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Scottish Corridor Mission 13 SPOILERS

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Im on mission 13, Grainville, of Scottish corridoor (which btw is probably the best campaign Ive ever played)

Anyhow in the breifing it says the enemy has PZIV's...ok no prob.. but when I start the mission the huns have a company+ of PZV's with not a PZIV to be seen.

Is this the result of my performance in one of the 'test' missions or just bad intel?

Anyway the problem is, how the hell do I win this mission?

I have 3 17pdr AT guns but if I put them in overwatch position they tend to get taken out or pinned by small arms, and shooting 6pdr tank and AT guns at Panthers is as effective as throwing Tennis balls at them.

There doesn't seem to be anywhere to hide on this map so the panthers just roll up in a line and lay waste to all my churchills and AT guns

The only way I can think to possible win this mission is to literally hide every tank behind the back hedgrerow, not use them at all and just hope I can get a ceasefire with the objectives in a state of 'contested'

Anyone won this mission?

Anyone encountered PZIV's?

Any input woul be much appreciated...

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If you are up against Panthers in mission 13, that means you are playing the VETERAN level of this mission and that means that you'll get a nice 'surprise' when you finish it, win or lose, it doesn't matter ;). The REGULAR and GREEN versions have PzIVs. There are a few key positions that allow your 17-pdrs to dominate the battlefield. They are the key to victory as they usually kill the Panthers with one shot. And you only need to deprive the AI of control of the VP locations. ;)

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There are a few key positions that allow your 17-pdrs to dominate the battlefield

Quick - gimme a grid for them!

I'm re-running the third one (for about the umpteenth time it seems) so any advanced 'intelligence' from recce'ing (cheats or otherwise) is gratefully accepted.

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Gawd, I really hope mission 13 isn't a "find the trick" challenge (that all those wrist twitchers depend on to keep people replaying missions and thus giving the illusion of value for money).

The great think about CM games is that using good tactics they should be winnable first time thru. I can only hope that TrailApe is... well a real ape (no offense meant mate).


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Gawd, I really hope mission 13 isn't a "find the trick" challenge (that all those wrist twitchers depend on to keep people replaying missions and thus giving the illusion of value for money).

Erwin, Erwin. :o You remain so determined to be negative and suspect the worst of my work. Of course it's not a "find the trick" challenge. I don't do those. Never have. Never will, thank you. The OP was just asking for some help and I gave him a pointer. :P

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Hey, I'm one of your biggest fans!

And it's your fans' job to make sure you don't get lazy or cocky... Think of me as that poor sod who ran beside the Roman emperors chanting "All glory is fleeting" or somesuch just to prevent the big dude from resting on his laurels.

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Hey, I'm one of your biggest fans!

Well, then you'll forgive me for saying it but I'm having a hard time believing that just now ;)

And it's your fans' job to make sure you don't get lazy or cocky... Think of me as that poor sod who ran beside the Roman emperors chanting "All glory is fleeting" or somesuch just to prevent the big dude from resting on his laurels.

Not much chance of that happening for a while what with the Canadian campaign growing on me. However, I have to confess that I'm yearning for the East Front. West Front '44 and '45 are really not my thing and so I'll eventually get bored with it. I'm a German player at heart. As it happen, the final battle in this campaign (mission 14 - 'Fair and Square') reminds me very much of an Eastern Front style battle. I can't wait to get back to the East again.

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I can only hope that TrailApe is... well a real ape (no offense meant mate).

It's not that I'm a total plonker, it's just that I'm trying for perfection.

Since CMSF came along seem more personal, but even more so when it's your own team so to speak.

Well - they're Scots - but I'm playing it as if they have a few English in their ranks, so casualties are hurting me.

Now if they were Man U fans I'd send them forward in human waves, but you just can't be sure can you?

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I think your thinking of Leeds fans.

They're as micey as a box of cod.

(Them being Yorkshire n'all :P )

Seriously though, the Footie fans seem to have got their act together and are not as bad as they used to be - although there will always be the lunatic/dissafected fringe that will use big events like European and International games to try something tricky.

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If you are up against Panthers in mission 13, that means you are playing the VETERAN level of this mission and that means that you'll get a nice 'surprise' when you finish it, win or lose, it doesn't matter ;). The REGULAR and GREEN versions have PzIVs. There are a few key positions that allow your 17-pdrs to dominate the battlefield. They are the key to victory as they usually kill the Panthers with one shot. And you only need to deprive the AI of control of the VP locations. ;)

Cheers Tiger...Just the right amount on info

Managed to get a tactical Victory with 10 panthers knocked out for the loss of 7 churchills 4 6pdrs and a 17pdr.


