fire a bazooka at a target 15m away... shooter might well be in the blast zone. Not sure if CMBN models this sort of thing or not, but it might.

[i see you answered your own question... well, there you go.]

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Does the bazooka have a minimum range? Any number of supposed bugs got reported in CMSF because of the minimum ranges of some AT weapons - particularly the ATGMs which had a minimum range of 200 meters or more.

No idea if that applies to the bazooka here, but it is one possible explanation.

Definitely not as he did eventually use the bazooka. Its just that he spent two minutes firing his rifle first. Neither he nor the Stugs moved in this time.

Funnily enough he waited until the loader bought it before using the zook.

"Damn, my loader's had it. Loader? Hang on a minute, why have I got a loader with me? Oh, of course. Silly me. Where did I put that tube thingie? Ah, here it is. Wondered why my gear seemed so heavy..."

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Sounds like a bug. Please provide a save file and description of where to locate the example. send: markDOTezra3591ATgmailDOTcom

Sadly I didn't. It was a campaign and I just ploughed on into the next one (and I never save during a game unless I'm planning on retiring for the night).

I suspect you're right about a bug but it didn't occur to me at the time as he did actually use the zook in the end...

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I also don't have a save - it can be experienced playing the demo - the mission where you have to squeeze your German forces on the exit zone and Polish and British forces are trying to cut you off from 2 different directions. There my guy was just staring at the armoured car with the aimed zook behind the low wall and not firing for quite some time - he was then shot by the armoured car that was supposed to get blasted...

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This problem has been there since the game was released. it has been the topic for threads before now.

You guys are going down the path that has been done before, I would suggest you look at the old threads. But I do not recall if BF ever made any input to the way units presently act or if they are looking into changing anything.

And most important, did anyone ever do enough testing to see what the game is really doing and how often it happens.

I know it happens, but in general, I find my units engaging correctly, when they do not. It generally takes shifting them so that the correct person in the team sees the target so that they engage it. if this is the problem, I doubt that a fix in coding is coming anytime soon.

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I think it is important that the version number is considered in these cases as what happened pre-Version 1.10 cannot be relied upon as being current case.

However searching the archive when you find a strange happening is probably worth doing to see what the response was, or workaround, or its a bug now as previously.

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It sounds silly, but I inadvertently found that that FAST moving an AT team so they run at full tilt past some point that is within range of a tank (preferably buttoned up and with its flank to the team), the guy with the shrek/zook, will stop, aim and kill the tank and then continue his FAST move to wherever safe place you originally designated.

I have killed more tanks doing this (by mistake!) than by any other method. Just one way in which playing "the system" works. :)

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