For anyone really having trouble with this mission what I'd recommend is having a front line level with the back edge of the left hand V/L and the front edge of the right one consisting of infantry and 6 pdr AT guns in foxholes and have a second line of tanks and 17pdr's behind the bocage at the back. From here they can reap havoc with impunity.

I also find a shoot and scoot attack with a platoon and a half of inf and 3 tanks up the far left flank at the start of the game is very effective.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I read the intro briefing for Scottish corridor. It got me on the 2nd ASH having landed in Singapore just in time to surrender. They had actually been there for 2 years and were the best jungle trained unit in the Malayan command (that's including the Aussies) nicknamed "The Jungle Beasts" and were involved in almost continuous rearguard actions from the Thai border to Singapore, where they were the last unit onto the island. About 52 got out to Celyon and India where they were assigned to training others on Japanese tactics. Two even hid out in Northern Malaya during the war.

The 2nd ASH in the CMBN:CW campaign was formerly the 15th battalion, re-designated in May 1942. While there was a lot of rotation of personnel to provide trained replacements for units serving in the front line, this also worked to place veteran personnel back in "green units". Most of the men going into Normandy lacked combat experience but they were far from new recruits just finished basic training. Most had gone through extensive training and exercises (1 to 2 years worth), including intensive pre-Overlord training. Most of the immediate replacements for battle casualties had similar levels of preparation. I'd thus be inclined to rate them as regulars as opposed to green. Of course that all depends on how you apply the ratings system. Unfortunately with campaigns its harder to tweek settings to reflect personal preferences as opposed to scenarios.

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Hi Nigel

You are correct about the history of the ASH. Shame I didn't have you to proof-read my campaign briefing before it shipped. ;) However, with regards to them being GREEN troops, that was a design decision. I find that troops with Green experience and Normal/High morale behave much more realistically that Regular troops with the same morale. In the early days of developing this campaign, the Cameronians started out as Green units too. However, their missions are significantly tougher than the ASH missions in this game (not a comment on the real-life action) and so they ended up being mostly Regular.

On a side note, I'm a tad disappointed that I've had so little feedback on the ASH series of missions in this campaign. I spent a lot of time working to create a very different experience for the player from the Cameronian missions and I sweated blood crafting the maps for them which are amongst the best I've ever made. And yet, nothing. Plenty of Haut du Bosq and Grainville but nothing on Tourville, Mondrainville and Gavrus. Mondrainville was my absolute favourite map in this campaign.

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On a side note, I'm a tad disappointed that I've had so little feedback on the ASH series of missions in this campaign. I spent a lot of time working to create a very different experience for the player from the Cameronian missions and I sweated blood crafting the maps for them which are amongst the best I've ever made. And yet, nothing. Plenty of Haut du Bosq and Grainville but nothing on Tourville, Mondrainville and Gavrus. Mondrainville was my absolute favourite map in this campaign.

Give us time PT. Despite some complaints about the money value in CW, there is a ton of material most of us are still digesting, hell I haven't vene gone through all of the base game.

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I'm playing the first ASH mission and certain German teams seem bullet proof. That LMG team at the railway for instance. That infantry gun is also a nasty surprise especially when it also seems impervious to small arms. My guys can't even suppress them let alone kill them. That is with a platoon laying down fire in most cases. Then there are those bloody pistols. One guy wiped out half a section at 50m with a Luger while being "suppressed" by the rest of the platoon. I give up. No point fighting if my guys can't hit anything with small arms fire.

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PT, are you thinking of doing a scenario pack of the missions from the campaign?

I give up.

Probably not :D

No point fighting if my guys can't hit anything with small arms fire.

The Colleville defenders are very tough to kill and they should be. Use your artillery very generously here. That's what I gave you it for ;). You're probably trying to 'do' Colleville too quickly. You don't need C Company to assist in the attack on Tourville. Let B Company do it and back them up with what you can from C Company after Colleville has been cleared. The other German defenders are not nearly as tenacious as the Colleville defenders so you should be able to take them out with small arms and a bit of artillery.

As for the Lugers/pistols issues, let's just say that this particular issue has been brought to BFC's attention ;) It's up to them to decide if they want to fix it.

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Well I've slugged it through to Fair and Square.

And nothing to say about the ASH missions? :eek: How many of them did you play? Did you get to play the Odon Bridges mission? I spent absolutely ages crafting the map for that one and playtesting the AI plans.

Bit easy though compared to the campaign.

Glad to hear it. That was the plan. However, it might not turn out to be quite the cakewalk you think it will be...

Wait, are those more PzIV's?

No :D

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